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Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 00:26
Umm, how do you enter the scales?
I'm sorry srmalloy, but the line "hulscale hullfile scale" does not help me.
Do you put a space after the command, conjoin the scale right on it, put the scale on the underscore? What?
Just type it as it's supposed to be typed, but every hul I've made with it is actually broken.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 00:58
> hulscale file.hul X Y Z
Where X, Y and Z are multiplier values. So 1 = 100%, 1.1 = 110%, 0.8 = 80%.
I mentioned it on RVZT a bit ago, but I think the best way to get your custom hul file is from R6 Turbo's hul.
Assuming you have rv-sizer and hulscale in your Re-Volt/cars directory, place the body.prm and hull.hul from R6 Turbo in Re-Volt/cars, too.
Make sure you've run rvcenter on your car so it'll be centered.
Since the rest is a pain in the rear to explain, I'll show you the code in my program, which shows the math behind it:
Code: Select all
hulx = 1 / 24.64 * (Width / 2)
huly = 1 / 16.91 * (Height / 2) * 0.8
hulz = 1 / 48.63 * (Length / 2)
shell("hulscale hull.hul [hulx] [huly] [hulz]")
The Width, Length and Height values are the dimensions of your custom model. The numbers that the 1's are being divided by are the dimensions of the R6 Turbo, who's hull.hul file you should have in the same directory as hulscale.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 01:38
I get it now. Thank you.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 01:46
I get ya, I just wish there was a way for me to do this without pulling out the calculator.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 02:18
I didn't do it the mathematical way, and I can still see an improvement.
I only scaled the x and z axes, as I'm afraid I'll screw up the y. Anyway, trying to test the .hul's size, I couldn't get the car to flip over on the roof and stay for a half a second, the thing rolls back over.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 03:10
Maybe you should raise the center of gravity?
I don't know why you'd want to NOT adjust the Y dimension. You want the hull to fit the car, not be too long or too short. I adjust it to 0.8 so that the low-riders don't bottom out, even though realistically they would. Most Re-Volt tracks weren't designed for cars that bottom out.
You're not creating huls for R6 Turbo. Adjust the Y dimension to fit your car.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 04:32
Maybe I should just edit my posts *dang*
Well, I don't feel like setting my cars up for a 0, 0, 0 offset, so actually, I'm not using the R6's hul as a base. It's an accurate enough hul for my tastes, and the car only goes through the ground when it is flipped about 1 in-game centimeter. The car will flip, it's just that it tends to roll itself back up when going 40. It does a barrel roll, sort of.
EDIT: Actually, I'll take that back. I'll attempt to do a 0, 0, 0 offset. I still don't think I'm getting the right numbers with that formula though. If I could just automate it. I'll see if there is some program that'll help me with that.
EDIT 2: I'm using a really good calculator program to do it for me... The answers I get are astonishingly low IMO. Not one is above 1x. They are all decimals, which means making the hul smaller. I know for a fact that at least lengthwise, this car is larger than the R6 Turbo. Maybe the R6 has a really large hul for the car's size.
Lemme guess, you include the negatives?
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 21:48
The new .hul will not be right; this is explained, I believe, on Sean Malloy's site.
I'm not sure about the centring thing - I've got the impression that the .hul is centered on the body .prm. I go for shape and, bearing in mind Sean's comments, original size.
Also, don't forget that the wheels apparently have their own collision data.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 02:32
Adamodell @ Jun 14 2008, 03:02 PM wrote: Lemme guess, you include the negatives?
Either take the whole number (negative and positive) divided it by 2, or just use the first number and don't divide it.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 18:50
Iron Bob
the hul files grip point is centered with the X,Z axis, But on the bottom of the Y axis. This is also where you should set the grip point of your body.prm, as they both use the body's offsets in the parameters.txt
Hope that helps you
Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 02:47
I'll just drop it. I don't want to "up my standards", because that will mean that I'll have to go through all my previous cars and "fix" them. This new Tigra will be standard, nothing more. If they just used ncp for cars, those idiots.
Thanks anyway, I figured it out, I probably just won't utilize it for anything.
Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 05:26
I got it sust!
A bit of a pain to adjust model values after RVcenter, but I suppose it's worth doing.
Thanks Aeon.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 07:14
Anywayz, The Me and Me cars pretty much have the same problems as mine, through all 230 of them. I'm not striving to be better, but equal. What car do you think I'm working on now?
The ZZIII of course. Fun to remap, as it is simple.
Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 09:01
I figure why settle for what's common when you can do better?
Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 10:05
The problem is, is that I keep getting better at this. I keep wanting to go back and fix my old cars back up to my current standards. I would feel that with all the skills you have Aeon, for me to get the same quality on my cars, I'd be on V4 or V5 on all of my cars.
If I did it from like my 8th conversion on, I would definitely hulscale all of my cars. But it's too late now. Anyway, why didn't they use NCP!? They already have a superior collision format, and they make a really crappy one for the cars. Collision by the polygon is much better than a bunch of invisible spheres.
Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 06:50
I think I'm somewhere around version 30 for some of my really old cars, like the STI. I just haven't uploaded any updates.
Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 09:10
*cough* cough *cough*
I don't have the patience for that.
In other news, I've made a new RV auto-installer THAT ANYONE CAN USE! TAKE THAT RST!
Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 23:10
Well, my next car, I will attempt hulscale again.
It's a 4x4 Evo conversion, my first.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 02:42
Argh, I followed the instructions again (have the car at 0,0,0, and got the wheel positioning adapted to this setup with the COM, so that's all good) but I cannot get the effing hul right. The hul seems to not be working right. I can't really explain it. The truck still goes through walls and stuff even after all the calculations and modifications... argh.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 04:00
Send it to me and I will position it for you.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 04:12
I'm kinda confused on what you mean by position....
I've seen BurnRubr conversions where the car is upped 20 points (so the thing can be at 0,0,0, without the wheels' values being really high) and not truly centered.
Lets just say, the car is RVCentered (20 from the centering of most stock Re-Volt cars), and I'm using the most centered hul, the R6 Turbo's, and I'm following Aeon's instructions to the letter.
I'll send it to you, but I would like to know what you mean, as well.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 05:11
Aeon @ Jun 14 2008, 08:28 PM wrote:> hulscale file.hul X Y Z
Where X, Y and Z are multiplier values. So 1 = 100%, 1.1 = 110%, 0.8 = 80%.
I mentioned it on RVZT a bit ago, but I think the best way to get your custom hul file is from R6 Turbo's hul.
Assuming you have rv-sizer and hulscale in your Re-Volt/cars directory, place the body.prm and hull.hul from R6 Turbo in Re-Volt/cars, too.
Make sure you've run rvcenter on your car so it'll be centered.
Since the rest is a pain in the rear to explain, I'll show you the code in my program, which shows the math behind it:
Code: Select all
hulx = 1 / 24.64 * (Width / 2)
huly = 1 / 16.91 * (Height / 2) * 0.8
hulz = 1 / 48.63 * (Length / 2)
shell("hulscale hull.hul [hulx] [huly] [hulz]")
The Width, Length and Height values are the dimensions of your custom model. The numbers that the 1's are being divided by are the dimensions of the R6 Turbo, who's hull.hul file you should have in the same directory as hulscale.
I don't quite understand the reason for the * 0.8 of the Y axis ?
Here is what I use
Code: Select all
hulx = 1 / 24.65 * (Width / 2)
huly = 1 / 18.94 * (Height / 2)
hulz = 1 / 48.64 * (Length / 2)
shell("hulscale hull.hul [hulx] [huly] [hulz]")
The dimensions of R6 Turbo are :
-24.440*** = x = 24.460***
16.913*** = y = -20.980***
-48.632*** = z = 48.652***
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 05:27
Must be a reason for the 0.8?
That isn't what's screwing up my formula makin'. I dunno. I can't make my own working hul for the life of me.
Manmountain's will have to suffice probably...
MM, what values did you use on hulscale when you were scaling? I might be able to figure this out if ya tell me.
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 05:31
Adamodell @ Jul 7 2008, 12:57 AM wrote:MM, what values did you use on hulscale when you were scaling? I might be able to figure this out if ya tell me.
Code: Select all
hulscale.exe hull.hul 1.28 1.5 1.7
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 06:40
Thanks, I might be able to get this formula setup working now, if not, thanks for the hul.
How'd you get those values to put in hulscale, exactly?
Here's what values I'm getting, and you have to invert them to get a number larger than one.
Code: Select all
I know I have the formula set up correctly (Aeon's), but I cannot get the answers you had gotten.
Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 00:03
I think you are using half of your total dimensional values.
I suggest you don't /2.
The dimensions of R6 Turbo are :
-24.440*** = x = 24.460*** total width value = 48.9
16.913*** = y = -20.980*** total height value = 37.893
-48.632*** = z = 48.652*** total length value = 97.284
Do you understand what I mean ?
Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 00:42
I think yes... I think.
I'll take /2 out of the equation and see the results of it.