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Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 18:33
I've had some concerns for a while now about the dwindling amount of racers and especially about racing new custom tracks. So in order to try giving each new custom track some visibility and opportunity for people to race them with each other, I am trying to arrange a weekly event where we race the new tracks (+ possible some other ones).
So the basic goal is to get people to participate and try the new tracks. Of course if this fails then this event will be short lived. But if it succeeds and people arrive to tryout the new tracks and have fun racing with each other, then the event can continue for a long time to come.
The races will be each tuesday at 19 GMT, and I will mark the tracks to be raced in sunday night. This tuesdays tracks I'll add in few moments. I hope to see people come for race. This event is clearly visible in RVZT's page under online racing and also in Tracks menu.
Here are the basic fules from RVZT's pages:
Every tuesday at 19.00 GMT a gathering is held in RV House to race
these new tracks. The tracks will be selected in sunday night so if you
want to practice a bit you can, though the races are for fun only to try
out the new tracks. Up to 5 tracks are selected.
Basic rules:
- Car is Toyeca or other stock pro car (AMW, Cougar, Humma)
- 4 laps
- 2 sessions: first with pickups, and then without pickups
- Tracks are the ones uploaded within week of the last selection
- If there is not 5 new tracks, then the quota will be filled with other tracks (typically some recent tracks that have not been raced yet)
- Arto is the host, but if there are more than 8 players more rooms with other hosts are created so that everyone fits
- Players should download and install the tracks in advance to minimize waiting
- It's polite to rate and/or comment the tracks after race in RVZT

If there are no tracks visible here after sunday, then there will not be a race that tuesday.
Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 19:05
arto @ Sep 21 2008, 02:03 PM wrote: I've had some concerns for a while now about the dwindling amount of racers and especially about racing new custom tracks. So in order to try giving each new custom track some visibility and opportunity for people to race them with each other, I am trying to arrange a weekly event where we race the new tracks (+ possible some other ones).
So the basic goal is to get people to participate and try the new tracks. Of course if this fails then this event will be short lived. But if it succeeds and people arrive to tryout the new tracks and have fun racing with each other, then the event can continue for a long time to come.
The races will be each tuesday at 21 GMT, and I will mark the tracks to be raced in sunday night. This tuesdays tracks I'll add in few moments. I hope to see people come for race. This event is clearly visible in RVZT's page under online racing and also in Tracks menu.
Here are the basic fules from RVZT's pages:
Every tuesday at 21.00 GMT a gathering is held in RV House to race
these new tracks. The tracks will be selected in sunday night so if you
want to practice a bit you can, though the races are for fun only to try
out the new tracks. Up to 5 tracks are selected.
Basic rules:
- Car is Toyeca
- 4 laps
- 2 sessions: first with pickups, and then without pickups
- Tracks are the ones uploaded within week of the last selection
- If there is not 5 new tracks, then the quota will be filled with other tracks (typically some recent tracks that have not been raced yet)
- Arto is the host, but if there are more than 8 players more rooms with other hosts are created so that everyone fits
- Players should download and install the tracks in advance to minimize waiting
- It's polite to rate and/or comment the tracks after race in RVZT

If there are no tracks visible here after sunday, then there will not be a race that tuesday.
I stopped reading there
Oh wait, I may, if I have time, attempt this.
Sounds like a good idea.
Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 19:53
Let me alleviate that rule by saying any pro stock car. So for example Humma and Cougar is also okay. The reason for this rule is to make the racing somewhat even and since Toyeca is the de-facto car used in online races it makes sense. Why not allow any car or pick some custom car? That's because the new tracks are the focal point here, using a familiar set of cars makes sense. I'm all for having custom car races etc., but I have a suspicion it will be hard enough to get meaningful races even this way. Making more choices and more variance would make it even harder.
Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 20:48
wow. that is cool idea. can u change the rvhouse www page link on rvzt to the working page
Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 23:51
Thanks for pointing that out, jase. Done.
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 04:02
Count me IN!
Ayl's Comeback shall be glorious

Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 06:56
Count me in as soon as I figure out what time that will be local...
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 07:03
Oh no! That's right when one of my classes starts... Perhaps I could sit in the back... it's a one hour class, perhaps we could push it back an hour or hour and a half?
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 07:33
hey zag,
What is more important, your 2nd rate American education or Revolt?
Think about it and make the right decision.
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 10:19
Adamodell @ Sep 21 2008, 05:35 AM wrote: arto @ Sep 21 2008, 02:03 PM wrote:
Basic rules:
I stopped reading there
Me too, and I can't even run RV House!
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 15:00
Great Idea.
To be honest with you., I thought people had stopped racing but i was in the house last night and it was packed! (20 odd people) is that lots ? or did it used to be more?
It is the amount of new tracks that come out that will determine the life of this game and I know human is working on one and I am back in the track making mood for the winter so we need to get more creative track artists involved.
There are still new tools that could be made for this game to make the tracks better like adding custom content to user levels all we need is a programmer with a bit of free time who is willing to have a go at it.
So all in all, if the tracks keep coming and we try to advertise Re-Volt on the web more we may pull in some old chums along with new ones.
Re-Volt Fans are out there they just need a bit of taunting in order to dragg emm back lol.
Back to Max for me...
Laterz... Mike..
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 17:55
I wish i could be there, but 22:00 GMT +1 is too late. If it was Saturday or Friday, i wouldn't care, but tuesday is somehow a bad day for me. Then it should be at least 21:00 GMT +1.
I wish i could join the fun races, but as it seems, i may not be able to.
Anyways... I will be there all days!

Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 20:26
Sorry guys, Urnemanden's message made me notice that I had put totally the wrong time there. Lol... I meant 19.00 GMT. The time I put there would be totally inappropriate for me too.
I wish i could be there, but 22:00 GMT +1 is too late. If it was Saturday or Friday, i wouldn't care, but tuesday is somehow a bad day for me. Then it should be at least 21:00 GMT +1.
I'll correct the information as soon as possible, sorry for confusion.
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 20:32
For further clarification I selected this time because it often seems to be the "busy" time in RV House, so I thought maybe it's the most suitable also for most people. Plus it is a time I'm able to play in too.
Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 21:32
Thx so much!
I will be there every day, but just a notice: You haven't edited the time on RVZT

Posted: 22 Sep 2008, 22:25
urnemanden @ Sep 22 2008, 05:02 PM wrote: I will be there every day, but just a notice: You haven't edited the time on RVZT
I have, refresh thy cache

Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 02:56
Still says 21:00 for me. Also 19:00 is too early, but have fun guys.
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 08:26
Skitch2 @ Sep 22 2008, 10:30 AM wrote: To be honest with you., I thought people had stopped racing but i was in the house last night and it was packed! (20 odd people) is that lots ? or did it used to be more?
That's lots. There's rarely that many people.
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 08:55
Didnt see you in there this week arto lol.
I have seen quite a few bods in house this week, it was quite refreshing.
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 18:16
New tracks?
Post office(It's a nice track),Asphalt Rally beta by me(Well,a start...),Axaton Race(grass),Toys on the Bikeroad 5,Mud Race(They're okay).
Well,tray them out,these are the latest tracksby far.
Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 20:34
Posted: 06 Oct 2008, 08:02
Aeon @ Sep 22 2008, 05:49 AM wrote: Adamodell @ Sep 21 2008, 05:35 AM wrote: arto @ Sep 21 2008, 02:03 PM wrote:
Basic rules:
I stopped reading there
Me too, and
I can't even run RV House!
For what reason?
Posted: 07 Oct 2008, 23:05
Just a notice: I may not be able to come tonight. In that case, just organize someone to host the tracks. However, I may be able to get in

Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 20:36
I'm for racing tomorrow

Posted: 18 Oct 2008, 01:57
Next week no race as I am away in the night. Of course if someone wants to host a track race of the recent tracks, that's all good. Let me know here the tracks and I'll insert them in sunday. Or so an impromptu race

Posted: 18 Oct 2008, 15:00
5 new tracks added.
Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 19:29
sjampo @ Oct 18 2008, 10:30 AM wrote: 5 new tracks added.
You know,you coulda choosen younger tracks.
I don't mean my ones.
Posted: 26 Oct 2008, 23:40
Let's skip the custom track race this tuesday, as there is the RvR cup now going and the finals are on tuesday.
Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 02:47
not to worry. we can race them wed-monday lol. i usually miss the races anywayz. since they are 3pm EST. usually race w/ some new players that want to right before i go to sleep.
Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 14:41
arto @ Oct 26 2008, 07:10 PM wrote: Let's skip the custom track race this tuesday, as there is the RvR cup now going and the finals are on tuesday.
I wish i could go race,since you know nothing about my racing skills.
At home(with no internet) i finish 4 laps in Market2 with Toyeca under approx. 1:02 seconds.
I'd like to race now.
Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 18:27
Well, i'm up for the week tracks tonight. Hope you going to be there too!

