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Posted: 08 Sep 2007, 05:16
I would like to release more conversions, but I have less time on my hands...
If anyone wants a specific car converted, just ask, and I'll see what I can do.
Just try to keep it under 4000 polys.
Zmodeler crashes more when the model is more detailed.
Just request a car that has rights to be converted and post it here...
I'll try my best to get it right.
Posted: 08 Sep 2007, 05:25
Posted: 08 Sep 2007, 05:31
10,000 polys....
Lets see what happens lol

Posted: 08 Sep 2007, 05:38
The readme says something about "DO NOT CONVERT".
So that is out of the question...
If the people weren't so picky about what you do with their cars....

Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 02:15
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 02:37
Not in the mood right now, I'll do it later when I feel like it.
Anyway, there is nothing in this car's readme that says you can't modify/convert it.
We found a loophole.

Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 03:47
I could go for a Honda Prelude conversion if you can find one.
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 04:54
Adamodell @ Sep 8 2007, 10:07 PM wrote: Not in the mood right now, I'll do it later when I feel like it.
Anyway, there is nothing in this car's readme that says you can't modify/convert it.
We found a loophole.
What do you mean you found a loophole? You can convert it right?
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 05:38
I'm saying there is no copyright to the car.
Maybe there is but they didn't state it so ha!
Some of those people will SUE you if you use their cars, they're THAT hardcore about their models.
I might do it, but it appeared incorrectly in Zmodeler.
(It looked more like a ramp than a car lol)
I'm working on a 1980's Skyline right now.
And Aeon, when I see a Prelude, I will try to do it justice and convert it.

Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 05:50
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 14:28
re-volt hustler
Adamodell @ Sep 7 2007, 06:46 PM wrote: I would like to release more conversions, but I have less time on my hands...
If anyone wants a specific car converted, just ask, and I'll see what I can do.
Just try to keep it under 4000 polys.
Zmodeler crashes more when the model is more detailed.
Just request a car that has rights to be converted and post it here...
I'll try my best to get it right.
y would zmod crash if the car is higher then 4k polys?
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 14:34
re-volt hustler
Adamodell @ Sep 8 2007, 07:08 PM wrote: I'm saying there is no copyright to the car.
Maybe there is but they didn't state it so ha!
Some of those people will SUE you if you use their cars, they're THAT hardcore about their models.
I might do it, but it appeared incorrectly in Zmodeler.
(It looked more like a ramp than a car lol)
I'm working on a 1980's Skyline right now.
And Aeon, when I see a Prelude, I will try to do it justice and convert it.
WTF they cant sue you, its not their game, plus you have to pay for offical copy rights which you would have to be border line retarded to do in that situation.
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 18:09
Maybe not, but still.
And zmodeler crashes more the more polygons the car is.
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 20:21
Finished that Skyline.
It is actually a 70's Skyline.
You can wait until it appears on RVZT or if you can open .7z archives you can get it
Posted: 09 Sep 2007, 23:17
nice work! i like classic cars
can you convert this nissan 350z
Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 00:12
Have one on my site.
It isn't completely finished and I don't plan on finishing it.
It is very highpoly.
if you can't open 7z archives I'll email it to you.

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 01:22
i can open 7z files
damn that car is nice, drives perfect too
can you convert this bmw 850 (author doesn't mind conversion)
Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 03:50
I might convert it....
But Aeon, check your email, I sent you a fully converted Prelude for your modification.
Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 03:55
Checked... Free to convert, just keep original readme's.
I will convert it when I have the time.
Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 05:21
Halfway done with conversion...
I will have a lights up and lights down version selectable by batch files.
All I have to do now is convert the wheels.
If you want to see what I have done so far, i will email it to you.

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 05:40
Almost done....
Wheels just need aligned.
Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 05:51
Dropped the "lights up lights down thing".
Almost done!
Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 06:20
uploaded it to 
Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 01:06
freakin amazing!
Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 02:33
Thank you.

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 03:43
I completely finished the car now.
Dump all of these files in this .7z into the 850ci folder.
Guess what it does!
You can now drive the car lights down with this pack.
here u go:
Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 06:43
that's simply awesome

