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Posted: 23 Jul 2008, 16:55
Hey re-volters, I have made a new particle map for Grass and Dirt tracks. Also I new Zapper ENV. I worked on this for a while. I hope you like it.

You can get it
Posted: 23 Jul 2008, 18:19
I make a new reflection map and now you wanna make new particle effects lol.
I'll check it out.
Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 08:29
Once again, robby, everyone ignores your work.
Time to slay all.
Man I double post a lot. *LEARN TO USE THE EDIT FUNCTION ADAM!*
Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 10:40
I've personally never been much of a fan of what I consider to be "minor" changes. Other than sound effects, anyway. What's the Zipper ENV map you're talking about? I'm not sure what you're referring to.
Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 11:29
yeah everyone does ignore my work don't they?
and Aeon, There is picture showing what i changed.. ENV is so called shinyness.. it's ENV!!!! the reflection map changes when you activate the zapper.
Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 12:38
I was actually going write a reply for 3 days ago, just before i was going on vacation, but the stupid float control, made me angry :/
Anyways. A really good, job! and i would like to ask for permission to use it in the next track im going to make in August.
(Look At My track Plan 2008)
this is a really good grass particle, wich i will use in the Full custom version of the track.
Good job extreme rush.

Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 18:59
Aeon @ Jul 24 2008, 06:10 AM wrote: I've personally never been much of a fan of what I consider to be "minor" changes. Other than sound effects, anyway. What's the Zipper ENV map you're talking about? I'm not sure what you're referring to.
I'm not sure if ENV is the correct term, but it's that "electric" effect that happens when you get shocked by that one weapon.
It is somewhat like env though, because on high-poly cars even this effect glitches in and out. I think it uses the same method, but it isn't really a reflection map because it doesn't rotate from a point like a reflection map does.
Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 05:34
Yeah, it is ENV because it get rid of the reflection in replacement to the zapper.
Also, Urne the particles work on any track and system. I'm now known as Kchanshinobi team. extreme rush is fine also =D
Anyway, thanks for downloading man!
Posted: 27 Jul 2008, 18:34
Topics that get moved should be noted to the creator of it.
This has nothing to do with tracks, it's part of Re-Volt's graphics.
Posted: 27 Jul 2008, 19:07
Anything that is to do with visual game play belongs in the TRACKS section.

Posted: 29 Jul 2008, 13:56
Posted: 29 Jul 2008, 18:39
Edit: That was such a spam post, wasn't it?
Postwhoring ftw!