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Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 06:36
Hello, my KMZ (Volken Kamikaze, i'm working on a updated version) like computer controlled car goes trougout corners without problems at 80 mph but, at higher speeds like 120 it smashes the outside wall so, i need how to make the AI use the brake/reduce the speed for corners (the key for the victory on understeery cars).
(My english is a bit bad, if you don't understand what i wrote)
Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 21:42
The key is: don't make your cars go so fast.
If you want a car that can corner at 120mph, you need to design the car to be able to handle the corner at 120. Most cars don't go anywhere near that speed, so most track designers aren't going to tell their track AI to have cars brake on a corner than a 50mph car could handle at full speed.
If you want your cars to slow down at corners, you have to tell them to do than in the track's AI, not the car's AI. There may be some car AI vars that'll influence this, but since no one knows how the car AI works, its hard to say.
Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 00:57
I got cars that can handle corners at 120+mph

both manual and AI
The track AI can be specifically design for a certain style of handling and speed, but as Aeon as mentioned, track designers create and setup thier track AI for the average speed of the cars they prefer to race, for most people this would be around 38-45mph. This creates problems for cars of 60+mph.
The only real suggestion I can offer you is that the
axelfriction is the none powered braking system, the higher the value the quicker the car slows down when you remove acceleration.
The only trouble with this is it also makes the car accelerate faster, which might cause wheel spin and make the car less controlable.