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Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 05:29
im doing this quetion to make a step ahead in car customizing: How the Probe Ufo does to use his own sound instead of ñrrrrrrrrrnnnn and bzzzzzzzzzzz??? is part from the game programming?
Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 05:44
Yes as Manmountain said eons ago, it's part of the game engine.
Just like how the UFO can fly and the Rotor can flip and still go forward. I don't think you can give other cars the UFO sound.
And you can't give one specific car it's own engine sound, for example my ZZII Petrol.wav, all cars will sound that way then.
NFS4 is superior in that respect, each car can have it's own engine, horn, interior, and shifter sounds and who knows what else.
But, the simple "replace petrol.wav" is the best you can do right now.
Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 10:58
This would be high on my list of things to add if Re-Volt ever goes open source.
Right after being able to shift gears along with an RPM meter that actually means something.
Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 12:57
If revolt goes open source, then i will change the revolt engine to a newer one that is compatible with textures in 512x512, and a ncp that can be much bigger

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 15:43
The sounds and physical specifics of certain cars are limited to their individual folder names and are part of the internal engine processing.
If you put your own car in the specic folder you can obtain it's characteristics.
UFO : own sound and defy gravity
Roto : flip and drive
Clock work : own sound multiple cars & shading in clockwork mode
Panga : moving head
Mystery car : shimmering/flowing body work (moving sheet)
Any more ?
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 00:31
Manmountain @ Jul 6 2008, 11:13 AM wrote: The sounds and physical specifics of certain cars are limited to their individual folder names and are part of the internal engine processing.
If you put your own car in the specic folder you can obtain it's characteristics.
UFO : own sound and defy gravity
Roto : flip and drive
Clock work : own sound multiple cars & shading in clockwork mode
Panga : moving head
Mystery car : shimmering/flowing body work (moving sheet)
Any more ?
yes, the Volken with the blue shade
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 00:36
I don't remember a Volken with blue shading...
Anyway, if their was, it is probably vertex shaded. As in, vertex colors.
Like, how their is one door texture (white) in Toys in the Hood for cars, yet, the cars have the correct door colors. It's because these polygons are shaded blue and red respectively.