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Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 16:14
Is it just me but as i have been watching these sites lately the amount of uploads are falling and falling, not because of the amount being made but the amount actually being posted by the moderators? RVZT is taking up to 3 weeks to place uploads on the site and then 4 or more tracks and many more cars go up at once.
This is the fundamental breakdown of a community!
Somebody who is still heavily into ReVolt needs to take some controll here and get a good solid upload list going or we WILL lose this community for good!
Posted: 03 Nov 2007, 02:38
Finally, someone of high importance in the community claims the same thing I've been claiming for the past month!
I'm the only person uploading
conversions right now, but a few repaints came also.
This quote unquote "slowness" is an after effect of school, college, any job that has a summer break, etc.
I believe
Aeon is working on updating all of his repaints to his current standards,
BurnRubr is just going on with life,
Robenue just disappeared without a trace,
Manmountain is out in the back doin' his thing,
revoltkid is still out and about,
APM hasn't posted anything since the beginning of my joining this community, and to top it all off, I haven't gotten any e-mails that are community related for about a month, and for a tiny bit, I got an e-mail a day from a community member or two.
Oh, and we all know where
TM&M are!
I know I forgot a few people.
Just my 2 cents worth...
Back in early September, we got many updates. (I was actually here then)
Oh, and the whole community has slowed down to a halt, perfect timing, right
WHEN I get interested in the game.
Seems like RVHouse is just fine though, people still enjoying the heck out of online gaming.
Oddly enough, highest amount of members on the board at once was just 2 months ago.
The community has went to a total halt in 3 months, the timing was just impeccable with school starting and all, some of the older people are also most likely attending college.
I am only a 3 month old member of the community, but I enjoyed the game on my DC
back in '99. I will say, when summer starts up again, this community hiatus will cease.
Maybe something will happen over winter and all, too.
I dug deep into my vocab for this post....
Posted: 03 Nov 2007, 18:00
As some of you know. I've been checking in, but not posting very often due to a lack of time. I'm also working on (another) website for RV. When RST gets his toybox completed, we have been working on a way for my website to validate his track and car .exes without moderator authentication. This will help the community. I also currently have about 3 kits close to completion. I'm just going to finish the examples for the kits before I set them up online. Anyways, that's what I've been up to. Later,
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 01:29
I Put the lack of tracks down to the newer members not giving the proper respect and constructive talkback on the extreme tracks produced, I mean i was so pissed off with the reaction to my work that i stopped editing! I am a bit drunk as i am off out on the piddle in a mo lol but i will say what i feel!! Looking back at my own work over the years, I have to say that it has been F*****G ace! I actually studied my own tracks in detail the other day and when i look into the work i put in considering i knew nothing about Max I did a dam fine job! I looked at "Images of Giza" in particular and was stunned at how well i did with the track. I think that many people out there race around the tracks withought actually looking at the modeling work that goes into them. I still love to make tracks and have a few real cool theme ideas in max at the mo but i am stuffed if I am gonna put emm on here.
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 02:38
As for the lack of cars, I dunno. Just don't get so drunk that you smash your computer in anger.
Your tracks are awesome in my book, just take your time and get inspired.
How about a Grand Canyon track? That ISN'T made with JimK's dirt kit?
That'd be awesome.
Of course the 16,000 poly limit would really make that difficult, one of these days when I have nothing to do I'll toy around in Max and see what happens.
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 02:51
Skitch2 @ Nov 3 2007, 08:59 PM wrote:I Put the lack of tracks down to the newer members not giving the proper respect and constructive talkback on the extreme tracks produced, I mean i was so pissed off with the reaction to my work that i stopped editing! Looking back at my own work over the years, I have to say that it has been F*****G ace! I still love to make tracks and have a few real cool theme ideas in max at the mo but i am stuffed if I am gonna put emm on here.
If you have any new or existing ideas that could be enjoyed by at least one person, then you better get them here quick sharpish... or else!
I am totally lacking new enthusiasm for Re-Volt of late, the main reason is as Skitch2 stated 'a lack of respect from new members'
The Re-Volt community as was is not dead but it has all but disbanded, and the Re-Volt that is now lacks a basic friendly respect.
The new younger members who state that this game was targeted at the younger end of game players, have not yet developed the social skills to appreciate the work done by the adult (over 18) end of the community, and so show nothing but disrespect at every oppotunity, even to the point of talking to us in a street slang style as if they had certain credability.... yeah right!

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 05:10
Well, I'm only 15, so I kinda got burnt. I'll show respect where respect is due.
And most of Skitch's tracks are well-deserving of that "respect".
I also think that the more "knowledgeable" end of the game's spectrum (over 18) are just too busy right now to have time for just a "video game", it would be quite cool to have TM&M release just 1 more car, but that won't happen in a long time, if at all.
And where is Human?
Helios is one of the best tracks I have seen that doesn't slow my PC down!
As for the new cars that just came into RVZT, they are ALL repaints. Nobody does conversions anymore except me & Robenue, and the latter has been missing in action for quite some time.
