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Posted: 24 Aug 2005, 00:22
Hello guys,
Since my kid is growing to be a revolt fan I wonder if it is possible to practice the custom tracks? While I have the access to all the addon cars, in practice mode there are only the original tracks. Patch 1027 applied.
Sorry if it is a stupid question - it just seems anything I manage to google is dead links or frozen sites...
Thank you VERY MUCH for any suggestion.
Posted: 24 Aug 2005, 09:57
The pratice mode only works on the original tracks.
However you could change the settings for the numbers of cars to 2 then change the number of laps to a higher amount.Maximum is 20 laps.
Then pratice the track that way as there is then only 1 AI car racing on the track.
Posted: 24 Aug 2005, 15:34
Thank you, BurnRubr.
I have alread done it (2 players, no pickups etc...) the problem is, my son insists on 'exploration' (especially the PetroVolt and Quake levels...). While racing, the car is positioned in the right direction every now and then... that makes him angry. And believe me - an angry four year old racer is dangerous.
I think I tried almost any game that my old trash PC can handle (Carmageddon TDR, Offroad, Insane, Ignition, NFS III,IV and V, Midnight Madness 2... hundreds of addon cars and/or levels for each one...) and all I hear is "I WANT MY LIL FAST CARS" (in polish, of course) and that means Re-Volt.
To make things worse, his granpa just bought him the steering wheel.
All his kid games and winnie-the pooh-type of stuff became just a pile of junk CDs since then. I'll try to live through this. Somehow...
Thank you anyway!
Posted: 24 Aug 2005, 20:31
there is a way to play those custom tracks in practice mode like you'd prefer. But that requires installing the custom track in the place of some of those stock tracks. I think there are some tools that help in that if you'd really like to do it, but as I've not usen any of them I'm not the best to offer further information.
Posted: 25 Aug 2005, 01:31
Well ... Try this :
1) Record on a safe place one Std track directory (i.e. nhood1) and one of your favorite custom track,
2) Rename your favorite custom track directory by the name of the Std track saved (nhood1)
3) In the renamed track directory replace in any name folder you see the name of custom track by the std track name you choose (nhood1). Exist a spécial tool witch can make that for you (ReVolt track renamer ???)
4) Run Revolt on practice mode and choose "Toy in the hood 1"
I think you can now practice on your favorite custom track ...
If this procedure doesn't work paste your saved directories (Std + Custom) in Revolt/levels to come back same as before ...
Due to my bad english I hope you understand me and that help you ...
Posted: 25 Aug 2005, 13:57
Thanks arto.
It works, of course - I have just replaced the 'nhood2' with 'petrol'. and my young re-volter is busy

BTW, by replacing the .bmp and .bmq files in the GFX folder I have the appropriate thumbs in the selection menu.
Thank you all - you are a very helpful community - I am sure to check on this forum often...
kfkfkdlerrejotgoyiythiiogooo fdfdsdsfd
(the above is sth like 'thank you' from my my kid who is pushing me to leave the computer for him to drive

Posted: 25 Aug 2005, 14:39
PS - the level renamer in the Toolbox prog does not seem to work for me -> it always says sth like '...problems during copying', so perhaps some day next week i'll try to fix some batch for it...
Posted: 25 Aug 2005, 19:09
qc,vnairwz ml,sdvojg !!!!!
Spécial reply above for your young Revolt fan ...
Happy for him if he can play as he like ...

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 14:59
what you could also do is just host a Multiplayer game and race against yourself with no other players in the game.
this way, its sort of like practice mode, just that you need to up the lapcount if you want to do several laps.
thats the way we recorded our laptimes on our custom tracks we released.
Posted: 27 Aug 2005, 10:16
One of the most light hearted posts I have read during my time (7 years) editing RV.
So we have a four year old RV fan ? wow!!
Ask your lad what type of track he would like to race and explore around and ill make him a track of his own to explore, in the theme he likes ( I like a challenge lol ).
All the best.....
Posted: 28 Aug 2005, 00:31
Hello RV fans,
We're just back from a short holidays to my mother's place. Thanks again for all the tips - life IS now MUCH easier. Do not get me wrong - I would not let him play for hours, but really all he wants from my poor PC is RV, ever since he saw it.
Skitch2 -> by 'exploring' I mean he loves all kinds of life-like buildings and devices (i.e. gas station in Petrovolt or sprinkles etc.) He laughs like mad when he manages to drive through some open doors. He laughs so much he sometimes gets the hiccups...'dad-dad-dad- daddy, i-i-i-i im in the ca-ca-ca-ca car wash!!!' (loud enough so that all the neighbours know...). I would not even dare to guess what might he want. I suppose if you did such a level, my old celeron will het the hiccups as well;)
Thank you again and best wishes from Mateusz (Matthew).
Posted: 28 Aug 2005, 07:06
Hi all, just back from a 2 week vacation.
My suggestion would be to use the Battle Tag conversion tool and play any custum track in Battle Tag Mode, via the Multiplayer menu.