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Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 21:05
i am not a big fan of myspace....but i created an account to see who i hate and who i don't...
but for some weird reason some REALLY hot chick from my town, and she WANTS me....
i have heard of this girl.....she wants to go to her house and get drunk.....
but there is a problem....
i am 15 and whe is 22
this is not spam
i am just in a pardicament......
oh yeagh....
i 4got to say....
god...i know she is hot...but she is 7 years older than me.....WHAT DO I DO!??!!?
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 21:21
Well sorry dude but it all depends on your own morals and what you want to happen.
I know that for most teenage boys that would be a dream come true.
Good luck with your decision and keep us updated, you hot young stud you.

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 22:00
No comment. Just, no comment.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 02:29
Yup, I could do without reading these kind of threads.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 04:21
srry aeon & adam...but is WASN'T was a serious wuestion...i decided to go w/ it......well....srry...but i was serious.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 04:29
It's not spam. It just isn't the "norm" for ORP.
P.S.: Will you quit bunching me and Aeon up? We're two different people with different interests, lives, and reasons to live.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 04:42
Hey look it's Adon.... no no I mean Aeam... or is it ?
Although it's a bit out there as this forum goes, it is in the Outside the Pub section, so I'll let it go.
After all it is a bit amusing, it brought a smile to my face.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 05:19
It's not until posts like this until I realize how much of a low-life geek I really am.
Girls are of the slightest interest to me. Computers are more interesting to me. Making cars, too. Chatting with peeps online=more interesting.
I'm not so materialistic to say "she's hot!", it's personality that counts.
I cannot tell you what to do, revoltkid, as I am not well-versed in any of this.
That's why I can become "friends" with people on the net. I don't have to see you in real life to judge if someone is nice or not. You can tell based on the type or the word, alone.
P.S.: You wanna know what's sad? I'm second in highest post count on this forum, second only to Manmountain. Don't worry Aeon, you're #3.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 23:26
Adamodell @ Jun 16 2008, 12:49 AM wrote:P.S.: You wanna know what's sad? I'm second in highest post count on this forum, second only to Manmountain. Don't worry Aeon, you're #3.
Wanna know what's sad ?
....that you actually check.
Does it make you feel good.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 07:36
revoltkid, you aren't having any sexual fantasies, are you?
Manmountain is no therapist or psychologist, nor am I, so I really don't know why you thought we could help you with something so stereotypical of teens my age.
Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 07:59

adam u dumb @$$

i told u it was real
and if u don't believe me i will email u some "proof" i got this morning
and i thought u may help cuz i didn't know if it was right or wrong to do this.....espescially because she has a reputaion
Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 08:27
I'll be evading my inbox then.
Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 00:08
revoltkid @ Jun 17 2008, 03:29 AM wrote:.....espescially because she has a reputaion
Well, the question is, which one of these three do yo want to be....
1) Another notch on her bed post.
2) The one she'll never forget.

3) The one that will allway's be just out of her reach.
Adamodell @ Jun 17 2008, 03:06 AM wrote:Manmountain is no therapist or psychologist
Maybe not officially, but I'm wise in years and of kin to his predicament.

Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 01:43
A word of caution revoltkid:
If you meet MySpace friends in real life you will be buried in
a shallow grave out in the desert.
By the way, add me to your Friends list, my name is Liza
and I am a 22 year old exotic dancer. We can get together
at my place for drinks.
I am a hot chick, not an old man, I promise.
Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 02:20
hilaire9 @ Jun 17 2008, 09:13 PM wrote: A word of caution revoltkid:
If you meet MySpace friends in real life you will be buried in
a shallow grave out in the desert.
By the way, add me to your Friends list, my name is Liza
and I am a 22 year old exotic dancer. We can get together
at my place for drinks.
I am a hot chick, not an old man, I promise.
Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 08:22
it is not like a stranger or nothing ESPECIALLY CUZ SHE GRADUATED W/ MY SISTER
i know of this chick
i said i heard of her b4 myspace....but never met her
i was just mainly worried about the possibility of STD's
i am not that stupid
Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 09:10
revoltkid @ Jun 18 2008, 03:52 AM wrote: i was just mainly worried about the possibility of STD's
She has plenty. And wouldn't tell the truth if you asked. Insist on using condom.
Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 18:12
We're taking this kind of far kiddies. Remember, ASSUME makes a donkey out of you and me!
Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 03:40
Give me her phone number by PM. If she is really hot and don't unlike animals, I can solve your problem

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 07:31
I don't know 'her' phone number, but 'she' did post 'her' photo on MySpace.
Here is revoltkid's hot babe:
Nice beard!
Good luck revoltkid.
Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 08:50
All I see is "user posted image", unless that was supposed to be the joke. Hil is very nuanced about his jokes. You might have to look twice to get it.
Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 08:56
The picture is missing from their server. Sorry, hil, you phail. You might be able to make a save before he notices.
Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 08:59
That's what she looks like, RVKID
Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 17:30
Lol Adam, 'User posted image'
Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 18:29
I did see it on the post yesterday. I think I'm being messed with. I think they were in the process of removing the images from their server, because this is #2 of the picture series hil got his pic from.