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Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 06:15
check this out... i'm making this track with the track editor, legopack, trackmk, and prmbend pieces. I put a few pieces together and when i race on a few pieces at a time, the screen just goes totally black and I have no idea where im going. but when i change my camera angle to in-car view, it goes back to normal. I have the pieces aligned up really well, but it still goes black. Anyone have any idea what my problem is?

Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 06:22
There is a visual limit to your RV world.
Although you can feel the pieces, once glued into the world file there is a point that the world disapears.
Does the world/track go black at a fair distance from your start position ?
Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 16:58
Killer Wheels
Well... Let me explain with a pic ^^
I think this is what you've done.
The green polygon's vertices will be placed all at the same place after PrmBend will be applied. So there will be some NULL polygons in your scene.
When you run near to these polygons your screen will turn to black.
To change this, just delete the green polygons (with the help of RVGlue) on your ORIGINAL piece. I'm not sure but I remember that it does not work properly if your piece is already bended. Then run PrmBend again on your piece. It should be fine.
Good luck !
Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 20:18
Manmountain @ Feb 10 2008, 01:52 AM wrote: Does the world/track go black at a fair distance from your start position ?
I haven't glued it yet, and if you mean going black at my problem point, then yes.
@kw: i'll try it, see what happens.