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Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 06:11
Now as we all know, zagames just released a slot-car Track.
Problem is, I have been working on a Scalectrix Track for some time and its almost ready. I Just dont want zagames to feel like he has been copied in some way as I love his track and Mine will no way take anything away from him.
In all honesty, My Version of a Slot- car theme is of a quite high standard but the reason for this is that, I have put many, many hours into it to get it right. Many of you extreme track makers dont tend to go as mad with track themes as i do but i just dont want anyone to think that they are being competed against (in track design not racing lol).
My Idea was to release this track as a demo to a KIT ( zagames had the same idea ) See we just think alike him and i , so what i shall try to do is this..... ZAGAMES!!! D'ya Fancy combining our efforts to create a kit in this theme???? Post in here and let me know dood please.
Anyhow I will release the track in the next day or so and i hope you all like it.
All the best and get ready for a few Extreme Trax From Me very soon!!!
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 07:50
I'm looking forward to your new tracks, they are all very good.
Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 03:05
Sure thing man

Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 14:21
Been Uploaded to RVZT! (last night) It is down to Arto to post it now> cheers all.
Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 03:49
I bow to your track,and I'm waiting your kit Anxiously
Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 04:02
Oh and If I may ask,would you please make turns without walls?And Maybe some small sectors,I mean,Less Broad
I will gladly make a track of your kit
Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 12:00
Cool track Skitch. I like the colored pencils (I earn my living
with colored pencils), I like them so much I ripped one out
and put it in MY SLOT CAR TRACK to be named Speed King
Slot Cars! I think I'll make a pot of coffee and finish it tonight.
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 02:30
Yea I will make any type of track section you want its easy now I have all the bits.
Hil I am honoured that you want one of my pencils lol.
I will turn all of the bits and bobbs in the room into prms.
Also i will spend a bit of time utilising all of the texture space bettert and maybe i will fit more bits in..
Glad you all like it and i am asking for more themes to have a go at ,if anyone wants anything in particular let me know.
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 02:33
I'd ask for a realistic(ish) city street setup but I don't think anyone would go for it.
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 04:31
are you talking to scale here?? coz thatll be tricky, where as a semi out of scale with as photo real textures i can do may be fun?
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 05:20
Depends on which scale you're referring to.

I'd just like to race cars that are based on real-life cars on tracks that kinda resemble the real world for a real-world car. It'd also be nice to actually feel how fast these cars are going in an environment that's the same scale as it would be if they were real cars.
There are plenty of rally tracks that treat the cars as if they were life-size, but that's about the only kind of track that does it.
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 16:42
Now, this is not a dig i promise but why do you play Re-Volt?
Re-Volt is a game based on a toy car.. In fake unrealistic worlds of totaly outragous places.
So why the need to put it in real life scale? NFS is surly more along your lines??
You can never get a way from the fact that the cars are RC Cars, the pysics are based on RC cars.
Like I say, this isnt a dig and i know that there are those out there who like real life tracks (manmountain) but for me ,this just takes away from what Re-Volt realy is, a game where you can make a flintsone or a scoobie doo world actually work lol.
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 20:18
Agree with Skitch there. I've never undestood the need for real life size cars/tracks in RV. Those are probably my least favorite types of tracks usually. There's somehow missing the "ooh" factor

Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 21:21
As I said, I didn't think anyone would go for it. (Actually I figured people would just say "Go play NFS!" so I really didn't want to request it, but I thought I'd throw it out there.)
I play Re-Volt because its free, mostly. Plus I really don't like the feeling of "illegal racing" that NFS promotes. If you can find me another free game that has graphics at least as good as Re-Volt's and allows just as much car customizability or more, plus realistic physics, I might go for that instead.
(Incidentally, who's the dope that put the [Report] button right next to the
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 22:04
Well if you're going to throw a fit over a real-life setting, I'd settle for a hotwheels miniature one. ... ry_id=7738
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 23:27
Surely the point here is that we CAN have realistic cars and tracks in RV? What other game can you switch from, say, r/c buggies to F1, to rally, to street cars, to 'novelties', without exiting the game?
For those who don't know RV well enough to know how - just give each group of car a different RATING (see 2nd section of parameters.txt). Because RV will always try to select cpu cars of a similar rating to your selection, as long as you have enough cars of your chosen rating, you will be racing against similar cars. Note - there are 5 ratings available - 0,1,2,3,4,5.
It is advisable to have 1 of the original game cars in there somewhere, so that you can exit with a game car selected - this will avoid editing your registry to get RV to run next time you want to play.
Posted: 12 Aug 2007, 12:41
I don't think RV's physics engine can model really well real life cars. For example racing cars... the sliding element for the cars is totally missing etc. Wrong game for that kind of stuff, IMO.
F1 cars work moderately well in RV's physics engine though.
Posted: 12 Aug 2007, 20:42
arto @ Aug 12 2007, 08:11 AM wrote:I don't think RV's physics engine can model really well real life cars. For example racing cars... the sliding element for the cars is totally missing etc. Wrong game for that kind of stuff, IMO.
F1 cars work moderately well in RV's physics engine though.
I think your wrong there Arto, sorry dude.
With the right settings/value alterations of the wheels;
Grip, Static & Kinetic Friction and the right power (engineratio)
Plus some body changes;
COM, Weight and Inertia.
All these factors are what make real cars slide or not.
Not forgeting that the right car settings need to be matched up with the right surface properties of the track to give the best effect.
Don't forget, it's the realistic physics of this games engine (and the ease of manipulating it) that has made it so popular for so long.
What would realy interest me is if someone knows the correct combination of settings/values to produce a realistic floating/gliding/hover motion and/or the recreation of the UFO outside of it's own folder.
Posted: 12 Aug 2007, 22:51
Manmountain @ Aug 12 2007, 04:12 PM wrote: arto @ Aug 12 2007, 08:11 AM wrote:I don't think RV's physics engine can model really well real life cars. For example racing cars... the sliding element for the cars is totally missing etc. Wrong game for that kind of stuff, IMO.
F1 cars work moderately well in RV's physics engine though.
I think your wrong there Arto, sorry dude.
Maybe you can point me to a car that does good sliding behaviour in RV like a real racing car? Without track sufrace trickery too, in normal tracks.
Posted: 12 Aug 2007, 23:05
I thought Mark 4 slid pretty well... But then, I'm not sure what kind of "sliding" you're thinking of.
Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 01:00
arto @ Aug 12 2007, 06:21 PM wrote:Maybe you can point me to a car that does good sliding behaviour in RV like a real racing car? Without track sufrace trickery too, in normal tracks.
I would except for one slightly important thing...
I don't actually drive at all, and so would not know what kind of reactions I should expect when racing.
Can you tell me what it is about the cars that don't give them a life size realistic feel, then maybe I could sumize and produce some params that might give the handling we'er talking about.
I'm not trying to argue the point, you may be absolutely right, I just thought that with the right tweaking we could possible produce a more realistic handling.
But of course Re-Volt is meant to be an RC sim and I think we all agree it does that job very well.
Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 10:02
Manmountain @ Aug 12 2007, 08:30 PM wrote: arto @ Aug 12 2007, 06:21 PM wrote:Maybe you can point me to a car that does good sliding behaviour in RV like a real racing car? Without track sufrace trickery too, in normal tracks.
I would except for one slightly important thing...
I don't actually drive at all, and so would not know what kind of reactions I should expect when racing.
Can you tell me what it is about the cars that don't give them a life size realistic feel, then maybe I could sumize and produce some params that might give the handling we'er talking about.
If you have played any other racing games then you should have some idea what I mean. Basically the idea is that you can make the car go in controlled slide around the corner. In Re-Volt this seems to be hard to make because the cars are so light or something. The cars spin easily.
Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 10:32
Which is what the 'Mark 4' Supra does very well.
Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 19:28
Thanks, I'll try Mark 4 when I boot into Windows next time.
Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 21:53
That controlled skidding you say arto
Is what I do with the toyeca
That's my whole technique
Letting go of the accelerator and sliding into all corners
Believe me,revolt physics arent as great as NFS for this kind of stuff,but it simulates rather nicely
But I agree with Skitch
Revolt tracks MUST be Happy!
Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 22:30
NHood Grimm isn't happy.

Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 04:51
LOL yea ok got me on that one smart A**
Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 19:52
anyway, if you ask me, realistic tracks aren't that great. i like ones that... well... arent realistic. if i were gonna go near a realistic theme for a track, i would try and put in some non-realistic things too.
Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 09:46
Aylown @ Aug 13 2007, 05:23 PM wrote: That controlled skidding you say arto
Is what I do with the toyeca
Sorry, but you have no idea what I mean if you think it's the skidding that can be done with Toyeca

Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 15:26
good morning,
a bit back after being a bit away

glad to see conversations like this.
my respects to the revolt people by the way

some thoughts,
i had an idea like this long time ago from which rcdream was born. it was not meant to be a new type of track but a kinda exception, just as dreams are in real life.
racing on this track i experienced that i have already known, namely that revolt's physics will not suit the idea of real cars. this is what i like most in revolt by the way, i mean the physics.
i think by saying "controlled slide around a corner" arto referred to a kinda rally feeling when you turn the wheel to the opposit direction in a turn in order to keep the car on the desired curve. if this is impossible for arto, it really is for anybody, lol.
additionally, real car size revolt cars are just too fast, especially regarding to the acceleration and turns. if you would try to turn a real car's wheel the way its done at a sharp corner in revolt you wouldnt get out of that car alive, lol.
Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 22:56
Of course, just because the car is based on a real-life car doesn't mean it has to have absolutely realistic performance. A lot of car games set in real-life cars don't perform anything like real life. Look at the old NES/SNES car games.

