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Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 04:21
i am almost done a new track, Surreality 2: The Cyberspace Chase Scene. Trust me, this one is much better than The original Surreality.
now onto my problem.
At the start of the track, when the race starts, the cars turn around and go the other way, and then they start racing normally. And yes, I have the nodes and track set up so there is traffic coming at you from both ways. and I've already glued the track so i can't do that. i did the AI Nodes twice and it keeps happening. Does any1 know how 2 fix this??????
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 10:47
Maybe you've got your starting node set in the wrong spot?
Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 19:09
I know the answer
Happened when I was nodding War God for the first time
You put your first node in the middle of the starting grid or before it
That's wrong,the first node MUST be after the starting grid
Not on the same node,you need to put it a bit farther than the starting pos node
This way,they will not turn around
If you cant get it to work,send to my mail and I'll give a look
Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 21:36
The starting node is the first place where all the AI will rush to. To avoid startup collisions, I personally like to throw the starting node as far ahead of the AI as possible before they reach a turn. Otherwise, they tend to all rush towards the center of the track immediately and crash into each other. At least if the node is further out, it gives them a moment to separate a little bit first. Thats why its usually good to put the starting grid on a decently long straight.
Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 23:38
i have the starting node in front of my starting grid. perhaps the cars think it is behind them and i need to go in and fix it. thank you both aeon and ayl.
i also brought a screenshot just for the heck of it:

Posted: 26 Jun 2007, 07:55
First,remove any Ai node you have on the track grid
Second,check all Nodes to see if you did not Double Start Node
ALL nodes,because if you double node,they tend to follow the closest,but on the start,it may be what is bugging
If not,remove all the Ai nodes from grid,and make them far from it
And try again
If you have problems,use the third solution,delete all them and start again
Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 00:35
thanks Ayl, but i dont know the next time i can get on my computer. the electric generator we have is having some problems, and my sister and her game isnt exactly helping. but ill see what i can do. i might as well go ahead and redo the whole AI nodes. its easier.
Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 09:11
You should have asked the AI Guru, Manmountain.