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Posted: 27 May 2008, 00:23

Remember that it was down a while back? And me and Rob backed up the cars? Well it seems his site is up again.

Scratch that, it's down again, with an explanation, too, haha.

Posted: 27 May 2008, 09:26
If we could get 28+ of those futuristic/weird style cars, it'd be fun to make a conversion where all of the built in cars are futuristic racing vehicles racing on futuristic tracks.

Looks like RiffRaff has 11-13 "futuristic" cars there. Just another 15 or so to go!

Unfortunately, aside from Phobos which isn't really a car, and a few conversions from other games, there doesn't seem to be any others like that. Oh well.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 06:06
If we could get people to rearrange a few of those car models, it probably wouldn't be that hard to end up with 28.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 22:53
Aeon, how about these:-

Ace (by Rabbit 2000)
Silver (Niccki1)
Galaxy (Niccki1)
Gamma (Vortex) - maybe on Riff's site
Arc (Laserbeams)
Soquet (Stitch)
Thresh (Laserbeams)
Triplet (The Me & Me/Scloink/Gareth Bain)
DMesh (Zero 9) - no wheels, but could possibly have some fitted

I doubt if many of these are at RVZT, but, if there is no rush, I could send them to you. I found these from a quick trawl thru my car folders - there must be more!

Several will need improved parameters, I think.


Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 02:20
I haven't even downloaded Riff's cars to see how much of a touchup they'd need (I have a feeling a lot of the wheels will either need to be crammed closer, or they'll need to have axles added.)

Actually a lot of those cars are at Re-Volt Archive, me thinks.

I suspect we could probably re-texture and distort some of the Dethkarz models that TheMeandMe have, too.

But then, what kind of tracks would work best? I'm thinking since a lot of lego extreme tracks have a futuristic feel, and that's also what my tracks were designed for (I was thinking F-Zero or Extreme-G when I built mine), it might be good to replace the original tracks with some lego extremes.

Then we just have to do some research on what kind of parameters make for the most competitive AIs. Since "realistic" cars tend to suck AI wise, and these futuristic beasts don't need to be realistic, we can just figure out which parameters are the most effective and work around that.


Browsing around TheMeandMe's site, here's some other cars that might work (note, I'm looking for vehicles with wheels, preferably, which don't resemble modern cars. Oh yeah, and no cockpit):


Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 02:40
Here's a list of the cars that I've seen, which from the screenshots at least look like they'd be good candidates:

2. ARC
3. AVI
4. Dopple
5. Fuego
6. Shark
7. Shivan
8. Stinger
9. Purpill
10. Hover
11. Renegade
12. Talon
13. Thorax

14. Inferno
15. Jeez

16. Arc

17. Striker 1.5
18. soQUet
19. Nuclear Residue (maybe)

Volt General:
20. Zonic

Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 03:08
RiffRaff's POD to RV tracks should fit the bill. They are easy and smooth, and fit with the futuristic feel. They aren't lego though.

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 05:16
Anybody out there interested in doing some mesh altering? This would be more fun if we had 28 ORIGINAL cars instead of conversions, but I'd be content with some modified POD cars if that's what we've got. But I know how quickly motivation to work on things like this runs out if you try to tackle all 28 cars yourself and tracks as well.

I think a lot of those custom car meshes would be fairly easy to modify. Stretch this, tweak that, slap a new set of textures on the thing and you've got a new car. Anyone besides me up for doing some car modifying? Unless anyone has the means to create their own cars from scratch.

If I had a simple way to convert meshes from Blender to Zmod, I'd consider doing some custom meshes because I like working in Blender a whole lot more than I like working in Zmod, and I don't have 3DS.

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 10:13
Does anyone know of any other tracks that go good with these kind of cars? The ones I'm using now are:

Planet XXI
Pipelyne R

Also possibly:
Graphite 2

I wish I could make tracks like these. Its a shame that they built such a lousy editor into this game instead of making something decent like the stuff that came with the Descent games.

Posted: 06 Jun 2008, 20:12
Aeon @ Jun 6 2008, 05:43 AM wrote: Does anyone know of any other tracks that go good with these kind of cars? The ones I'm using now are:

Planet XXI
Pipelyne R

Also possibly:
Graphite 2

I wish I could make tracks like these. Its a shame that they built such a lousy editor into this game instead of making something decent like the stuff that came with the Descent games.
I've learned enough in ZMod to do bending, like Cat, but, I don't really know what you want.

Would any of the Hull Breach tracks fit?

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 00:43
Well, I was going to suggest "bending" the cars into new shapes to make new cars, but having looked at most of RiffRaff's and Skitch's models, I'm reconsidering that proposition. They're made out of lopsided triangles so if you attempt to change the shape, it'll remove their symmetry.

I did manage the wrangle one of Skitch's vehicles into something new and unrecognizable, but the textures didn't come out all that great.

I suppose no one has any idea how to convert a Blender model to Re-Volt?

And no, Hull Breach won't fit. I'm not looking for tracks that make you feel like you're driving a remote control car, I'm looking for tracks that have a futuristic feel and designed for 50-70mph cars.

As far as most Lego tracks go, if you try to drive through them at those speeds then the tracks instantly turn into wall-bangers.

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 05:21
Well, as of now I have 14 functional cars and 5 tracks, if you don't consider both pipelyne tracks to be the same. The original game uses 28 cars and about 12 tracks. I'm fairly limited in how much I can modify the available cars, since most of the meshes aren't very adjustable without ruining their symmetry, and chances of me cranking out 7 additional awesome futuristic tracks are pretty slim. (I'm getting pissed off just trying to make the @#$#$ing track kits work load properly.)

So unless anyone else has something to contribute, this idea is turning into a lost cause.

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 10:29
Hi fellas.

The website went down for a few months due to another project I was getting into. I gave up on it and decided to put the site back up. I wasnt sure if anybody was missing it or not until I heard from ManMountain.

I havent done anything with my modelers in quite a while. In fact I dont even have a PC at home anymore (Western Digital HDs sux).

However my policy has always been that anybody can do whatever they want with my stuff as long as the original credit remains with the file.

Ive got somewhere, a DVD with every POD car and track in 3dsmax files, already textured up. Made the conversions a lot easier than when I textured Newk ONE POLYGON AT A TIME... those were the days.

Anyway, I cant believe its still going on here LOL. Of course, POD has its 12th year going now, with the same old hardcore band of players sticking with it.

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 03:42
RiffRaff @ Aug 28 2008, 05:59 AM wrote: Hi fellas.

The website went down for a few months due to another project I was getting into. I gave up on it and decided to put the site back up. I wasnt sure if anybody was missing it or not until I heard from ManMountain.

I havent done anything with my modelers in quite a while. In fact I dont even have a PC at home anymore (Western Digital HDs sux).

However my policy has always been that anybody can do whatever they want with my stuff as long as the original credit remains with the file.

Ive got somewhere, a DVD with every POD car and track in 3dsmax files, already textured up. Made the conversions a lot easier than when I textured Newk ONE POLYGON AT A TIME... those were the days.

Anyway, I cant believe its still going on here LOL. Of course, POD has its 12th year going now, with the same old hardcore band of players sticking with it.
Well, have anything unfinished that's be worth looking at?

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 08:27
Not at the moment Adam.

I was at one time trying to make Bender a track for RV, the the polygon arrangement of the track surface is very unfriendly to RV for some odd reason. Never could get any cars to drive on it.

If I ever get a PC running again, I will fire up MAX and see what I can find.