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Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 22:12
Me Obviously.
I know its been done before but i think i need to know whos where and doing what.
Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 22:15
The topic reminds me of M.A.S.H. Anyways, I just released a new track, and I'm always working on something or another. Uploaded to RVZT, but you can always find my latest tracks before they're approved on Later,
Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 23:40
I check RVZT at least once a day to see if anything new is posted, but I probably only visit this forum every other day now since hardly anybody has been posting.
I was doing car repaints and lego extremes, but I found car repaints to be much more rewarding than the lego extremes. Except, since none of my cars are getting posted anywhere and arto gets offended if I complain, I'm not working on anything anymore.
Re-Volt gets boring fast when there's no one in the community to interact with.
Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 01:47
Yup It will get boring, all games get boring.
Re-Volt is just a little bit different to most games (Me not being a game playing person) As it allows people to use art in a different way and i think that if we lose it now after all these years it will be a great shame. I may not always be around alot, but i still love pratting about in max from time to time and ill never ditch the game and its creative fun.
I often think of the old days when it was all new and to be honest I am yet to find a game with as much to offer as Re-Volt.
It is going to be up to those of us who are left to keep things going and I will still be releasing stuff as long as there is a site to upload to.
Thanx everyone.
Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 01:51
I'm here.... just
Aeon! I really like your repaints, they are fresh and exciting, please don't stop producing if you do have more ideas.
This place will only remain active if people just share the things they enjoy doing even if only one person actually acknowledges your creations.
Don't do it for the fame, do it for the pleasure. Your fame will come naturally over time.
Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 04:19
Iron Bob
Still Here, But it just occurred to me that I haven't posted a car in almost two years. I think I'm just going to forget the complete car replacement idea. And start posting them as individual cars. I've been finding myself having creative difficulty with it anyhow.
Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 04:28
Iron Bob @ Jul 29 2007, 11:49 PM wrote: I think I'm just going to forget the complete car replacement idea. And start posting them as individual cars. I've been finding myself having creative difficulty with it anyhow.
You're trying to do one of those too?
At the moment I have 15/28 repaints, which means I'm about half way to having my complete customized car replacement for standard re-volt cars.
But if I had to create 28+ cars before releasing it, I don't think it'd happen.
Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 13:13
I'm still here... though I might at least try to reduce, if not quit altogether, the amount of things I have going regarding Re-Volt. Just don't seem to have enough time for it all anymore.
Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 16:08
arto @ Jul 30 2007, 09:43 AM wrote: I'm still here... though I might at least try to reduce, if not quit altogether, the amount of things I have going regarding Re-Volt. Just don't seem to have enough time for it all anymore.
been there, done that. :-/
re-volt is the game love of my life. for as skitch said, i havent played a game that comes remotely close in offering the same amount of ease as far as creative user input goes.
yet, real life gets in the way and i have to say i dont feel bad about it.
Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 21:09
I still look-in almost every day after a 12-race RV session, but I have no projects going at present.
Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 03:11
re-volt hustler
well im here now. I got a new computer and internet connection

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 20:25
re-volt hustler @ Jul 30 2007, 10:41 PM wrote: well im here now. I got a new computer and internet connection
i wish i had a better computer and net connexion...
but anyway, if any of you guys need any ideas, i got some... (cars, anyway...)
as for me, ive always had time 4 revolt,at least during teh summer. once skool starts its a different story. but, i would submit the stuff that i've made to RVZT if the library wasnt blocking the sumbission page.
Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 10:50
I'm here!
I still play Re-Volt every other day or so. I've got a c**pload of old projects and new ideas I gotta start or finish (Drift car, Track, Dune buggy, 1nsane conversion...). It's just that Zmodeler and RVShader keep as/im/ex ploding in my face whenever I try to use them (

). It also doesn't help that work is becoming longer and more frequent (

) and I'm getting most of my new and older games to work again (2 months after getting it, I
finally got FlatOut 2 to work. Yay wanton destruction!).
So, pretty much, work bites, FlatOut 2 rules, when RVShader/Zmodeler stops being a $#1T, I'll be making stuff, and uh, yeah, long live ReVolt.

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 11:54
re-volt hustler
FireBlade_2049 @ Aug 2 2007, 12:20 AM wrote: I'm here!
I still play Re-Volt every other day or so. I've got a c**pload of old projects and new ideas I gotta start or finish (Drift car, Track, Dune buggy, 1nsane conversion...). It's just that Zmodeler and RVShader keep as/im/ex ploding in my face whenever I try to use them (

). It also doesn't help that work is becoming longer and more frequent (

) and I'm getting most of my new and older games to work again (2 months after getting it, I
finally got FlatOut 2 to work. Yay wanton destruction!).
So, pretty much, work bites, FlatOut 2 rules, when RVShader/Zmodeler stops being a $#1T, I'll be making stuff, and uh, yeah, long live ReVolt.

srry to be off topic but what games do you know that can push a computer with a
AMD athlon X2 5600(2.8ghz each)proccesor
768mb 8800utlra graphics card(got it a week a go)
4GB ram
Vista home premium
Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 08:40
I'll try to pop back in with more tracks and cars, then it will be all uphill from me.
But don't expect me to be very active before that...
I still need to get updated, too.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 06:46
I come here daily.
I'm still quite interested.
I still have a few years to give something to the Re-Volt Community.
I am only 15
Apparently Dave-o-rama is only 12, unless he's lying.
Although many of the big names in the community are reaching their 20's
Real life hit them hard.
But if we can get more people interested this game at least has 3 years left.
And what about that possible sequel?
I don't know. I just started playing Re-Volt on PC and I thought the community was already dead (first site I saw was the "not updated for 2 years" RVA)
But digging through google and many dead links I found this great forum.
And RVZT, and many others.
I'll be here for a little bit. I'd say at least another year.

Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 07:33
this will probably be my last post at a revolt community,
so good bye

Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 08:14
im staying!!!! i love revolt!!
Edit: i noticed this is my first post O_o
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 08:33
I think this is my first post also , but I am still here
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 12:03
im also here

Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 12:46
Guardian of R'lyeh
I am here, again

I played Re-Volt since 2000 and there was a so great community. Tracks have been released everyday and nearly everytime there was anything new to discover. I remember that there was a project for tracks with much water and swimming vehicles instead of cars. Or how hard we waited for the first release of the "RV Temple" track

Then, someday, Microsoft stopped the online gaming service for RV and all collapsed. Gamespy never worked for me and I went off.
Now, a few years later I found RVHouse and I am happy that RV is not dead!

Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 12:46
Hello. Re-volt is great game!
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 14:16
Hello, I'm still checking in occasionally.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 14:28
This is probably my first post, but I'm still here...
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 14:29
i think this could possibly be my first post.......(whoops)
but i am here
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 19:03
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 19:26
Howdy, still here yet, waas thinking of reviving RVA if peeps would use it, dunno. Been workin on computers in RL so i kinda dont do much when i get home, once you been on them all day. Im a network tech at a company and we just rolled out a new software program to run the company on so its been ruff for a while getting the bugs out., I still play Revolt and enjoy checking out the new stuff still, may get after doing another track and have some cars to release also. Long live Revolt !
Don't know a lot of these names posting here, but good to see the new peeps and glad to see the old timers still around.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 19:34
Still my favorite, but don't get to it much now since my new main computer is Vista. Would play it daily, probably, if it ran on Vista.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 22:48
I still check in almost every day. And have a racing session every day, but I rarely work on tracks or cars, except to make existing ones usable (and that includes messing with other peeps creations).
RV is now the only game I play.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 23:00
re-volt hustler
Sup fellow re-volters Im currently working on re-volt 2 write know.
Ill type up some updates when its ready.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 23:31
Killer Wheels
______ ___
Re-Volt <-/
###"""""°___ /.#/_
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 01:31
i love re-volt and i cant wait for re-volt 2
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 15:44
I just came back!
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 22:13
I at least wanted to be counted on this post...
ReVolt is one of the all time greatest games ever! it's still very fun! i just cleaned out my CD rack and found my old Original ReVolt CD. i remember buying the game the first day it was released...and then needing to upgrade my computer at the time...if you can believe that!
i've kind of moved on to real cars. after a couple of years running another racing sim online, i decided to build this:
that project has kept all my free time busy putting it together. but now that it's almost done i will have time to do other things...and getting back to RV is going to be one of them.
can someone make a Cobra for RV? i would be really grateful if someone could?
Man i remember the good old days running RV at the MSN Game Zone...those days were the best!
Hey Arto! how's it going man?
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 22:19
I'm still here and almost online every day on RV House.
French community is still alive too (on rvtt forum) but not online (except mainly for me and benvolio).
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 23:30
I'm going to look for a Cobra to convert
I can't find one ATM. BUT I WILL

Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 00:10
Yo,Brasilian community is online,but our times are different than yours
I've been a bit Off the game,basically for lack of time
But I plan to race like old days

Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 08:11
Dude, we're lucky.
The amount of total posts in the "Re-Volt Cars" section is 777.

Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 09:19
Howdy scracer! Your car's looking great, I was quite sure there was a Cobra conversion to RV but when I looked for it I couldn't find it

Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 21:28
Hi Scracer,
CADster created a Shelby 427 and Roseladi repainted it. I have both, I'll submit 'em to RVZT.
Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 21:56
toy soldier and X-mouse
hey masked u here too? cool!
yes we are still at re-volt we are at the forum daily

Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 22:21
hey SCracer, good to see you are still around.
hilaire9 checks in.
Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 05:41
G'Day Blokes (and Sheila's, if any)
has been a while since I've done any racing in Revolt

Might have to change that
SCracer: BurnRubr/DSL_Tile did a Cobra R type conversion from NFS back in May 2001, I have it if needed
plus you can find it here > under NFSCars1
Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 22:23
hey guys!
thanks for all the replies...
if anyone finds a Cobra please send to
or if it's posted on someone's website, a link would much appreciated!
drive on!
Posted: 23 Aug 2007, 00:20
Disgruntled Gel at your service. (Hil, you never told me how to do your little trick for getting the screen modes to flip or whatever)
Posted: 23 Aug 2007, 00:35
Here is cobra for NFS4 if anyone wants to convert it. 
Posted: 23 Aug 2007, 01:01
hey gel, sorry I do not know how to change the buffer mode from Flip to Page in
Vista. I don't have Vista. I will try to get this info. It might be a DX10 thing,
or associated with the 3D Desktop. Can the 3D Desktop be disabled?
Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 06:32
I'm still here.
Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 07:05
what a nice list of revolt people,
im making a track, planning to release in autumn, time is very limited, many important things to do, travelworkschoolfatherhoodbusiness and so on.
glad to see old friends and new racers alive,
i would go online to race for sure, but this wireless i have at the moment is a bit blunt.
i try to finish that track as soon as possible to add something to the revolt life.
Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 07:10
ps.: if i am a master track maker, who is bootes? im sure he is sober, but, hmm, isn't there a title "master of masters"?