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Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 03:00
There has been this problem that has been driving me f'ing insane!
I'm converting a Pagani Zonda (relatively highpoly) and when I get it running ingame it only shines on the left side of the car. All I used after I was done exporting was RVshade.
Has anybody came up with a program that can fix this?
Many highpoly cars I convert seem to have shininess problems.
Sometimes doublesiding the polygons makes it even worse.
Or could I at least make it matte?
Like The Me and Me's 360 Barchetta Modded?
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 08:05
yeah, i've had the problem aswell, but have no idea how 2 fix it. RVShade sometimes stuffs up.
Just a question wheres the ME and Me's Tuts?
can u give me the link?
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 08:09
Oh now i knw, when you were converting was the abit offset? Do you have the MB still untited?
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 09:06
I fixed the car I am converting with this:
I took the converted body and exported it as a BIN 3d mesh (look in the file types)
I then imported that and exported it as a PRM.
I then imported the PRM and set all of the textures and re-exported it.
Then I rvshaded it.
The shininess works PERFECTLY now.
I might make a tutorial for these problems.
It's a 7000 poly Pagani Zonda S.
The shininess only appeared on one side in the beginning.
It's all confusing, not good at writing tutorials.
Almost done with the car, will be sent in to RVZT most likely tomorrow.
On my site right when I'm done with it though:
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 15:43
The simplest way of creating a basic tutorial would be to have a basic text editor open while creating/editing/converting, and when you discover a neat little trick or come across a good tip just type it down in note format and save the text file.
Then when you've got the time, go through your notes and create a full tutorial.
Maybe ??

Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 17:28
One more question. How do people convert cars and get them completely centered?
I mean, the body offset reads "0, -20, 0" and the car is centered.
Most of my cars I have to mess with these values to get it straight.
Is there a program to center the prm file or what?
I would like my next conversion to be COMPLETELY centered.
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 19:28
wow i can't wait to see this zonda
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 20:29
Adamodell @ Sep 16 2007, 12:58 PM wrote:One more question. How do people convert cars and get them completely centered?
I mean, the body offset reads "0, -20, 0" and the car is centered.
Most of my cars I have to mess with these values to get it straight.
Is there a program to center the prm file or what?
I would like my next conversion to be COMPLETELY centered.
Use RV-center, set offset to 0,0,0 and then reposition the wheels and change the COM value.
You may also need to select a specific hul file.
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 20:43
I'll work on that...
Thanks for the help Manmountain
The Zonda I submitted you didn't use RV-Center, but I might use it now that you told me how to use it.
It will make my conversions more "professional".

Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 22:05
I've found that R6 Turbo has the most centered hul file, so I use a resized version of that for all of my cars.
If you set the second CoM value to equal half the car's body's height (as seen in rv-sizer), it'll balance it at the bottom of the model, which is typically perfect.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 04:16
I'll go with that...
ZModeler is getting into a bitch fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It refuses to open anything. I even uninstalled and re-installed.
Or I will just kill Oleg for not releasing a ZModeler 1.08 optimized for ME, 2000, and XP.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:23
I just want to ask, but do you think i should convert more police cars?
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 17:17
I say no.
They just don't do it for me.
But do what you want.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 17:21
What is the exact commandline for RV-Center?
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 01:54
"rvcenter filename"
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 01:55
Here is how I use it..
That is in a batch file (RV-center.bat), and is in the same folder as the body.prm model with also rvcenter.exe & cygwin1.dll.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 02:37
Manmountain @ Sep 17 2007, 09:25 PM wrote: Here is how I use it..
That is in a batch file (RV-center.bat), and is in the same folder as the body.prm model with also rvcenter.exe & cygwin1.dll.
Oh crap!
I forgot about batch files and their usefulness.
As for the command line,
I had a hunch what you typed was it.
Edit: I created a series of batch files for it. Awesome. The best thing ever.
Just click on it and it does it.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 04:21
Halfway done with the BMW M3-GTR!!!!!!!!!
The worst mapped textures of all time!
I had to make many, many optimizations.
The lights were mapped to the muffler. What the hell?
The spoiler is also mapped to the muffler.
I got the textures to work finally.
Expect an update within the hour.
I'm using RVCenter! YAY!
Edit: Images removed...
