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Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 01:34
Well, I decided I'd attempt to use transparency on my cars now, and I mean true transparency. I can't go the "3ds Max + smoothing group + ase2prm" route, so I used the detach as separate prm method. Well, I got that to work fine and dandy, (nearly perfect I might add), but there is this one reoccurring glitch that'd make even the most logical of thinkers pissed.
I've exported the PRM the proper ZModeler way, rvshaded it and rvtransed it like normal.
The lights are transparent, properly, when I start the race. But when I use the reset, they go nearly opaque. All efforts to fix this have been futile.
Exported out of ZModeler twice, RVShade n 200 200 200, and RVTrans 84.15
And that's what happens! I even swapped the body.prm as spinner and lights.prm as body, and the glitch still occurs the same way.
The prm must be corrupted somehow.
Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 02:34
Delete the polygons from the headlights or use RGB 000 over them.
Nice TD6 Atlantique
Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 03:33
Cat @ Aug 7 2008, 10:04 PM wrote: Delete the polygons from the headlights or use RGB 000 over them.
Nice TD6 Atlantique
It's actually a GT2 Atlantique... and I didn't know there was a TD6 Atlantique!
If I knew that I wouldn't of went through the hassle!
And your answer fails!
Do you understand true transparency? This isn't 0,0,0 stuff, this is an individual prm (lights.prm, to be exact) that has went through RVTrans and should stay transparent PERMANENTLY.
Of course, what you said is a workaround, but it'd defeat the original purpose of making the lights rvtransed to being with. It'd be a waste to have a separate TRANSPARENT prm, just to pureblack it out and remove its original purpose.
Next answer?
(Cat, download the car and see for yourself... no way that rvtrans has a glitch like this, that'd make resetting the car screw up the transparency)
Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 04:15
Adamodell @ Aug 7 2008, 11:03 PM wrote: It's actually a GT2 Atlantique... and I didn't know there was a TD6 Atlantique!
(Cat, download the car and see for yourself... no way that rvtrans has a glitch like this, that'd make resetting the car screw up the transparency)
TD6 car meshes= CRAP (see the Impreza, R34, etc in that game)
Car dowloaded, now i will work on it.
An idea: use the textures from the TD6 car and paste them on your car
Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 04:18
Removed video.
Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 08:43
Apparently ZModeler prm files don't conform with the PRM standards.
Because, out of curiosity, I rvtrans'd the body, and the same glitch occurs. If you rvtrans a stock car, this glitch doesn't happen.
and sorry for the double post... I can't even think properly right now
Edit: Get this, I downloaded 3ds Max 5, figured out how to use smoothing groups, and successfully got a single prm out of this mess.
But the lights do the same thing!
With ase2prm! And smoothing group 24 on the lights in morph mode!
Is this a graphics card error maybe?
Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 11:57
Well, when i drove the car, i didnt see any glitches. it all worked fine here
But maybe i am wrong. Hope you figure it out

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 05:26
Waffle. Maybe with syrup. (just my way of deleting a uselessly long post) -Adam
Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 08:14
Dude, I flipped this car once last night, and twice tonight, used reposition and zoomed in on it and I can see headlights. I don't see the glitch you are talking about. Perhaps you need others to test for the problem. I dunno.
The one glitch I did see with this car I saw once before, but forget which car I saw it on. The glitch is simple, the car doesn't have any wheel wells for the wheels. They modeled the car without them and use transparency on the skin to stimulate the openings for the wheels. Look closely at the car in the game, it's very reflective and shiny. I Look at the wheels closely and notice the part of the wheel that is below the bottom of the body's prm is less shiny and reflective.
It's kinda like looking at a wheel well that some put plastic wrap over. It's a bit shiny, but you can see right thru it.
BTW, if you're an obsessive-compulsive type of person, I apologize for giving you something else to worry about..... <insert evil laugh here>
Have it tested by others is the best thing I can think of. E-mail it to peeps and see what they say.
Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 08:45
revolt_randy @ Aug 9 2008, 03:44 AM wrote: Dude, I flipped this car once last night, and twice tonight, used reposition and zoomed in on it and I can see headlights. I don't see the glitch you are talking about. Perhaps you need others to test for the problem. I dunno.
The one glitch I did see with this car I saw once before, but forget which car I saw it on. The glitch is simple, the car doesn't have any wheel wells for the wheels. They modeled the car without them and use transparency on the skin to stimulate the openings for the wheels. Look closely at the car in the game, it's very reflective and shiny. I Look at the wheels closely and notice the part of the wheel that is below the bottom of the body's prm is less shiny and reflective.
It's kinda like looking at a wheel well that some put plastic wrap over. It's a bit shiny, but you can see right thru it.
