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Posted: 08 Jun 2008, 06:10
-- (Click on the name of the car to download it.) --

This car is totally original, created in Blender, textured in Lithium Unwrapper, converted through Zmodeler and imported to Re-Volt. The textures are custom textures from Quake that I found on the net, copyright Yves Allaire.
This one's heavy with a lot of downforce. Lots of power in the rear wheels, and a fairly straight-line approach to racing.
Its fast, light, powerful, aerodynamic, and looks freakin' awesome IMO.

Putting wheels close together longwise is always a bad idea, and this monstrosity is no exception, but it does its best to make up for it. Just be careful with the brakes, because this thing's touchy and loves to spin out.
They're both technically repaints, because they're based on other people's cars. Can you guess which cars they're made from? I'll give you some hints, both cars are listed on that list I posted in the bar, and only one of them is based on one of RiffRaff's cars.
Just for completeness sake, here's another car that I retextured:

Posted: 08 Jun 2008, 21:17
Blade looks like 1 of Stitch's (note that this is a different guy to Skitch2) - Manta could be Shark, that has its wheels close together.
Posted: 08 Jun 2008, 23:10
Posted: 08 Jun 2008, 23:16
No, they are modified meshes. lol
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 00:55
Actually, you're right, and at the same time, totally wrong! Blade is a modified version of RiffRaff's Shark, and Manta is a modified version of Stitch's soQUet (with some texturing issues).
The fact that revoltkid thinks they're from POD suggests that I'm on the right track as far as styling goes.
But I'd still like it if some other people would join in and help create more modified, or better yet, custom meshes for these futuristic cars.
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 01:08
Okay, so here's another question. If you have a car with a severally modified mesh, new textures, and new params - you can't even tell for sure what it was originally - is it considered a repaint or an original?
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 05:36
Added another car at the top of the list: The Gremlin. Comes across as something like a freight train with big rear wheels. Can you guess which RiffRaff car it was based on?
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 05:41
u dhould post these at rvzt
and i made a space ship once....when i find it in my GIANT unorganized pile of files on my portable harddrive...i will show it.....
u obviously did a great job considering that they look like they came from pod.....
i will enjoy racing these
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 05:55
Do those top three cars qualify as originals, even if they were heavily modified from someone else's mesh to the point where they're no longer recognizable? Or are they still technically repaints?
The only thing that's not original about them now are the tires and the locations of the texture maps.
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 06:32

if it were my choice.....i would say that they will be origionals....BUT.....i think it will be polite if u gave the origional author some credit in the readme

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 06:56
Alright, I think I'll submit them as originals when I get around to it, but I'll give credit for the base mesh and the wheels in the readme.
Man, I sure wish Re-Volt had a proper hull file editor. It would be sweet to design these vehicles with hulls that reflected their design, so the ones with the big ramming scoop in front could make proper use of it.
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 07:00
yeagh... i really wish there was a good .hull editior...maybe......because throwback now owns revolt....maybe they now own the tools that acclaim used to make revolt....
so maybe if we asked politely to give us a .hul editor/creator....maybe they will accept
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 07:36
Man, revoltkid, you make more typos than my dad who types with one finger....
I submit my GT2 conversions as Conversions, although I UV map them myself.
I don't know, I can't really tell you if these are Repaints or Originals.
Stretching a mesh into submission is a lot easier than say, a complete start from nothing.
But, they are indeed unrecognizable for the most part. Just go with what your intuition says, and I like your work.
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 07:53
Adamodell @ Jun 9 2008, 03:06 AM wrote: Man, revoltkid, you make more typos than my dad who types with one finger....
well......for some excuse.....i make typos because i have a broken arm....but some of them are just because i can't spell verry good
i got suspended from school cuz my keyboarding teacher hates me and she was saying "oh i can't believe that u arn't failing english class....seeing ur spelling u must be retarded" and i yelled at her in fromt of the class....and i explained to her (w/ a few chosen words) that she just can't put down a student like that and make them feel like matter what the their story is..... peice os crap schoo;l suspende me for 2 weeks for that,,,,,
that all happened a while ago (i thionk it was in september)
i suck at typing a spelling
btw...are u saying that ur dad ONLY has one finger of does he just type w/ one finger?
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 08:14
I think they don't qualify as repaints because they are in fact new cars. But I let everyone know what the base models used were and who made them. It would be like stretching an Acura Integra model into a spaceship and giving it rockets, then calling it a repaint. A repaint is when you turn in green and give it decals.
Besides, I don't want people looking at them and wondering, "WTF is this a repaint of!?"
Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 09:07
I'm looking into ways to auto-generate some parameters for these cars based on some simpler numbers specific to each vehicle.
Length, Width and Height values are the dimensions of the car's model. These are used to determine inertia values and possibly also air resistance.
The Radius and Width of the front and rear tires will determine StaticFriction and KineticFriction values for the car. These also determine the Radius, SkidWidth, and Mass values of the tires. These could also have an influence on AxleFriction values.
Weight determines the Mass, and may also have an influence on the car's AngRes (polar center of inertia) and ResMod (mid-air stability) values.
Front Weight Distribution and Rear Weight Distribution will determine the CoM Z value of the car. These could also have an influence on AxleFriction values.
Power will determine how much EngineRatio the vehicle gets.
What I'm NOT sure about is:
1) Should weight have an influence on how much power the car gets? I don't want exceeding light cars to have too much power, and I don't want heavy cars to be too slow.
2) How should top speed be determined?
3) Should there be some other factors involved in determining Downforce? I'm not even sure how much influence Downforce actually has in the game, since I can't see visible differences between values. At the moment I'm figuring downforce is an assigned value. But I could also have that value influence tire Grip values, so cars with high downforce will slide less.
I was thinking I might let weight determine the top speed of the car, so heavy cars might accelerate more slowly, but when it comes to a straight they'll eventually blitz past any little "zippy" cars. If that were the case, then I'd just need to run laps to find a nice balance between an "all acceleration" car and an "all speed' car. Once those are balanced, then its just a matter of sliding back and forth between extremes.
Downforce could also have an influence on Air Resistance, so high downforce cars would have better handling, but slower top speeds.
If that were the case, then all cars could just receive the same power values, and weight and air resistance would determine acceleration and top speed.
Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 09:34
New car, totally custom, called Tachyon. Check out the first post.
Additionally, since the upload to RVZT has been a little slow, I went ahead and uploaded the cars on my own space. You can click the names to download them from there, but you can only download Tachyon, Gremlin and Blade, since I'm not really impressed with Manta and Zonic is just a repaint.
Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 10:52
BTW, Adamodell, if you get tired of converting cars and want to take a shot at working on some futuristic cars, I can create some Blender models and you can texture them in Lithium Unwrapper and get them ready for Re-Volt if you'd like.
Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 22:23

i just posted one at rvzt
it shoulf some up soon

it is called....Attack From Marz

i couldn't take a screenshot....
stupid library can't run re-volt