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 16:53
If you can rip cars from the Dreamcast version of the game, can you rip cars TO the version of the game?
It is definitely running on the same engine. And if you can rip the cars from it, it must be easy to get to the files (not on some odd compression like most games)
What would happen if I had a disk image and put one of my cars in the correct folder, fixed it up for Dreamcast version, and burnt it?
Would it appear in the same area that they appear in the PC version?
Or would it not appear at all?
Maybe somebody knows.
Also, does anybody have the image to the game?
If not I guess I'll have to hook my Dreamcast up and rip it.
Posted: 12 Sep 2007, 07:24
And my post does sound kind of n00bish but I'm far from that.
Posted: 12 Sep 2007, 08:00
dreamcast is too old amigo!
Posted: 12 Sep 2007, 08:02
Dude, the game is exactly the same on the Dreamcast....
Just a lower framerate, but it is the second best version of the game...
Posted: 15 Sep 2007, 04:04
And the game's file system is the same in both versions.
The only difference is that the Dreamcast version uses PVR textures instead of bmp.
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 23:28
Some good examples:
Kaki wanted a Ford GT40.
Pierrez converted that....
Vexter wanted a R5 Turbo 2
Mota15 converted that....
You get the point?
1. Check Re-Volt Archive for cars too.
2. RVZT doesn't have all cars.
Kaki, what is your e-mail?
I'll send that GT40 to you.
Unless qazqaz really did f&%k up your Thunderbird.
Posted: 16 Sep 2007, 23:45
STOP starting new threads for the same general topic, OK ?
I have merged 3 threads here.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 00:02
Adamodell @ Sep 16 2007, 06:58 PM wrote: Some good examples:
Kaki wanted a Ford GT40.
Pierrez converted that....
Vexter wanted a R5 Turbo 2
Mota15 converted that....
You get the point?
1. Check Re-Volt Archive for cars too.
2. RVZT doesn't have all cars.
Kaki, what is your e-mail?
I'll send that GT40 to you.
Unless qazqaz really did f&%k up your Thunderbird.
wat up man qazqaz did screw up my thunderbird, i just reinstalled it and it's all fine
btw thx but i have gt40 already from the rvtt webiste
so you done with detomaso yet?
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 00:08
Manmountain @ Sep 16 2007, 07:15 PM wrote: STOP starting new threads for the same general topic, OK ?
I have merged 3 threads here.
And look at how many posts there are!
But Kaki, haven't started the Pantera yet.
I'll download it and look at it.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 00:17
btw your pagani zonda's really nice but the rvzt one is corrupted your website one isn't
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 00:23
How is it corrupted?
And I can't start the Pantera because ZModeler (for some reason) is crashing every single time I import the FCE because of "ntdll.dll".
Gotta love it!

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 00:52
for some reason when i extract, i get all these error messages
well since you can't do the pantera
how about one of these? ... and=spyker
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 01:13
Why don't you request one of Ryuji's cars?
I can convert them way faster.
(like in an hour or less)
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 01:41
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 02:31
I'll convert that RX-7..
Or I'll just rip the texture from it and use an already converted RX-7.
Edit: I take that back.
I don't know what I could classify it as!
Do you have any of Ryuji's cars that you are sure haven't even been converted (at all).
We have yet to see a Dodge Grand Caravan in Re-Volt yet lol.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 03:25
i'm perfectly sure that second lamborghini(my second link) is not converted to revolt
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 03:36
I converted a Lamborghini to Re-Volt, I did.
That is just a different textured Lambo.
I'm seriously thinking about doing that Grand Caravan!
but my lambo is here:
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 04:02
Picked out a car, and it looks sweet!
And the good thing about Fivespeed is that he lets you convert his cars (just mention him as the main author of the car).
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 06:35
Ryuji lets you convert his cars too, and his cars actually have reasonable poly counts! Fivespeeds stuff doesn't fit re-volt well in my opinion.
The RX-7 looks like The Me and Me's RX-7 with a different paint job. I would whip up a similar paint job if a few minutes if you really wanted it.
The Diablo GT is too similar to with Diablo 6.0 SE to be worth converting.
The Cuntach hasn't been converted yet, though. You could convert that if you wanted.
You really should convert some of Ryuji's Mustangs though. Re-Volt doesn't any (decent) semi-new mustangs.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 06:41
yes that mazda paintjob is really nice
that countach should be converted, and speaking of mustangs we need 2005 mustang gts
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 06:45
Aeon @ Sep 17 2007, 02:05 AM wrote: Ryuji lets you convert his cars too, and his cars actually have reasonable poly counts! Fivespeeds stuff doesn't fit re-volt well in my opinion.
The RX-7 looks like The Me and Me's RX-7 with a different paint job. I would whip up a similar paint job if a few minutes if you really wanted it.
The Diablo GT is too similar to with Diablo 6.0 SE to be worth converting.
The Cuntach hasn't been converted yet, though. You could convert that if you wanted.
You really should convert some of Ryuji's Mustangs though. Re-Volt doesn't any (decent) semi-new mustangs.
That was what I was just telling Kaki.
But here are my reasons.
If Ryuji made a Pagani, I would of converted that
If Ryuji made a Chaparral, I would of converted that
Shame Ryuji gave up on modeling cars...
He would of been a great use...
2005 Mustang?
That would be cool.
And low poly counts are good for Re-Volt, but Ryuji didn't do every car I would like to see in Re-Volt.
That's IMO of course.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 06:50
The Cuntach hasn't been converted yet, though. You could convert that if you wanted.
It has been converted, CHECK RE-VOLT ARCHIVE, you might find something.
I believe it was a team effort.
I do have one in my cars folder.
It says "BurnRubr/NairB/RiffRaff"
I will e-mail it to you.
Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 20:08
can u convert a Volvo C50 ? or a Volvo 740 i just want a VOLVO heh or a SAAB like SAAB 9000 or SAAB 93 or SAAB 95:P why is this car so unpopular in re-volt? they are pretty cool and they are swedish Yah!