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Posted: 29 Dec 2007, 07:31
I'm just curious, what are you using as a controller for Re-Volt ATM?
I'm using a name-brand Sony Playstation 2 controller with an adapter for use on the PC, and it's a frikkin' dream. I've gotten so much better at playing the game, you might just see me on RV House.
Posted: 29 Dec 2007, 20:39
i have a universal converter
converts ps1,ps2.and ps3, and xbox and xbox 360 and game cube, and nintendo 64 and super nitendo
got if for 10 bucks at wallmart
and i have a saitek st290 pro joystick i use to controll sometimes
it is good
and i have a universal mad catz 2 racing wheel i use. it can be used for ps1 ps2 and ps3, xbox 360, xbox, and game cube
it has force feed back too
i sometimes convert that
and then i have all the standard controllers i use
i use the ps3 (wireless)but i do like the others
and if u relize that u can't use the "hat swiitch" which is the arow/directional pad
download joy to key and then u can make it do that u can have it emulate the up down left and right keys
works like a charm
have fun
the thing about revolt is that i havn't quite figured out how do make it have force feed back
if u figure that one out
plz tell me

Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 00:11
Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 02:54
oh pretty
Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 05:06
I have a SNES controller that my brother hotwired to work like a joystick.
Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 06:45
....Interesting responses....
Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 07:03
Logitech Precision (USB) gamepad
Posted: 31 Dec 2007, 01:06
Keyboard. (does that count?)
Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 07:53
oh i 4got
i also occasionally control revolt w/ a dance dance revolution pad
just 4 laughs

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 08:03
And I occasionally replace the engine sound with the song from (the OLD song). Just for fun.
Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 21:21
u got ripped off
u paid too much
Posted: 04 Jan 2008, 06:34
No I didn't.
You are miss reading the advert.
I believe I paid about £20.00 GBP, which ain't too bad for a force feedback controller with a flashy design, is it ?
Posted: 04 Jan 2008, 07:04
oh i thought it said u paid 151.10 euro
srry missread
Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 09:36
Good ol' Microsoft Sidewinder. Black with green-gray buttons.
I have a wheel, I think it's from Saitek, but I rarely use it because the pedals are an bottom to configure.
I don't see how anybody can survive with only a keyboard. If you're great with a keyboard, you must be GODS with a controller!
My stepdad has an XBox controller w/ converter. We also have several PS2 controllers and 2 N64 controllers, but no converter.
Posted: 09 Feb 2008, 18:47
im still using my plain dell keyboard! so racing w/ a wheel is better! i should go get one and improve my times
Posted: 12 Apr 2008, 21:46
Saitek P880 Gamepad.

Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 01:54
hey manmountain can you to post a photo with you? please...I'm curios
Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 02:58
my dell keyboard has died. now i have hp multimedia one. does just as good

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 02:29
i use the keyboard and have the speakers in this pic...

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 06:56
Iron Bob

This is what I've been using for quite a few years now. Also has foot pedals (not shown)
I want to get one of these.

But I'm not sure how well it would work with Revolt.
Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 00:21
I'm playing on my simple, laptop integrated keyboard. Tried a Sidewinder steering wheel before.. but i never got used to that thing

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 05:35
This is the cheap controller I'm using for my upstairs computer (that I recently got hooked up to the net).
In fact that's the controller I used before I got the controller adapter where I could use the higher quality Playstation controllers with my computer...
Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 08:56
I used to use a steering wheel and pedals but for some reason it just seemed so wrong ( besides I was even crapper than normal) so now I just stick to the keyboard
Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 01:50
I use the keyboard. My dream is the Logitech G25
Posted: 07 Mar 2009, 02:08
I use Keyboard. My dream is to keep using keyboard.

Posted: 14 Mar 2009, 13:26
urnemanden @ Mar 6 2009, 09:38 PM wrote: I use Keyboard. My dream is to keep using keyboard.
Mine is too.
All i have is a Logitech steering wheel,NOT for a PC,but i did'nt get used to it.
Posted: 16 Mar 2009, 03:02
I use a Logitech Dual Action.

Posted: 16 Mar 2009, 19:25
I use my computer and my Keyboard
Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 17:27
Filipe Monteiro
Piereligio @ Mar 15 2009, 10:32 PM wrote: I use a Logitech Dual Action.
I have the exact same remote. I also have a T-Mini.
I would like to use Pedals and Steering Wheel or, such as Iron Bob, that remote control thing that comes with BSR