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 05:38
Got the 1098 poly wheels converted (lol)
Expect a release in a few hours or tomorrow.
Lags the game quite a bit sometimes though.
Picking out a hul file as we speak.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 07:20
dude it's freaking great but one problem: the edges of the headlights are see-through, you can see the ground through them, you'll understand me when you look at its headlights
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 07:50
I can see that, just realized it an hour ago.
But I believe the windows are mapped to the same part so I'm screwed.
I released it this way, it doesn't matter, you can't tell while you're racing anyway.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 07:55
Incidentally I just converted my own M3.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 07:55
...And it probably doesn't lag the game as much lol.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 08:26
hmm 10k polies.. must've crashed your zmodeler a lot. yep so you should complain to Oleg at the forums, but i saw a thread and Oleg said you can reinstall or switch to software mode
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 16:22
Actually ZModeler started working again after I reinstalled it.
Still crashes every once in a while.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 16:26
Aeon @ Sep 18 2007, 03:25 AM wrote: Incidentally I just converted my own M3.
Did I read that right or am I drunk?
What motivated you to do that?
Send it to me so I don't have to wait a week for this week's cars to get noticed.
It's a good system if you want everybody to see the cars before they disappear off of "Latest Cars", but it is sometimes tough to wait that long in anticipation.
Once again:
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 01:37
I thought RVcentering everything would make converting everything take longer, but in irony, it makes converting way faster!
Thanks guys for telling me everything...
And one more thing.
Manmountain, I have a request that you don't have to fulfill, but I think it is time for me to get a some special words above my Alcoholic rating....
Like BurnRubr is called "Conversion Pioneer" or you with "AI Guru". I would like my own custom explanation thingy.....
Like maybe "NFS4 Converter" or "Professional Converter" (how true or false this may be).
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 03:03
Adamodell @ Sep 19 2007, 09:07 PM wrote:I have a request that you don't have to fulfill, but I think it is time for me to get a some special words above my Alcoholic rating....
Like BurnRubr is called "Conversion Pioneer" or you with "AI Guru". I would like my own custom explanation thingy.....
Like maybe "NFS4 Converter" or "Professional Converter" (how true or false this may be).
You are now converted...
he he 
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:42
Manmountain @ Sep 19 2007, 10:33 PM wrote: Adamodell @ Sep 19 2007, 09:07 PM wrote:I have a request that you don't have to fulfill, but I think it is time for me to get a some special words above my Alcoholic rating....
Like BurnRubr is called "Conversion Pioneer" or you with "AI Guru". I would like my own custom explanation thingy.....
Like maybe "NFS4 Converter" or "Professional Converter" (how true or false this may be).
You are now converted...
he he
NFS Convert is good enough... Thanks.
EDIT: Give Aeon one, he deserves it...
How about "Pro Repaintist"?
Posted: 26 Sep 2007, 07:36
Adamodell @ Sep 16 2007, 04:36 AM wrote: I fixed the car I am converting with this:
I took the converted body and exported it as a BIN 3d mesh (look in the file types)
I then imported that and exported it as a PRM.
I then imported the PRM and set all of the textures and re-exported it.
Then I rvshaded it.
The shininess works PERFECTLY now.
I might make a tutorial for these problems.
It's a 7000 poly Pagani Zonda S.
The shininess only appeared on one side in the beginning.
It's all confusing, not good at writing tutorials.
Almost done with the car, will be sent in to RVZT most likely tomorrow.
On my site right when I'm done with it though:
There are still shininess errors with many highpoly cars that I CANNOT fix no matter what. I'll go with Aeon and do low poly stuff from now on.
Posted: 26 Sep 2007, 14:13
Well thats what i'm doing Adamodell, I just sent a e-mail to you with Zmodeller 1.06f and I also sent an email to Venom to convert his Mazda 787B I can't wait to convert my favorite race car!
Posted: 26 Sep 2007, 16:35
robenue @ Sep 26 2007, 09:43 AM wrote: Well thats what i'm doing Adamodell, I just sent a e-mail to you with Zmodeller 1.06f and I also sent an email to Venom to convert his Mazda 787B I can't wait to convert my favorite race car!
You spelled it right!
Posted: 26 Sep 2007, 17:39
5 bar alcoholic rating! YES!