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Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 07:36
Notice a common theme among all Re-Volt tracks. They are LOOPS. I have figured out a way to make a sort of drag race, but it would have to overlap itself at every twist and turn. This is mostly aimed towards the AI Guru, ManMountain, because, as I said, he is the AI Guru, but if anybody else can figure this out it would be great. So, here's the question. Without the track always overlapping itself, is there a way to make a drag track? I'm figuring that the number of laps would have to be set to 1, but that's really no big deal. If we can find out this point-to-point racing system, as compared to the loop system, think of what we can do!
If any of you can answer my question, and please stop trying to disregard my comments if you do have an answer, please post here.
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 21:51
It may be possible.
A couple of ideas spring to mind, but the most likely to work would be:-
1. Build a track with a long straight. The straight could be made as a drag strip
2. Place the start/finish line at the end of the straight
3. Place the cars at the beginning of the straight for the start
Track zones and/or the pos nodes could be a problem. Possibly you could get away with just 1 track zone.
Of course, as you say, it would have to be set to 1 lap; and 2 cars?
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 22:40
Iron Bob
Why not make a long straight, and use the transport thing to bring the car back to the start line.
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 04:05
I'm fearing that the AI would be messed up, or there would be some sort of error, if the track didn't form a complete loop... I don't know much about pos nodes, so I don't know if one must pass the start pos node to finish the lap? Or if putting the start pos node at the end of that track will end up the positioning system? Well, I should go try I guess. Thanks!
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 22:16
Yes APM, you must complete the loop - you just start the cars in the middle of it. The AI won't come into it - you put the AI along 1 side of the track and arrange the start so that the cpu car is that side, and you race the other side.
Of course the pos nodes will be out; there's only 1 way to find out if it matters!
IB, has anyone found out how to use the transporter yet? On Skitch's Hull Breach 2, which was the 1st track to use a transporter, 1 half of the track is at a different level, but overlapping. What happens is that you run out of track zones and get re-positioned on the other level.
Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 03:25
Ok here it is: The Dragg stripp, How it will work!
Create a dragg stripp to what ever design or look you want, a meter in from the end create a square tube the dropps downward and the goes all the way bac to the start (but underneath the start line)
[____________ ]
The tube that runns under the track MUST be textured just up from black, as dark as you can get it. Place a farce fields inside the tube to propel the cars down and backwards along the tube, the farce fields need to REALY Powerfull so that the distance is taken very quickly. This can be a tricky time consuming process.
Now the fun bit lol!!!
Track zone it with one track zone as you only realy need one that covers the whole track and tube. Place Pos nodes along the track then drop the pos nodes down into the tube at the end and run them backwards along the tube and back up to the start line to form the loop ( be it an odd loop as far as track go

) Now the tele porting trick! This is done with the AI nodes (it is the AI nodes along with Repos triggers that make transporters possable ) Place a repos trigger about 2 meters in from the end of you dragg strip, (this will force a repos to the nearest AI node) you need to make sure that the AI node that is in the tube underneath is closer to the car at the time of repositioning than the last AI node on the tracks surface, this will make your car appear in the tube and there by it will be effected by the farce fields and thrown down and back to the start where a second transport worked out like the first will pop the car back onto the start line where the lapp ends and the winnir is rewarded , hoorahhh!!!!!!! Trust me when i say that this is a dam right pain in the hooggyma whats name to make and it takes a huge amount of time but it works realy well if done correctly. Have a go at it and see who gets closest lol. It does work coz I have already done it lol.
Posted: 17 Dec 2007, 02:32
I tried this whole drag race thing a million times, and i've never had any real inspiration to finish it. it could work if we do the drag race, then a little telport thing. the real drag (no pun intended) would be going back the the start.
Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 05:04
So has anyone ever actually bothered to finish one of these?
Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 06:40
no, not to anyone's knowledge.
Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 02:56
dave made one...u know the "downhill jam" track
it doesn't form a loop
Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 03:58
The "drag track" I had in mind would be where you go in a straight, flat line until you finish. Basically intended to see how fast the car is and, in real life, how quickly you shift gears.
Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 04:50
revoltkid @ Feb 17 2008, 05:26 PM wrote: dave made one...u know the "downhill jam" track
it doesn't form a loop
yes it does. when you get teleported back uphill through that dark building, it forms a loop. but that's kinda irrelevant, is it not?
Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 05:08
I think that's what he meant. The track itself doesn't form a loop. The teleporter is the only way to get back to start, because the track doesn't take you there on its own.
Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 03:32
Killer Wheels
There is no "teleporter" in Re-Volt, just an auto repositionning of the car with well-placed AI nodes.
This means that a track necessarily form a loop if it is saw from the top.

Posted: 12 Apr 2008, 22:10
I was thinking with a lego track, you could make multiple starting grids. It's just a theory though.
Posted: 20 Apr 2008, 22:44
good luck with that. The track editor doesnt let you export tracks with more than 1 start grid. and it HAS to form a loop.