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Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 06:52
This is the situation:
In a multiplayer game, we choose the NY 54. The car choosen has 2 paintjobs. I'm choosing the car.bmp, while the other player is choosing the caror.bmp.
The game crashes?
Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 10:53
You need to rename, the caror.bmp to car.bmp, and then rename the old car.bmp & *.bmq. Only bad thing is, that now, every NY 54 becomes Green.
You could do an other thing, but this takes some more time. Take a copy of all the files, except the car.bmp & car.bmq. Then make a new folder, and change the parameters. Only bad thing is that all players have to do it the same way, else it looks like you drive with the cheat car.
Hope this fixed your problem.

Posted: 22 Aug 2008, 19:34
backup both the 2 bmps. then just rename car.bmp to caror.bmp. all the cars will look the same to u. game shouldn't crash. and u can leave the extra backup bmps in the same folder...
u can do that w/ any car you want really. for example i use my 'voltz' repaint. i take the bmp and put in toyeca folder and rename the bmp file. hope i've not confused ya