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Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 18:19
Iron Bob
I was just wondering if anyone has figured out how to make PRM models glow in revolt? I don't mean shine or polish. I mean glow with a light of their own like the pickups do.
Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 21:01
*SuPeRTaRD imagines a car with blue or green or purple additive transparency shadow underneath it.
make a planiar shadow & put additive transparency on it, & texture it bright shade of whatever color u want your shadow to "glow"
might look kinda like undercarrage lighting
the powerups make the world .w vertices glow
my idea would look similar , but the edge would cut off alot more sharply.. you could texture the edges fading from white middle to grayscale black edges
and then vertice color it the shade u want
*SuPeRTaRD shrugs *
Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 22:24
I've also tried something with the shadow once, but it aint glow,
just an other colour shadow...

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 03:04
Iron Bob
Well, to explain, I'm working on replacing most or all of the models in the models folder. They are bacically just PRM's with the extension changed to ".M". I've made a new pickup model, and have managed to get it to vertex shade and shine very nicely. But because it doesn't glow, it turns dark or black on some tracks. I've already replaced the 1-2-3-GO!. And that turned out beautiful. I'm not much of a programmer but I'm trying to isolate what in the PRM file makes them glow. I was just wondering if anyone has figured it out already. Thinking about it a car with undercarrige glow would look pretty cool. Maybe after I figure it out.
BTW, the powerup glow on the track comes frome the pickup placement not the pickup itself, it's a vertex shade effect given to the area where the pickup is placed.
Thanx for the reply guys it all helps

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:52
I was also always wondering if its possible to add smoke on the sides of the cars,
the nitro ones of course...
I dont know if its possible to add moving textures or particles to a car model.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 19:38
Killer Wheels
just to say that for the moment you can't add moving textures on a .prm, only the world (.w) support.
Nether particles I dunno but...... Snif

Posted: 05 Oct 2005, 03:34
Iron Bob
This is just a theory, but from what I can tell the glow effect is simply a switch in the PRM that tells revolt not to adjust its vertex shade/colors to those of the track. There might even be a switch to tell revolt how the prm affects the tracks colors.
Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 11:17
Did you find out how this works Iron Bob?
Posted: 12 Dec 2005, 13:57
Iron Bob
But I haven't given up on it yet, I'm almost positive it's just a switch in the model file. But I'm not a programmer so it's taking me forever to find it.