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Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 08:13
Yeah, dat's rite! I'm gonna screw dis forum wit one hand n screw ma hoe wit da otha! Y? BCZ I FRIGGIN SAID SO!!!
lol I'm j/k. c u peeps need 2 b more relaxed and less hostile and stressed out.
1st of all, stop tryin 2 ban me ManMountain. Plz.
2nd of all, plz stop tryin 2 take away rights, peoples! Freedom is wat everybody wants, and u don't have 2 kill otha peeps' freedom 2 get it urself. It's called sharin. Ur supposed 2 kno dis by now. Certainly u kno how 2 share b4 u kno how 2 use a computer?

3rd, has ManMountain gone mad wit power? @_@ I suspect so, but dat's just ma opinion.
None of dis has to do wit kickin ne of u out in order 4 me 2 be able 2 stay, I'm not gonna put ma freedom ova urs. It only has 2 do wit u people being annoying. lol, that means certain people, not necessarily evry1.
So all I ask it 4 MM 2 get off ma tail and 4 evry1 else 2 lighten up! Seriously, wat's got u so uptite?
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 23:55
Can I ask, what color is the sky and what shape are the trees in your world ?
As it seems you don't actually live in the real world.
Freedom is all well and good, and should be the God given right for everyone.
But freedom doesn't give anyone the right to be an arogant imature A$$, no matter what perspective you spin on it.
Just one more small point;
Using abreviated street slang does not make you sound any better.... trust me, seriously.

Posted: 08 Aug 2007, 08:37
Just bcz u can't read shorthand doesn't mean u can use dat against me...
And arrogant @$$ can b banned 4 misusin freedom.
Again, have u gone mad wit power?
Perhaps u should strip urself of ur own freedom and power at least a bit than keep tryin 2 hunt me down.

Ur only tryin 2 get rid of me cuz u kno I'm rite...
Reminds me a bit of RST.
So plz stop bein an RST and be more of a man. After all, u r ManMountain.
Posted: 08 Aug 2007, 11:00
Being obnoxious and disruptive doesn't make you right, I'm afraid. It just makes you obnoxious and disruptive. Freedom is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, you're free to be an @$$. On the other hand, Manmountain is free to ban you.

Posted: 08 Aug 2007, 11:17
re-volt hustler
On the other hand they both have to accept the consequences of their actions.
Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 05:58
Lets just get a few things in to perspective here... please.
I have not edited or removed any of your latest posts, there has been no restrictions applied to you, so you have had the
FREEDOM you preach and crave,
I have responded to some of your posts and acknowledged some of your points without personal abuse and with a reasonable objective yet personal and jovial point of view.
My responses, I hope, are helping/guiding you to be better understood and appreciated within the RV comunity.
At the moment, IMHO, your comments/posts are giving some people amusement rather than interest because of their abrupt shock factor rather than any interesting informative content.
I don't wish to acuse or blame your age, as I am sure by now you know right from wrong, so I can only assume the abrupt shock factor is intentional and possibly a small cry for attention which you are obviously getting.
And as to my so called
POWER going to my head... how ? where ? & when ?
I am no RST but I am one of the administrators for this forum, so yes,
I have the power"
(geez I miss He-Man), but I don't feel that I have abused it of late... have I ?
By all means, be the person you think people like you to be, that is your freedom, but don't blame me for your actions and don't expect to be understood by the majority.
I don't wish to carry on with this as it seems any of my direct actual responses gives you a sense of persecution, so... bye for now.

Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 06:48
What I'm simply trying to say is, could you get on somebody else's tail? It's been a few months, I'm kinda getting tired of your tackling me every time I do something small.
As for you, Aeon, I respect you as a car creator, but strongly question some of your ideas. You have to let something out sometimes... you've been abusing the letting out quite a bit. I said only one thing, to shove your idea up your hoe's @$$, but didn't say anything so negative afterwards. You, on the other hand, have been using that one insult as an excuse for attempting to insult everything I say. Perhaps you should be mature and move on.
Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 07:12
I moved on a long time ago, my attention starved friend.
Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 08:16
OK, the second part of the sentence disproves the first.
Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 11:36
re-volt hustler
As funny as this

