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Posted: 07 Dec 2007, 06:38
Hello, all. I have dug up an old level of mine that Manmountain helped me work on maybe two years ago. At the time he thought it had a lot of potential. I never got around to submitting it for various reasons, but now I realize it could be pretty cool - based on a topic not covered in Re-Volt yet - equestria. I am not about to change the racing line or anything else major, but I would like to know how the thing runs on your computer(s). It is pretty graphics heavy. So if anyone is interested in racing the beta version, let me know and I'll send you the file. It there is no interest, it will probably die a quiet death. Thanks. PatS
My e-mail is
Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 03:27
Don't freak, the community is just on it's life-line now.
It's gonna most likely be reinvigorated by summertime.
I'm interested, but don't freak on the low amount of views and no posts

Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 04:00
Yeah. The community is laying low for a while. School is in session and everything else. I'm sure that it wouldn't go unnoticed.
Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 07:21
Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 19:30
Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 04:11
I did send you an e-mail about that
Just send me....I hope it maintains the same level of difficulty as the others

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 20:43
Hey Pat,here's the deal
I liked the track,but I dont quite figure the racing line
Could you kinda of explain how I ride it?
Posted: 16 Dec 2007, 01:28
It's a simple choice of route, left or right.
The obvious problem is opponents taking the alternate route to you, which will cause head on problems, but that is part of the challenge.
There are some AI glitches due to overlapping routes, but most cars do finish with reasonable times.