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Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 01:04
Kalle553 @ Sep 17 2007, 03:38 PM wrote: can u convert a Volvo C50 ? or a Volvo 740 i just want a VOLVO heh or a SAAB like SAAB 9000 or SAAB 93 or SAAB 95:P why is this car so unpopular in re-volt? they are pretty cool and they are swedish Yah!
converters would rather spend time converting lamborghinis, toyotas etc. rather than volvos or saabs
adamodell can you send me that countach
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 01:44
I'm at school right now!
Heh, who said Volvos aren't any good?
I think that would be quite cool.
Will be home in one hour.
I'm working on converting a Need for Speed 4 conversion of the BMW M3-GTR.
It's going to be sweeet!
And I got permission from sTyLiZeR too.
It might be too high of a polygon count for Aeon's tastes though.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 01:51
well what you could also do is ask permission to convert that maserati i mentioned earlier
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 02:31
I'm at home now!
I'll email it to you.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 05:53
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 07:46

Posted: 19 Sep 2007, 04:55
Posted: 19 Sep 2007, 05:03
i would like to see all those converted especially the corvette and lotus
adamodell you can ask the authors permission to convert this maserati!
Posted: 19 Sep 2007, 05:03
You have good taste in cars!
That 917 and 917K are definitely going to be converted...
And Kaki, I emailed him, don't worry...
Posted: 19 Sep 2007, 05:10
The 917k loaded into Zmodeler without crashing!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, I have to convert all four wheels on this one, as the rear wheels are wider and the rims are deeper in....
Expect a release at least late tomorrow (for my time).

Posted: 19 Sep 2007, 05:58
Sweet sweet progress:
Pic removed by me................
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 02:53
Now that looks cool.
Take your time, there is no rush, thanks for all your effort and hardwork.
Can we make a joint effort on the params ?

Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:04
OOOOH you are so lucky you just posted....
I was just going to release it with my own params....
Well I'll send the completed (by me) model to you and do what you want with the params....
And if you want to, make the necessary changes to the ReadMe to make it correct (like new top speed) and list yourself as secondary author and such...
Only problem with it now is how badly the front and side windows are mapped...
I would keep them black if I were you, all attempts to make them clear have had BAD results....
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:28
Sent to you for your editing...
IF you can fix the clearness of the windows (I couldn't even with the aid of Texture Mesh Viewer!) then do it...
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:47
I`ve mastered Th' Me an' Me`s trick fer makin' windows transparent without messin' up th' car underside/mirrors/etc an' makin' them transparent as well. If ye want me t' work on yer cars, I could probably fix th' windows.
Incidentally them tutorials that I forwarded t' ye from Th' Me an' Me explain how t' do 't, if ye want t' look o'er that.
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:51
aeon why do you talk like that all of a sudden
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:52
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:52
Is there something wrong with your keyboard Aeon ?
As you seem to be missing the odd letter here and there.
Car received, but don't expect a rush job, give me a day or 2, OK ?
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 04:57
I have patience..
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 00:14
Adamodell @ Sep 20 2007, 12:27 AM wrote:I have patience..
Yeah, right... about 2 minutes worth.

Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 01:14
I have about 2 days worth of patience........
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 02:42
Kaki, I'm going to convert that Pantera...
Shouldn't take too long.
Can't convert that Maserati yet bacause the author hasn't emailed me yet.
EDIT: That Pantera ain't goin' anywere!
It crashes ZModeler. Apparently crashes have nothing to do with polygon counts.
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 02:52
good news about the pantera!
but you can go ahead and convert that maserati, it's been like a month since i emailed authors and they didn't reply, meaning they don't care
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 02:54
Like I just edited into the above post, until I get the Pantera to load... That is out of the question.
I will see what that Maserati does.
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 03:00
Ironically, the Maserati loaded just fine into ZModeler clocking in at about 5 times the polies!
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 03:04
yes! convert it dude!
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 04:03
Kaki, I'll be sending you a prerelease to test.
It is as good as I can get it right now.
It is sweet...
EDIT: No reason to post a picture when I released it, huh....
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 04:42
replied to your mail!
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 05:23
It's on my site now...
Couple problems fixed, submitted to RVZT as well...
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 05:27
I didn't release it with the color fix that you told me about, but I fixed the wheels jutting out problem before you replied.
I'll look at how it's mapped and might make a couple repaints if you wish.
I wonder how my 917K is doing in Manmountain's hands?
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 05:38
yes repaints would be very cool
Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 06:00
What happend to that so called patience ?
It's coming on nicely... trust me