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 21:10
nero @ Oct 28 2008, 10:11 AM wrote: At home(with no internet) i finish 4 laps in Market2 with Toyeca under approx. 1:02 seconds.
That's a world record by a big margin. Congrats!
Posted: 29 Oct 2008, 14:00
The only problem is...i never had internet,and i'm at the library if i contact you guys.
I can't race yet...if i blow up that snail as a PC then buy a new one,then get the internet,then maybe i can.
I beat the world record by whom?
So then,when would the tracks be tested?
Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 02:50
I beat the world record by whom?
I don't remember who held the previous record, but your time is better by several seconds.
Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 03:10
wow. where do u live nero. and send me some of that local bottled water u be drinking
Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 14:41
jaseaka @ Oct 29 2008, 10:40 PM wrote: Wow.Where do u live Nero?And send me some of that local bottled water you'll be drinking.
Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 22:39
jaseaka @ Oct 29 2008, 10:40 PM wrote: wow. where do u live nero. and send me some of that local bottled water u be drinking
Could use some too, that is like.. 15,5 seconds as average o.0
Sure it was with toyeca?
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 05:41
I must remind,no picks for record race!
I still hold several WR for several Custom Tracks,as I suck in all stocks,for reasons I can't still discover
I'm very rusted,but tomorrow I will be joining you guys
Cya in the Grid
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 15:30
I'm not sure if I can make it on time to the customs race - the little mr. Arto has taken a habit of going to sleep quite late in the last couple of days. If so, I'll come around when he's asleep (maybe 30 mins late). Someone else can do the hosting if I don't make it on time.
Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 00:44
There hasn't been custom track races now for 2 weeks. The reason being I've upgraded my computer and haven't had the time to put Re-Volt working yet. On the other hand, the christmas season is upon us, so I'll hold of holding the events until next year.
In the beginning of next year we'll continue if Father Christmas so pleases. Happy holidays everyone!
Posted: 14 Jan 2009, 12:25
arto @ Dec 9 2008, 08:14 PM wrote: There hasn't been custom track races now for 2 weeks. The reason being I've upgraded my computer and haven't had the time to put Re-Volt working yet. On the other hand, the christmas season is upon us, so I'll hold of holding the events until next year.
It is 2009 now, am i correct?
I hope that you begin on the week tracks tryout again. we've got so many good tracks that we could try out. I hope we are aranging something next tuesday!

Posted: 14 Jan 2009, 16:57
well, it doesn't have to be official , just get some buddies to download the tracks and race. i tried out challenge lake yesterday. which was tuesday. ummm coinsendence
Posted: 14 Jan 2009, 23:00
jaseaka @ Jan 14 2009, 12:27 PM wrote: well, it doesn't have to be official , just get some buddies to download the tracks and race. i tried out challenge lake yesterday. which was tuesday. ummm coinsendence
Yeah as I sobered from the new year, I kind of came to the same conclusion. There's no need for official races and they're kind of too rigid and take some of the fun out of the whole thing.
We had fun races and we'll continue to have fun races, but without such a schedule.
Posted: 14 Jan 2009, 23:55
Oh ok. I just believe that people sometimes don't want to play custom tracks because of all thoose download, unzips, & installs. When you have a clear date, people ca be prepared for racing the selected custom tracks.
Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 02:42
urnemanden @ Jan 14 2009, 07:25 PM wrote: Oh ok. I just believe that people sometimes don't want to play custom tracks because of all thoose download, unzips, & installs. When you have a clear date, people ca be prepared for racing the selected custom tracks.
Yes sure, that was my hope too, to get new faces to try the new custom tracks. But in practice that didn't happen. We had fun races, but it was the regular gang mostly. Since we can do impromptu custom races with the regular gang anyway a set schedule is not needed and is basically unnecessary like jase said.
Posted: 21 Jan 2009, 18:57
Why does my logo show on RV House?
Posted: 23 Jan 2009, 03:03
nero @ Jan 21 2009, 02:27 PM wrote: Why does my logo show on RV House?
Posted: 24 Jan 2009, 14:03
arto @ Jan 22 2009, 10:33 PM wrote: nero @ Jan 21 2009, 02:27 PM wrote: Why does my logo show on RV House?
Whan i posted a comment,it showed <nero>.
<nero> was bold and red.
Next day i check,it's gone.
Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 00:29
nero @ Jan 24 2009, 09:33 AM wrote: arto @ Jan 22 2009, 10:33 PM wrote: nero @ Jan 21 2009, 02:27 PM wrote: Why does my logo show on RV House?
Whan i posted a comment,it showed <nero>.
<nero> was bold and red.
Next day i check,it's gone.
Hmm... I wasn't asking about RV House posting your nickname (nero), that's standard procedure so that people can identify who says what. I meant where does it use your logo? I wouldn't use anyone's logo without their permission. If there's a logo made by you somewhere it must be removed promptly or permission be obtained from you to use it.
Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 00:59
I think he meant logo by the fact that his name was red. Not necessarily a picture.