That didn't stop them from being fun.
[quote=""human""]i think by saying "controlled slide around a corner" arto referred to a kinda rally feeling when you turn the wheel to the opposit direction in a turn in order to keep the car on the desired curve. if this is impossible for arto, it really is for anybody, lol.[/quote]
I suppose so. I've tried to recapture that effect but Re-Volt cars tend to whip in the opposite direction and can't seem to maintain the "controlled slide" for more than a fraction of a second.
[quote=""human""]additionally, real car size revolt cars are just too fast, especially regarding to the acceleration and turns. if you would try to turn a real car's wheel the way its done at a sharp corner in revolt you wouldnt get out of that car alive, lol. [/quote]
You talk about "re-volt cars" as if there's only one way to do it. You can make re-volt cars accelerate more realistically and take corners realistically if you want. I've been trying to average it out with my cars, mostly because most of re-volt's tracks are designed for cars that do 0-60 in 0.4 seconds. Even my cars accelerate way faster and realistic cars, and everyone complains because they can't make jumps. I actually boosted their acceleration a lot just so they could make it up the hill in RV-Temple.
Making it impossible to take corners at speed is easy. You can reduce the car's traction, which also encourages controlled slides more, or you can raise the center of mass in the car and encourage it to roll if you take a turn too fast. But the AI probably wouldn't know how to deal with this, so unless you design the AI for it, it won't be much fun. Even if you just push the center of mass in the car towards the front, and make the car front wheel drive - it'll be pretty hard to take corners at speed because the car can't handle the turn. So you slow down, go around the turn, and speed up again.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 02:30
well, yes, you can reduce speed by settings, i just thought that toyeca would be the standard car anyway on any new track and toyeca's settings are sacrosanct

i dont know much about car creation, sadly, you probably can adjust properties to match a kinda realistic behavior. but as you said uphill sections like that cave exit on rv-temple would be hard to manage.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 05:03
All of the cars I've posted have their stats determined by their 0-60 times, calculated top speed, peak RPMs, calculated wheel diameter, gear ratios of first and final gear, final drive, weight distribution, torque distribution, lock-to-lock turning radius, drag coefficients, spring rates and weight. I convert these values into parameter values as best I can figure. So aside from having exaggerated acceleration and a top speed thats about twice as fast as the car would realistically go, they're about as realistic as I can get them.
Some statistics though are based purely on observation, since I have no baseline for how much Friction wheels should generate, and I have never found any statistic that determines a cars vertical center of gravity. Aerodynamics are also not very accurate since its extremely difficult to find statistics for frontal area and downforce on most cars. Not to mention that most of the car models you get from NFS aren't exactly proportioned correctly.
Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 19:46
too tired to understand a single thing anyone's saying

but welcome back human... again!
i think that it would be nearly impossible to have any car in Re-volt drive 100% realistically. but Aeon, ur getting real close with all this fancy stuff.
as for me, ive officially ran out of ideas for cars. so yeah.
Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 22:29
toy soldier and X-mouse
the cars in re-volt are RC cars so why should they drive like real cars?

Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 00:09
Dave-o-rama @ Aug 21 2007, 06:16 AM wrote: i think that it would be nearly impossible to have any car in Re-volt drive 100% realistically.
My question is, why do they have to be 100% realistic? I'm perfectly happy driving them as they are, even if they only have one gear and they accelerate like motorcycles with jet engines.
Posted: 23 Aug 2007, 20:38
they dont HAVE to be, i was just making a statement
Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 02:41
Skitch where the HELL is the kit

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 07:26
hello dave dude

thanks for welcome.
ps.:im quite happy with the cars too by the way.
Posted: 25 Aug 2007, 10:58
The "feel" of scale comes from the amount of gravity. Remember the tower of Pisa. The cannonball and the egg reached the ground in the same amount of time. That amount of time tells you how tall the tower is. But lets say the tower is on Jupiter the cannonball and egg would reach the ground so fast the tower would appear to be very small. If the tower were on the moon were gravity is much less the tower would seem to be very much taller because of the longer period of time.
Our sense of scale is tuned to the gravity we encounter on earth. That's why in Human's track RV Dream the proportion is correct for Toyeca but the feel is still of a miniature scale.
Posted: 26 Aug 2007, 00:15
You can make stuff fall faster by increasing the weight. But it looks a little funny when you replace the default cars then you get a really long bar under "weight".