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Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 18:50
Tell me what any of you define as spam and I'll be a happy camper. I want answers.
Rapid fire posting with little use of the edit button is my fault, yes, but spamming is different in my eyes. I'm waiting for you to call me a troll now, just to add more forum jargon to my repertoire.
Just bringing up 10 older threads and being mostly on topic is not spamming. I do admit, a couple topics I was more off than on-topic, but what bad intentions did I have?
That is the whole point of this post.
I always get in trouble when my intentions are not for the sake of that purpose.
I'm sorry pointing out that Skitch hasn't done anything even though he said he would is spam, I'm sorry replying to a thread and commenting on how long Robenue has been around is spam, you get the point. There was no infraction of the rules in my eyes, I don't know about anyone else.
Also, you wanna know why I don't use the edit button and double post? It's a habit that I got from RRR because they won't allow you to edit posts for a really long time.
Also, some of my posts are so long, would you really want them all self contained in their own post? It'd be a huge wall-of-text.
I've been a member for a while, so why has it been so long, that this has happened?
I had the same over-posting traits back in the day, a good example would be "Should I Do More Conversions?" which I gladly wanted locked because it wasn't getting anywhere. And you gladly locked it for me.
Spam, is a post with no meaning or purpose for existence in the most broad sense.
My posts are too long to have no meaning.
(and I have a feeling that this post will get flamed as well, but go figure)
Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 22:44
Although the term "spam" is often twisted to mean whatever someone wants it to mean, I think Wikipedia gives the best definition for what spam really is in this day and age:
"Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages."
That could be unwanted advertising or just someone posting a few thousand lines of "BLAH BLAH BLAH" in a chatroom.
Reviving old threads isn't spamming, but the term used for that is "necromancy" or "necroposting". Reviving dead threads. Typically its not something you want to do unless you've something notable to contribute to the thread. ... mancer.htm
Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 22:50
Yes, I have indeed heard of that. Thanks for giving me some insight and not just flaming me.
Then again. that's what I should always expect of you, since you seem to think logically.
But, this "necroposting" doesn't apply to all forums. And this forum is so slow that no two topics will ever be repeated. On the Metallica message boards, the same topic can be repeated up to 3 times in one day because there is so much activity. Obviously there, "necroposting" would be better enforced.
I definitely did do excessive posting. Posting to 10~ threads like I did is absolutely insane, I know. I was just really bored and digging around.
Also, I was kind of bored with the same top 3 topics in each subforum being bumped repeatedly. Of course, they stopped getting attention before I "buried" them with new posts.
Most of them were yours actually. Eh, I'm bored with Re-Volt right now, I'm tinkering with NFS4 now, since I got it to run halfway decent now.
Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 22:56
I guess Manmountain (or whoever the alternative moderator(s) are now) is just bored and eager for an excuse to use some moderator powers. After all, its no fun being a moderator if you can't delete posts, lock threads or ban people once in a while.
I'd know, because I delete/lock threads almost every day on some of the forums I moderate. Its not very exciting when you show up and nobody is misbehaving.
Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 23:39
I'm not so sure... Maybe I did do something wrong. Maybe it has absolutely nothing to do with what I think it does.
Manmountain isn't so quick on the trigger, at least I wouldn't think so.
I do agree that I have a big ego, and I am slightly hyperactive with my posting habits, but I just don't see what happened.
I'm not angry any more at least. This 'break' I took sure cheered me up. So everyone, if you find yourself getting depressed, stop playing or modding or whatever Re-Volt and play a different game, watch TV, jump on your trampoline, see the sun.
Being cooped up in your house like I am, can turn you into a strange fellow.
Also, no one truly misbehaves in this community. The closest we got was bgood52, and his Re-Volt life was silently ended.
Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 23:42
I can't stand whining teenagers who post excessively just to be noticed and pump up thier post rating.
Adam, you have added post's to threads that went off the boil month's ago.
You whine constantly about you not receiving the attention your conversions deserve when simple repaints get numerous feedback and comments.
You remind me of APM, and I hope you are not going to be as much of a nuisance as he was.
I think your going through that 'LOOK IT'S ME' phase, well! yes we know it's you, but say something useful.
As to abusing or flexing my admin powers, I'm trying to save the rest of the community from your waffle (SPAMMING).
If your realy bored of ReVolt, then just clear off, I've had enough of imature attention seekers like you.
You have great skill in creating your conversions but your personal attitude needs some development.
If you insist on crying "why me ?", then I'll just ban you totally and delete most of your post's, then I'll just carry on as normal, it's that simple for me.

Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 23:55
Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 00:13
Manmountain @ Jun 23 2008, 10:12 AM wrote: As to abusing or flexing my admin powers, I'm trying to save the rest of the community from your waffle (SPAMMING).
I fail to see how a community which gets 0-5 posts a day can suffer from someone posting a little excessively. Besides, there's only at best 10 active posters here. That isn't much of a community to save.
This is a pretty lousy community to be in if you're looking for active feedback, since there's very few people here who actually give feedback and most of them are doing other things most of the time.
If you want people to talk to, Adam, I suggest finding a more active community to participate in.
Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 00:37
Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 00:48
The last post submitted by Adam, was full of a lengthy outburst of waffle which took him quite a while to type... which I didn't even read, but just simply deleted it all.

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 00:58
Here here for pancake batter baked in a waffle iron!