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Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 02:07
Yo, TM&M, at what time of day/week do you generally visit the IRC channels ?
As I have logged onto #revolt a few times, you were logged in but did not seem to be there.
Also, when and where was the last time you saw/heard from Revlo or Volty ?

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 18:20
cant really say mate...
you can catch me any time of day but at the same time the next day i dont have to be there. i read everything thats been said there tho, so if theres sth ill find means to contact you.
id say best time of day is prolly something around between 10-11, then 13-15 and then i cant really say cuz my afternoons/evenings are a lil unschedulable

also, do you have an MSN messenger account (or icq, aim or yahoo) cuz these offer a slightly easier way to communicating altho its not quite the same as IRC.
i havent seen Volty for a while now but revlo is in the chatroom quite often too.
Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 20:35
OK, I'll try and catch you to chat as often as I can.
Sorry, but I don't have an MSN or similar account, I don't like its invasiveness of your system.
I actually did speak to Revlo last night.
Have you not tried to contact the Austnet servers to find out why you can't join #revolt-chat ?
Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 21:00
actually with Trillian there is no invasion whatsoever...
and you can use it with all four IM services at the same time. you could also use it for IRC but i prefer mIRC...
and yes, i did contact the server hosts...
There is no workaround. That ISP is banned because of numerous virused
clients. Another ISP is the only option at this time.
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of
The Me and Me
Sent: Friday, 20 May 2005 5:49 PM
Subject: [Austnet/Help] G-Lined from all Austnet Servers
Since yesterday, I can't get on the Austnet network at all, with this
eror message from all servers.
[09:45] - *** Welcome to Austnet
[09:45] (G) Banned from this via gline mask
* : Banned from AustNet: compromised hosts and IP from
Deutsche Telekom AG
*** (G) Banned from AustNet: compromised hosts and IP from Deutsche Telekom
[09:45] Closing Link: TheMeandMe by (You are banned
from this server. Email for assistance)
I know it's not your fault that this ip range features a lot of black
sheeps under it, but it's not my fault either. And i do want to chat
with my mates in the #revolt-chat room. My nick is registered as well.
Couldn't there be something you/we can do about it? Maybe a mIRC
workaround or sth?
and nothing changed...
Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 23:32
Have you thought or tried another ISP ?
Or is it not worth the hassle.
Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 00:46
well cant really change isps that easily, nor do i want to really since the one i have is fast and cheap.
and nerely every isp here has the same T-DIALIN.NET hostmask since everything runs over telekom co..
so im pretty much fucked.