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Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 03:13
hello i want to make a track with a editor but not the revolt game editor where i can download a editor with other models and textures? i m very new i buld maps only in revolt game editor but it s booring

can you give me a better editor?
Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 04:16
Hi and welcome to Our ReVolt Pub.
Sorry but at the moment there is no other basic editor's as simple to use as the in game Track Editor.
There is the MAKEITGOOD name cheat to add custom models and objects to the basic Lego tracks, and also RVglue to add graphic and surface textures.
There are a few 3D modeling programs that are used to create extreme tracks, but for final touches the Makitgood mode needs to be used.
Check out the post
Zones And Nodes, Is there a way?, for the latest comunity project that may find an answer to your question.
Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 13:56
ok thx very nice