Posted: 22 Sep 2007, 05:02
I'm working on a Cizeta right now, I also updated my 2 month old Lancer and sent it to RVZT.
Or you can get version 2 here:
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 04:10
I have 3 cars that have recently appeared on RVZT.
These are:
Lancer Evolution NFSU2 (Version 2) Fixed up version
Maserati MC12 only in black now
Me and Manmountain's 917K
All are on RVZT and my site (check signature), and I put all of my effort into most.
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 05:15
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 06:20
wow great job manmountain and adamodell on the 917k
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 07:59
I'm working on a Gallardo 'cause revolt_king's is horrible.
Having texture problems with it right now.
Also working on a Cizeta, and I'm going to work on a Mazda 787B.
Darn, lot of stuff to do.
Try to hold off of the requests for now until I'm done or gave up on most of these cars.
I will email the dude who did the 787B for permission to convert, might be a while, but I have others on the way anyway!

Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 15:08
Adamodell @ Sep 23 2007, 03:29 AM wrote:I'm working on a Gallardo 'cause revolt_king's is horrible.
Having texture problems with it right now.
Also working on a Cizeta, and I'm going to work on a Mazda 787B.
Darn, lot of stuff to do.
Try to hold off of the requests for now until I'm done or gave up on most of these cars.
What's the rush ?
One good conversion every 2-4 weeks is more than fast enough for me.
Are you worried that someone else will convert it all be fore you can get to it ?

Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 18:46
I'm just not as slow as the other guys.
No, but seriously, I'll be done with all of these soon.
I'm going to send you the Gallardo to show you the shininess problems I was talking about. It sucks because this car won't fix with my bin mesh trick that I told you about.
Look at the roof and you'll see the problems.
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 23:26
Aeon, I know you're there. I'll send you the Gallardo also, to see if you can see what I'm talking about.
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 23:41
Geez man! that mapping is bad.
I can only assume the the car is mapped half and half, and that one half must have some kind of extra shading or value when it was mapped, probably by accident.
I'm not up on these 3D programs but can't you remap it or change the texture settings before exporting ?
Otherwise, the problem isn't that bad, it's not like there is a gap or invisable interior.
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 23:44
Looks like a shininess problem!
But I think it is a Re-Volt engine problem as I only have it with 6500+ poly cars!
Can somebody fix it for me? AEON????
I even tried my patented export as BIN trick and it DIDN'T WORK!
Going to have to update the tutorial.
Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 23:52
I already told you I don't deal with 2000+ poly cars.

Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 23:57
To tell you the truth, It's the levels that slow my game down, not the cars.
I used one of your cars on Museum 4= 20 fps
I used one of my cars on Museum 4= 19 fps
...Not much difference huh.
Their was like a 8000 poly difference between these cars!
The real point is that Museum 4 is too gfx intensive.
And jeez man, it's not like if you touch a highpoly car, you'll turn to stone!

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 00:19
when you guys are all done with these stuffs.. i'll have a request ready ahahaha
Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 00:52
What setting/values did you use for RV-shade ?
Maybe it needs something slightly different ?
Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 00:57
Would RV-Shade have an effect on the shininess?
This is how it's supposed to go, right?
Code: Select all
rvshade.exe body.prm n 200 200 200
Oh, and I got the car matte!
Should I release it this way or try to get it perfectly shiny?
Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 01:20
perfectly shiny would be nice
Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 01:29
Lol, you have 69 posts!
I'll try to get it shiny, but no promises.
It's 70 now!
Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 01:31
what do you mean i have 69 posts