.you all arent gonna get anywhere with this sinceless babbling.
Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 15:08
You all need your heads banged togeth (showing my age now).
Can we all ditch this crapp and start to push Re-Volt On a bit??
I still love this game and most of you are now more interested in arguing with a trumpt up little player who i give no time of day!
I have just made probably the best track to date (for me that is) and I now have to wait maybe a week for it to get posted! This is not a dig at Arto Over at RVZT but he is now streched to his limets. This is going to be another nail in the coffin for this community and i am buggered if i am going to sit by listening to a prat like APM!! Do Somthing constructive for the game or water off else where!!
APM, I am going to ask everyone in concern to ignor your childish behavour.
You can go away and leave this community alone, or start to provide some sort of constructive input for the game its your choice, but just please listen to yourself!
I will try to look into some web space for car and track up loads. I have no idea when it comes to internet stuff ( I am a Track Maker!) but i will see what i can do to help out Arto!
If anyone has any sugestions please speak up. I want to continue to make tracks for Re-Volt as i am getting better at it all the time. So lets try to keep the people that we have, and maybe bring old members and new members back!
Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 03:52
I make Skitch words mine(with less brutal classic english)
APM,go back to racing us,have a beer and chill out
Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 05:41
FYI Skitch, I'm 12 years old.
But seriously, Aeon, you gotta stop taking things so personally.
I'm only trying to take my rightful place above snobs and the likes, people, and since I can't do that I am trying to point out to them their... erm... snobbishness and the likeliness.
Thanks to those who understand, such as RV Hustler.
Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 03:29
Yea? 12 years old? well i should go and tell your parents that they are bringing up a rather stupid, dis respectfull little bratt that needs a good hiding!
Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 04:54
re-volt hustler
I dont c y you all hatin so much, a forum like this needs someone to shake it up once in a while and I doubt he trying to affend someone. Plus the more yall press the issue as a threat to the pub the worst it gets.
Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 14:55
Don't tell me... your twelve too right???
Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 22:35
He's 12 or 14...dont really remember
But much more intelligent than APM
Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 09:19
re-volt hustler
lol Im not 12 Im 18yrs.old, ask before you blatantly assume.
Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 09:47
Stupid, you call me, Skitch and Co? And you are calling me disrespectful?
Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 09:50
re-volt hustler @ Aug 16 2007, 07:49 PM wrote: lol Im not 12 Im 18yrs.old, ask before you blatantly assume.
Or look up the birthday he entered on his info page.

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 14:20
Calling you stupid is not me being dis-respectfull, it is telling you that you are stupid!
two different things all together.
All that i am saying is this... Stop with the brainless rap chatty pathetic posts you keep posting and actually put something usefull back into the game! If not, just bog off else where.
!I dont c y you all hatin! ??? It is this type of "Lingo" that gets on my nerves. Did you kids go to school?
Please just think about what you are writing before you hit the post button and maybe topics like this !I Don't Like Your Tone!" one wont exist any longer.
Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 20:40
Skitch2 @ Aug 17 2007, 09:50 AM wrote:... just bog off ...
Quaintly put.

Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 03:11
re-volt hustler
Skitch2 @ Aug 17 2007, 03:50 AM wrote:
!I dont c y you all hatin! ??? It is this type of "Lingo" that gets on my nerves. Did you kids go to school?
Please just think about what you are writing before you hit the post button and maybe topics like this !I Don't Like Your Tone!" one wont exist any longer.
hmmm......seeing as this is a forum I dont have to type my sentences in ways your brain can understand. Also I go to college for computer programming and graphics design, hence the reason y Im going to work on making a revolt 2. I couldnt be trying to make a game if I never went to school or at least studied some books on how to make games and/or the applications used to make them.
It funny how ppl demean someone not realizing how stupid they r them selves.
Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 04:37
so you are calling me stupid now yea??
lol bring it on ya little man
(Aint bin in a flamer for ages, this is fun)
Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 04:41
re-volt hustler @ Aug 17 2007, 10:41 PM wrote:It funny how ppl demean someone not realizing how stupid they r them selves.
Wait, let me get this straight... you are actually calling Skitch2 stupid ?... LOL

Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 04:57
I make more money than you do Re-volt Hustler
And I'm Really Really Really Smarter than you(I've been invited to study in colleges all over the world,Even one in KOREA,Were you too?Were you too????As would say our common and Happy Friend "NNNOOOOOOOOTTT"
Apm is an Utter Moron,Hustler is a bit less Utter,but he's also a Moron
Skitch on the other side is probably laughing his balls off on the expense of you guys
[Joke]MM is an utter moron too

Bring it on tiny man!!!
And Utter Moron!!!
I'm besides Smart,Strong,and I've got girls wanting me?Do you?Do you?"NOOOOOOT"
Being a Geek is like that,studying COMPUTER design
Come to brasil,and I'll kick your sorry bottom anytime any of you want
love off
Someone way smarter than Hustler,Cutter than Skitch,Stronger than MM and a bit less retarded than APM,Signing off!!!
Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 14:53
My brain is so powerful when I think real hard flames
fly from my ears!
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 03:35
I love you all !!!
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 20:05
APM, you're not "black"
(not to be racist)

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 22:37
May the god have mercy upon my enemies, because i wont.
Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 22:43
Aeon @ Aug 8 2007, 06:30 AM wrote:Being obnoxious and disruptive doesn't make you right, I'm afraid. It just makes you obnoxious and disruptive. Freedom is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, you're free to be an @$$. On the other hand, Manmountain is free to ban you.

Well said!
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 04:30
Dis settled yet?
Da posts r prolly outdated, but calling somebody stupid iz immature & disrespectful. Not disrespectful? Den it's immature. OK so let's move on? I surprised dere's many posts after I left RV. Just shows how immature/disrespectful/watev u r.
Who wants 2 move on? I do.
PS Ya Adamodell I'm not black I'm latino I just talk like dat sometimes cuz dat's how I roll.
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 04:34
re-volt hustler @ Aug 17 2007, 03:41 PM wrote:It funny how ppl demean someone not realizing how stupid they r them selves.

U got dat rite, bro. Rock on.
Aylown @ Aug 17 2007, 05:27 PM wrote: I'm besides Smart,Strong,and I've got girls wanting me?Do you?Do you?"NOOOOOOT"
Being a Geek is like that,studying COMPUTER design
Didn't kno bein a geek was bein strong + a pimp.

Gotcha, Ayl!