BTW, if you're an obsessive-compulsive type of person, I apologize for giving you something else to worry about..... <insert evil laugh here>
Have it tested by others is the best thing I can think of. E-mail it to peeps and see what they say.
Finally a new member with intelligence! lol
Yes I overreacted.
As for the reflective wheel wells, that's on any of my GT2 cars.
That's the way the cars were modeled. Transparency is used to "simulate" the wells like you said.
There is no way to disable env on a per-pixel basis.
Also, look at the cars in GT2. Although most of the time the cars don't have shiny wheel wells, I swear I've seen them shine before at one time with one car.
I'm not going to edit the modeling of a car to fix something that wasn't broken.
It's one of those "it's not worth it" things.
As for this car, I even made a video of the car doing it if you don't believe me.
And one other person says it does it to him.
I tried scloink's Eclipse conversion with transparent windows, and it doesn't glitch.
So something is no-doubt wrong. I might have to just drop it, as I cannot get it correct.
Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 19:28
the actuall game has ENV over the wheels.. which i have no idea why they did that.
Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 20:23
Dunno, but models, got ENV too. Maybe it is because, they want the model/car to be shiny, and they want people's attention

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 22:30
Whatever I do I fail. I will not stop until I get this correct.
How many times I've imported an exported the model boggles the mind.
Let's see what I've tried in retrospective:
1: An individual prm model with transprency set with RVTrans = fail
2: Detached the lights in Zmodeler, exported the thing as 3ds, ran it through Max's smoothing groups, exported as ase, ase2prm -m switch, same glitch.
3: Used editable poly mode with only one model the second time, selected the whole car as an editable mesh with smoothing group 30. In editable poly mode I selected the headlight covers and added sg 25 for 50% transparency. ase2prm -m switch.
Same glitch.
Take note that Scloink's Eclipse conversion (that I repainted as Eclipse Tuner) has transparent windows, and they don't glitch on my system, and scloink probably used the same or similar methods that I listed above.
@revolt_randy, I really don't care about reflective wheel wells, but this problem is ticking me off. I've already have others say it happens on their systems, so just because it doesn't on yours don't mean anything.
Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 23:37
robenue @ Aug 9 2008, 02:58 PM wrote: the actuall game has ENV over the wheels.. which i have no idea why they did that.
GT2 cars has polys in the wheel's site that must be deleted in Zmodeler. That causes the ENV over the wheels (i'm wondering if you understand it with those words, if not, open a GT2 mesh in Zmodeler and you will understand).
@adam: contact scloink then, and send the car to him
Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 00:13
Cat @ Aug 10 2008, 07:07 PM wrote: robenue @ Aug 9 2008, 02:58 PM wrote: the actuall game has ENV over the wheels.. which i have no idea why they did that.
GT2 cars has polys in the wheel's site that must be deleted in Zmodeler. That causes the ENV over the wheels (i'm wondering if you understand it with those words, if not, open a GT2 mesh in Zmodeler and you will understand).
@adam: contact scloink then, and send the car to him
Contact scloink!?
For all I know he could be dead!
As for deleting the polys around the wheels, the wheel wells 3d-wise are very low poly and the texture way is still better regardless of env.
Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 00:57
scloink made a very brief re-appearence last year, but I seriously doubt that he would help you even if he came back again.
Is it really that important for the car or is it one of those things that just annoy the hell out of you because it should be reletively easy to fix ?
Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 01:07
Manmountain @ Aug 10 2008, 08:27 PM wrote: scloink made a very brief re-appearence last year, but I seriously doubt that he would help you even if he came back again.
Is it really that important for the car or is it one of those things that just annoy the hell out of you because it should be reletively easy to fix ?
I gave up on it for at least this current car. It isn't worth it, ya know?
I'll go with the latter, it's really not that important but I really want to be able to fix it on my own without any aid, because that's just the way I work.
I'm gonna be tweaking this car a bit, maybe make the light covers properly textured so they are round rather than the current rectangular, because they are relatively rounded in GT2 and in real life. It's making me so angry that I want to give up, so I suppose I better stop now before I make myself so angry that I leave lol.
Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 11:16
[It's making me so angry that I want to give up, so I suppose I better stop now before I make myself so angry that I leave lol.
Amen.... Don't sweat the small stuff and always look for bigger fish to fry...
Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 08:39
revolt_randy @ Aug 12 2008, 06:46 AM wrote: [It's making me so angry that I want to give up, so I suppose I better stop now before I make myself so angry that I leave lol.
Amen.... Don't sweat the small stuff and always look for bigger fish to fry...
I gave up on it, dude!
Yes, the bigger fish to fry have just been fried, too!