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Posted: 26 May 2008, 18:34
Hey all, im new,
i shortly installed Re-Volt and when i go into a Race, always in different time differences, GO! pops up again and the Total Race time starts with 00:00.00 as if the race just began,this is very annoying because it often causes the prob that at the end when i got first with a 1:11 or such as example the enemys all have better times due to that GO! and i get only 5th or less then that, Can anyone say me how i could solve this problem?
Posted: 26 May 2008, 20:01
Darkhawk @ May 26 2008, 02:04 PM wrote: Hey all, im new,
i shortly installed Re-Volt and when i go into a Race, always in different time differences, GO! pops up again and the Total Race time starts with 00:00.00 as if the race just began,this is very annoying because it often causes the prob that at the end when i got first with a 1:11 or such as example the enemys all have better times due to that GO! and i get only 5th or less then that, Can anyone say me how i could solve this problem?
Tuxabug. Don't ask me why it's called that, as it has nothing to do with Linux.
You have a dual core system? I really don't know how to fix this, because I never have.
Hopefully you'll get a response from someone who has experienced and/or fixed this bug.
Posted: 26 May 2008, 20:14
yep i have a dual core system, The Game works fine except this bug. its realy annoying especially in Championship mode because there the bots can get only 22 sec with this,i really need luck to be 1st now even when i am almost in finish with first place.
Posted: 26 May 2008, 23:03
Well, that's the problem, having two cores seems to screw up RV.
I read that you can get a program to limit an EXE to one core (thus fixing the bug), and that'll work. But I forgot what the program was called.
Posted: 26 May 2008, 23:06
contact me if you remember it plz

Posted: 09 Oct 2008, 20:15
are dual core and core 2 duo different? i have core 2 duo and i dont have this problem...i had this problem in my old pc with hyperthreading enabled..but compatibility mode fixed that