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Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 04:41
How's it going guys? I'm re-writing my Re-Volt website and I'd like you guys to help me design it. Below, I have created 8 sample layouts. Each image is a thumbnail you can click on to show a half-size sample. Please vote for this as I want to know what you guys want. Thanks,
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 04:55
I was going to create a poll, but can't really do that here, lol. Anyways, Please comment on which you choose, #1-8.
1 -

2 votes
2 -

1 vote
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -

3 votes
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 04:57
One or two because it's simple and allows for a menu.

Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 05:06
I Like # 8.
I like a thin menu across the top, just large enough to be clear,
and the contents below.
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 05:39
#8 also.
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 05:49
I am going to add a deadline to the voting. At approximately 4 P.M. Central Standard Time tomorrow, voting will be ended for this topic. That is about 21 hours and 41 minutes from this post.
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 06:15
Also, a question for those of you who prefer #8. The content on number 8 moves while the menu is stationary. On number 4, both the content and menu scroll. Does this change your opinion at all? Thanks,
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 06:21
Yes, I understand your site uses frames and that the contents
will open under the menu.
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 06:35
Sounds cool to me. And, should you cut off the deadline so fast?
This community might not even notice the topic too much by then.
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 06:39
#1 is the best.
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 10:26
Since I have put all tracks on hold until I finish the site, I really want to get this completed. I'm getting impatient, lol. Later,
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 10:28
good luck zach!
and i choose 8... set out like a forum...
Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 23:48
Hmm #2 because you can fir more on it..
Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 04:37
Well, I think #8 wins, but due to some confusion, I might still choose to use #4 instead. Thanks to those of you that voted. And if anyone else wants to leave feedback, I'm open to suggestions. Thanks again,
Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 03:35
Adamodell @ Jan 6 2008, 02:05 AM wrote: Sounds cool to me. And, should you cut off the deadline so fast?
This community might not even notice the topic too much by then.
THANK YOU!!!!! You cut off the deadline waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast, dude! I like #8. Just puttin' that in there.
Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 04:05
If anyone wants to keep tabs on the website as I work on it, check out That's a temp link, but let me know what you think.
Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 04:11
NICE! But wasn't that your old layout too?
btw, links on that page dont work
Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 04:14
Old layout had the links on the left side. It's still under construction...
Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 04:16
...oh yeah. and i know its still under construction.
Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 11:33
re-volt hustler
when I get some screen shots for my revolt can I put them on the site?
Posted: 10 Jan 2008, 04:00
Sure, I think I'll add a section of the website for screens and vids.
Posted: 14 Jan 2008, 05:02
Posted: 14 Jan 2008, 06:57
Access Forbidden, Known Error arises again. Ahwell I like the new layout though