If you have a car to request, you can do it here or at
or PM me.
Have a good day, and be nice
Yours truly, always here
P.S. For godsakes, it only took me like 5 days to learn how to do a conversion, but everybody is b*tching "How do you do this? How do you do THAT?"! Just try it and see what you can do. Tutorials have a purpose. USE THEM!
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 05:16
Manmountain @ Nov 3 2007, 10:21 PM wrote: The new younger members who state that this game was targeted at the younger end of game players, have not yet developed the social skills to appreciate the work done by the adult (over 18) end of the community, and so show nothing but disrespect at every oppotunity, even to the point of talking to us in a street slang style as if they had certain credability.... yeah right!
oh, wait...
I'm not one of these "dudes" that speaks this 1337 and tr00 street slang that will lead to eternal d374h right?
You just got pwnzorzized!
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 05:20
Adamodell @ Nov 4 2007, 12:40 AM wrote: P.S. For godsakes, it only took me like 5 days to learn how to do a conversion, but everybody is b*tching "How do you do this? How do you do THAT?"! Just try it and see what you can do. Tutorials have a purpose. USE THEM!
That's gonna be my new sig. Nice and blunt.
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 06:29
Things that frustrate me:
- Re-Volt doesn't offer much to achieve in the game. It doesn't even keep lap records or anything for custom tracks.
- The AI isn't very challenging, and since I like to mess with car stats, it annoys me that the AI isn't really capable of driving cars that aren't somewhat similar to the default Re-Volt cars.
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 06:31
Stuff happens. (Censored for Aeon)
Well, at least I still enjoy what I do.
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 06:33
Oh yeah, and every time someone swears it makes me want to visit here less. At least on the other forum I visit I can delete the swearing.
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 15:08
OK I am Hung Over as I hit the clubs HARD last night!!! Sorry if my post was a bit blunt and random but 5 shots of vodka while at the PC will do that to a bloke lol.
Yes disbanded is the right word MM. There are still some peeps making stuff and racing (mainly french) but it is the speed in which uploads are are placed that is killing it.
We need a site that is run properly like RVZT used to be and RV Archive before that with somebody at the helm willing to put His/Her time into it fully and yes I would gladly make tracks hand over fist! But to make a masterpiece and then have to sit for two days wondering if todays the day? nahh cant do it.
All in all I think that Re-Volt still has a few surprises up its sleeve and i think that if a few more people put in some time into Max or just making extreme tracks by using glue and rippin stuff we could start to turn things around.
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 15:28
No i stopped uploading, to many negative and rude people here. I just wish people would keep to them selves.
But im here if you need me! Adamodell ur a great converter, and I have always tried my best to keep ur standards.. but the problem is.. its not alive anymore.. re-volt is limited... I got sick of all the crap i do just to upload one mezzely car that only gets 30-40 downloads... its not worth my time.. Although i've been hacking Driver and making a full game mod! You can check it out
here and just look for driver mods in the index..
I do check reg, but no one replied to my pickup trainer!
Thanks you guys and girl for testing, making me do more, above all that being kind and helpful! Would love to see you on another game..
Don't forget u will always see me on my website, just sign the guestbook and also chck out my forum. TEAMXR! its in my signature.
PS: IM glad adamodell remembered me, I hope i am going to be remembered by nearly by everyone!
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 17:41
Don't forget:
The Me & Me (they don't post anymore AHHH!)
GWC (Geoff)
It's actually Jaseaka
Aeon (He just posted above you... DER!)
And a few others I can't remember off of the top of my head.
I actually have a few mostly finished cars I need to finish, so I'm not done with the community yet!
Posted: 09 Nov 2007, 01:42
Skitch2 @ Nov 1 2007, 11:44 AM wrote:Is it just me but as i have been watching these sites lately the amount of uploads are falling and falling, not because of the amount being made but the amount actually being posted by the moderators?
RVZT is taking up to 3 weeks to place uploads on the site and then 4 or more tracks and many more cars go up at once.
This is the fundamental breakdown of a community!
Somebody who is still heavily into ReVolt needs to take some controll here and get a good solid upload list going or we WILL lose this community for good!
I don't know about the cars, but at least for tracks it's just been a bit quieter. It's not been the moderators malicious or rejection-happy trigger that has prevented new tracks from appearing

RVZT is taking up to 3 weeks to place uploads on the site and then 4 or more tracks and many more cars go up at once.
It's true that lately I've had not time always to put the uploads on-line as fast as I'd like. I often need to repackage the tracks and especially during the last months also rename the track files as they have come as USERxxx style names. Mostly I put the uploads online within a week, but I do think a couple days would be a better target. So maybe another track admin who has more time would do good.
We need a site that is run properly like RVZT used to be and RV Archive before that with somebody at the helm willing to put His/Her time into it fully
I agree. I'd be glad to get a new developer who started to develop RVZT further as I just don't have the time no more for major improvements. If someone's willing to do it tell me, the needed skills are pretty basic web-development stuff:
- Subversion (SVN)
But to make a masterpiece and then have to sit for two days wondering if todays the day? nahh cant do it.
