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Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 09:18
I have an idea: an forum dedicated to car tuning (aparted from the world of conversions) where you can get modded cars, parts (wheel meshes with specific designs, wings, decals for textures, etc) and parameters help.
So, what do you think???

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 10:10
Good idea, but no one is available to help really.
It might of "flew" 6 years ago.
Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 13:03
I dont make cars, or tuning them, i only repainted one.
Anyway. I think the idea was good, but dont you think there will be too many forums?
People are spread over 3-5 forums, so another forum will be too many i think.
If you try - Good Luck!

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:14
Well. I threw this idea out to the community a while ago, but no one thought it was possible. Create a central website for everyone in the community. Bring all the forums together by creating one massive community. Combine like topics and separate the others. Give the other forum administrators privileges over the topics they wish to control. Also on this website, construct a ReVoltRace system. Combine the community and help it grow. Thanks,
Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:50
Well, there are certain factors that keep this project/idea from ever reaching a fully realised concept.
Lanuage; as there are three mainly active types I know of :
- English : ORP, RRR & ReVolt Forum
- French : RVTT & ReVolt Cars
- Italian : Alias ReVolt Master
Personal administration beliefs and regulations, who would actually be the most senior admin with the last say, who else would control what ?
Where would the site be located, what would be the best forum tools needed, would there need to be vast amounts of upload space ?
These are some of the main factors to be considered.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 02:08
Well, it's like a ghost town anyway...
I don't think making a huuuge forum would help, it would just be a larger ghost town.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 02:44
Probaly, and also i think there will be alot of discussion of who to ban etc.
Hmm.. I think it is too late to make 1 big forum, and more forums may not help. Maybe make a subforum, but i am not sure if you will get permission for that.

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 05:26
I was going to incorporate a free translator into the website. Registering users select a language and that language would be pre-set whenever the user logs on. Removed posts would have to be reported first. An admin could not simply delete a post or topic because it went against what he believed. After the topic is reported, an admin/moderator could lock the topic or remove the post. After a topic has been locked, three moderators(or more) would vote to permanently remove the topic and any related posts. My website has approximately 160GB of space and we could increase efficiency if several web programmers worked together on the systems. I have spoken to RST(blah), and he would be willing to create a track and car packager that could be automatically verified by the website, decreasing the need for a full-time track and car approver. Also, by backing up the different member databases, a program could be written to add all the existing members to the new database automatically(excluding duplicate, banned, and members who have been offline for more than five years). And, if we wanted, a program could be written to send an email(or two for some spam filters) to all members to inform them of the new community. A new beginning.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 05:29
Sounds great, where do I sign up ?
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 05:31
Do I sense a bit of sarcasm, MM? lol. I would be willing to start on the project tonight.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 07:33
I still stand by my beliefs that this community don't have the drive for a huuuuuuuge thing like that. It's like a mass-suicide or something. And lol at blehing RST
Really, I could go back to the RRR and beg forgiveness and probably get along just fine again, but now is not the time for that. Mebbe next year I will go back. That's if I can stand this community a year from now. It's deteriorating just like an old car rusts away into oblivion. Luckily, new members are a-commin'. A lot of new members actually.
Maybe you should start promoting #revolt-chat again, too, as I'm on there and NOTHING is happening (of course Tile is always there). At least RST's #revolt is fun and active. But I blame that channel for getting me in trouble.... lol!
Build this megalomaniac forum/car-track upload/other site if you wish, Zach, it'd be like an NFSCars for the Re-Volt community, but don't expect it to take off until Re-Volt 2 hits (regardless of whether it is good or crap).
Just do what your intuition leads you to, I say. Don't let my rants stop you. Continue on the trodden path to success. Even if you have to fail first. Just my two cents.
Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 00:09
zagames @ Jul 7 2008, 01:01 AM wrote:Do I sense a bit of sarcasm, MM? lol. I would be willing to start on the project tonight.
No no!
I genuinly would like to see a 'One Stop Shop' for ReVolt.
But with obvious negative statements such as Adam's and those who feel the same but don't voice it out loud, then this project will have a lot of difficult hurdles to overcome.
If I had any kind of html or programming skills I would be sure to help, but I don't.

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 00:46
Manmountain @ Jul 7 2008, 07:39 PM wrote: zagames @ Jul 7 2008, 01:01 AM wrote:Do I sense a bit of sarcasm, MM? lol. I would be willing to start on the project tonight.
No no!
I genuinly would like to see a 'One Stop Shop' for ReVolt.
But with obvious negative statements such as Adam's and those who feel the same but don't voice it out loud, then this project will have a lot of difficult hurdles to overcome.
If I had any kind of html or programming skills I would be sure to help, but I don't.
Hey man, I didn't say anything about not supporting it.
If this project takes flight, I'll be on it like ugly on an ape.
Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 03:07
Cat @ Jul 5 2008, 07:48 PM wrote: I have an idea: an forum dedicated to car tuning (aparted from the world of conversions) where you can get modded cars, parts (wheel meshes with specific designs, wings, decals for textures, etc) and parameters help.
So, what do you think???
How about just a subsection of this forum?
Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 07:40
I will begin working on laying out the system. When I figure out how it will be set up, it will be very easy for others to help build it. If other people can work on submitting information in the given format, I will be able to focus solely on the system behind the website. It would be very easy for me to copy and paste the information onto the website, or I could set up a way for the "helpers" to upload it themselves. I would like to use a variation of the website layout I use now. I would like help designing it as well though. There are many things I tried that didn't work out very well. What we could really use is a person or group who can work with Macromedia Flash or a similar program to create high-efficiency animations. And even a player for user-made videos. Lots of work...
Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 08:03
I wouldn't design the whole website on Flash, and I'd also give the option to not use Flash for purists like me.
Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 22:35
This sounds so much like the thinking behind RVA - this was to be THE RV site - it would have all the cars, all the tracks, all the progs like Glue, all the tutorials, most importantly, the Racers Point/RV Downloads Forum archives (that contained all the early discoveries about RV, including help from a couple of the original design team members) and anything else RV-related.
It was to have been a community team effort, but, after a few changes of ownership, it became just another forum and the early cars and tracks were never uploaded. And the forum archive seems to have disappeared. We were very lucky that TMAM had a suitable forum to 'take over' and Arto managed to get all the tracks for RVZT before they too were lost.
While I would support another attempt at this colossus, please leave the forums alone and let them stay independant - I think it would be a massive mistake to put everything under 1 roof, as it were.
Posted: 09 Jul 2008, 07:12
I agree with GWC. It is always a good idea to keep a backup plan. But I would still like to try it, at least once. And Adam, the flash would only be for specific objects. Like a video player and maybe one or two other things. If we can't find anyone, then we'll just embed Windows Media or Youtube. Whichever ends up working out the best.