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Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 22:08
i guess i can't participate in revolt anumore cuz my internet i was stealing was recently canceled (stupid schools)
i am at the library now
i will hope i can get internet again
i hope to see u soon
i have to leave the community

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 23:41
Can't you use a memory stick and the portable version of RV that Adam was offering ?
Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 00:00
I think he is saying he can play Re-Volt, but, he can't participate in the community itself or download anything because he has no active internet connection.
And also. why don't you have an internet connection? I don't mean to be rude, but, dang man. Everyone in the world should have at least dial-up now. They should make those wealthy rich peeps pay for it for them.
Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 00:42
Adamodell @ Jun 24 2008, 07:30 PM wrote: And also. why don't you have an internet connection? I don't mean to be rude, but, dang man. Everyone in the world should have at least dial-up now. They should make those wealthy rich peeps pay for it for them.
I was thinking the same, pretty much all people i know have a internet connection... Not to be rude either
Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 02:59
some of my freinds dont even have a pc...some dont even have a phone
Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 06:05

well...i got a slower sucky'er version of free dial up through juno

life is life
but the bad thing is that i can only be on 10 hours a month
so u still would be seeing me allitle less
i got can't play revolt at library cuz i get that stupid "send dont send error" when ever i launch
Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 07:23
A better question would be, "Do you have parents?", because parents would normally purchase some form of internet access unless they are on welfare.... Then they're probably as old as the dinosaurs.
Why do you need free internet? And can you explain this error in the library you have been getting?
Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 09:58
Internet costs money. Money is getting hard to come by these days. If you're not working for it and paying your own bills, you probably don't appreciate that. If the advantages of having the internet don't outweigh its cost, then people tend not to have it.
Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 18:58
I still think a computer and the internet go hand-in-hand, and if you have one, you should have the other.
Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 09:16
due to health issues w/ my mother...we can't afford net..and i do have a job but i have to give away my money
i don't feel like talking about it
i think overmadmax knows the story..ask him
that error ig et is that one where is says " an error occurred and you have to send error report to microsoft"...and it gives u 2 options......send error report of don't send and no matter what u click u crash
that error comes immediately up after every time u launch revolt there
Posted: 27 Jun 2008, 03:39
I am forced to do an evil maniacal laugh and scream "in your face", at the top of my lungs.
But, alas, I'm not that rude...
Do what you wish man, I don't choose to release anything because the audience is non-existent. You don't even get a choice in the matter! You didn't choose to leave, what was around you currently is what forced you to leave.
I guess we'll have to talk about you in past tense now, revoltkid.