I wouldn't say two days or sometimes even more for approving a submission is extensive by any means when there is a real human doing the approving. If the delay between submitting and having it online is keeping you from releasing tracks, why not just put the track online on a free website and post a link to the forum?
The only way to have instant approving in RVZT would be to automate the whole process. Then moderators could for example remove or alter the submissions after the fact if need be. There's other kind of problems with this approach though, and more possibilities for abuse. It could be worth a try though if people think the submissions come online too slow and they are willing to put up with sometimes broken uploads.
Posted: 09 Nov 2007, 10:40
Arto, I usually go on the internet everyday... If i can be any help just ask... I love to help out...
Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 19:41
robenue @ Nov 9 2007, 06:10 AM wrote: Arto, I usually go on the internet everyday... If i can be any help just ask... I love to help out...
Thank you rob, much appreciated. Are you experienced in PHP, HTML, SQL databases (in this case MySQL) and revision control systems (preferably SVN)?
Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 21:34
Arto, I'm always available as well. Fluent in all 3.
Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 00:50
Arto, Please dont think I was having a go at you or anything. I myself have time problems with real life as well as health problems to boot. you have been a grounding force for this community for a long time and i thank you for that. I was just making a statement about the community position at the moment thats all, there was nothing personal in my posts dude. Every year around this time I get a buzz going on for this game and that time of year is here again. Creation point is what i am focusing on at the mo along with a new track or two. Having a track and car site like yours is invaluable to the community so if anyone could help out with updates it would be cool. I am about to embark on helping peeps get started in Max2Trax work so hopefully my forum will start to pick up.
The new idea for the Editor should be a good step too.
This brings me on to the other idea i have in mind: We have always had accsess to an MIRC chat room for Re-Volt and it has slowly died down over the years. It is still there and it still has a few old school members that are there most of the time. I have neglected my mates over there for some time due to health issues but i am now going to push for the chat room to become more active in helping ReVolt get back on its feet again.
So If there are any of you who are farmilliar with MIRC it would be great if you could make yourselves known over there and maybe join in with some gaming evenings and fun races where you dont have to race with Toyeca!
I am going to make sure that MIRC is open on my PC all the time the computer is on, like the old days.
I know that we have RV House but for me as a track maker not a racer i find it a little intimidating and restricting and to be honest a little too serious.
Find it on Austnet / random SG server the room name is #revolt-chat There is a new sub forum for new projects.
Start asking questions overthere and i will help all i can. I will also be in the chat room most evenings between 8 and 11pm so pop over for a yapp.
Lets try to get things going again befor christmas and make ReVolt last another year.
"Throwback entertainment ",will be soon bringing some good news about a ReVolt Re-Launch very soon so ill keep you posted with that.
Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 02:37
I haven't posted or done anything recently because I blew my PC's power supply four days ago (about)
I blew it WHILE playing Re-Volt, odd coincidence.
It just got dirty and air stopped circulating.
I was running on a 420 watt power supply, and now I'm only running a 220 W.
I'm amazed the thing hasn't exploded yet.
I'm still not feeling whether I should be on it that long, with such a weak power supply.
Well, whatever, check the "Should I Release More Conversions..." topic, you'll find something.
Well, cheers that no one else's supply goes dead, that just slows down the community 2% more.
Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 11:59
Skitch2 @ Nov 10 2007, 08:20 PM wrote: Arto, Please dont think I was having a go at you or anything.
Of course you were having a go at me since I'm managing RVZT, but like I acknowledged most of your complaints are valid

. So I hope to do something about them and appreciate someone taking the time to raise these issues. I know about them but often tend to think situation is not that bad that something needs to be done yet (as there is some maybe some downsides to some of the changes needed too).
Zach if you're willing to do some coding/improvement to RVZT that would be great. I will try setting up something to make that possible. We need a code revision system if there's more than one doing stuff, I'll look something up.
Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 04:20
Yeah. When you're ready, I'll get back into websites for a while and work on my two others at the same time. Sounds like a party! lol
Posted: 27 Oct 2009, 04:45
Not to give Re-Volt a slap in the face, but people have lives besides sitting on the computer chair, being young, and playing this game all bloody day. Seriously, give a thought to that. Re-Volt isn't as big as many other games out there, not to give a dis to revolt.
Posted: 29 Oct 2009, 18:01
Posted: 07 Dec 2009, 10:18
FYI: I have temporarily taken on the responsibility of car approvals. A little strapped for time, it may take a few days still, but they will approved (provided they are packaged correctly). When an actual car mod comes along, they will again take over. Keep em coming! Thanks,
Posted: 07 Dec 2009, 19:24
ok, ill make a car in lunch time and if its not getting approved on the same day ill kick up the dust!

Posted: 08 Dec 2009, 00:14
Posted: 08 Dec 2009, 01:18
My power supply went out.
Dumb thing kept shutting off by it's self.
Took me some time to figure it out.
The power would drop and off it would go.
All good now.