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Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 07:17
All the latest cars that have been submitted recently and have been approved can be found

Posted: 31 Dec 2007, 23:58
Newly updated with all the last offerings for 2007.
Lets hope 2008 brings more new creations & creators

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 06:26
I am sure some of you notice that your submissions take longer than the 2-3 days as suggested, I am sorry about this but my real life takes up a lot of my time and energy.
But also I have to go through and standardise a lot of the submissions before I can approve them.
Of late there has been a few repaints submitted that have been more of a reshade than a repaint, some I have approve some I have not.
For instance, swordlessroy has just submitted three cars, all were fully repainted totally black, the folder names were the same as the originals and he did not include a readme or an image.
After emailing him to suggest he tried a little more before submitting, as I did not want to make him look a fool, he emails back,
"WHAT!!! I WORKED HARD ON THEM", "ya know ur a jerk i just want ppl to see my creations come on im only 12"
Well sorry, but I know that most 12 year olds have a better imagination than just black.
Also there are a few of you out there of similar ages and just a few years older that are doing very complex conversions and repaints, far better than I (about 3 times your age).
So! my point is this, I would like some absolute opinions on what should be considered as the minimum basic standard that a submission should reach before it should be considered for approval.
Afterall my personal opinion might be considered too harsh, maybe I should just approve everything that gets submitted, as is, without any standardising alterations.
Please give me some guidance.

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 06:35
I'm still one to think I should be the one to approve cars. I have a halfway decent intuition on what to approve. Lets just say I'm a Re-Volt addict right now. On the computer all day. I think I can get some time tor re-pack and release cars. I'm not sure about guidance, but you are correct. All black cars? That's pretty uninspired. I wouldn't approve that. Don't worry, I know what you're thinking if you made me approver of cars. You're thinking I wouldn't approve any of these n00b repaints, right? Yeah, I know. I would if they were somewhat unique. Let's just say I have too much free time on my hands.
The basics for a repaint, should be:
Must have one decal or item on the car not from original game
A color change
A parameter edit
Things that should automatically shun a repaint:
Donut UFO's
"Glass" cars, we know you can use rvtrans, don't abuse it
Color changed Toyeca's
Inverted Colors (abused to the nth degree btw)
That's all I can think of right now.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 06:37
Manmountain @ Jun 14 2008, 04:56 PM wrote: maybe I should just approve everything that gets submitted, as is, without any standardizing alterations.
Um, how about not?
I'm fine leaving things to your personal discretion. If you think something being sent is garbage, then it probably is. Besides, its not hard to tell when someone has put even a minuscule amount of effort into something.
The internet is jam packed with people who are both jerks and utter morons. Don't let them get to you.
As far as rules go, if an experienced user can put it together in less than 5-10 minutes, I'd consider it worthy of rejection.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 06:45
What Aeon says is beyond true. The Re-Volt community, especially in this state, really needs quality control. These days people think they can just pop the car texture in GIMP and invert the colors and release it as a new car. Don't do that. You are insulting yourself, the community, and us as well. You can do better than that. You will improve over time. You must work on your abilities before releasing your first car, a mistake I wish I prevented.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 07:44
srry...i haevn't had as much of a chance to be on the computer as often as i used to.....
no offence adam....but because i saw that post think u may be the fat kid in dodgeball in gym

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 17:49
now, when you say "A parameter edit" do you mean the speed and/or the way the car handles. or do you mean. at least change the parameters to have the right car name?
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 18:20
Well, you kinda have to change the car name, don't ya?
The first two, of course. It can be a slight edit.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 20:44
So! let me try and sumise here,
A repaint with no param changes should be a kick a$$ repaint ?
A basic/simple repaint should have some unique specific parameters ?
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 21:32
I think, MM, you have it just about right. But don't forget that:-
1. Wayne, at Racers Point, eventually banned all invisible cars. I would suggest that this is A Good Thing, and I would add transparent cars to that ban.
2. ALL conversions and repaints should have the original car's readme included (unaltered) in the folder and full credits must be given in the new readme
3. Why there are so many Toyeca repaints without a change to the params - they can be used for online racing without them showing as a 'cheat' car.
Any infringements should be rejected, with a polite explanetary note 1st time.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 21:50
Thanks Geoff,
That is more or less what I have been following, the main problem is that some members don't leave/use their own actual email address for me to politely respond to them.
Some people think their work is really great, well! without an image and a detailed readme to explain why it's so great I am going to have to decline more submissions.

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 23:32
As an general opinion has been put forward regarding minimalistic repaints/colour inversions, I will not approve any more cars of this poor quality.
It waste's my time and belittles you.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 06:04
Hmm, MM, you held up to that promise and I love you for it. All I've seen any more are good repaints (and a couple "mediocre" ones)
Posted: 18 Jul 2008, 03:47
All the latest cars that have be submitted recently and have been approved can be found
Posted: 01 Aug 2009, 19:49
All the links to RVZT have been updated.
All the latest cars that have been submitted recently and have been approved can be found