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Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 07:12
As opposed to deactivating the grading system. As of late, comments there at RVZT are really getting ugly. Its like a nonstop flamewar. "This track sucks." "YOU SUCK MORE" "Go stfu u stupid whr u cat evn make XTREME tracks!" "Blah blah blah #@$# u!"
Maybe just a nice system for submitting actual reviews of tracks would be better. Nice tracks would get reviewed if they're worth someone's time and effort to put in a good word with them.
Of course, there's no good answer, since people will not stop being jerks, getting rid of comments prevents people from saying good/constructive things about tracks, getting rid of ratings prevents people from knowing which tracks are worth downloading.
Of course, I doubt anyone wants to get elaborate, but you could add a sign-up process for the RVZT comments that requires an actual review by the admin/moderator before being accepted, then you could have a nice little 'vote-to-ban' function where if a bunch of people don't want to get rid of a certain person (preferably one who's making nasty comments), then they could all click the "Vote to ban" button next to his comment and if there's enough turnout, they'll get banned! Woo!
Okay, enough dumb ideas. Now everybody stop swearing, stop insulting, and stop trying to water each other off.
Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 08:08
re-volt hustler
Aeon @ Jun 20 2007, 08:42 PM wrote: As opposed to deactivating the grading system. As of late, comments there at RVZT are really getting ugly. Its like a nonstop flamewar. "This track sucks." "YOU SUCK MORE" "Go stfu u stupid whr u cat evn make XTREME tracks!" "Blah blah blah #@$# u!"
Maybe just a nice system for submitting actual reviews of tracks would be better. Nice tracks would get reviewed if they're worth someone's time and effort to put in a good word with them.
Of course, there's no good answer, since people will not stop being jerks, getting rid of comments prevents people from saying good/constructive things about tracks, getting rid of ratings prevents people from knowing which tracks are worth downloading.
Of course, I doubt anyone wants to get elaborate, but you could add a sign-up process for the RVZT comments that requires an actual review by the admin/moderator before being accepted, then you could have a nice little 'vote-to-ban' function where if a bunch of people don't want to get rid of a certain person (preferably one who's making nasty comments), then they could all click the "Vote to ban" button next to his comment and if there's enough turnout, they'll get banned! Woo!
Okay, enough dumb ideas. Now everybody stop swearing, stop insulting, and stop trying to water each other off.
not a bad idea
Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 11:05
Aeon @ Jun 21 2007, 02:42 AM wrote: then you could have a nice little 'vote-to-ban' function where if a bunch of people don't want to get rid of a certain person (preferably one who's making nasty comments), then they could all click the "Vote to ban" button next to his comment and if there's enough turnout, they'll get banned! Woo!
That's pretty nice idea. And I mean it would be a ban from posting for some time.
Though to be honest it doesn't seem to be that big a problem at the moment. But I like the idea if things start getting out of control.
Posted: 22 Jun 2007, 04:06
Get a hoe for everyone and they will shut up....
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 04:14
lol ayl, when i first saw this topic i thought it was a topic you started!
anyway, as much as this would go against my usual standars, its not too bad of an idea.
Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 19:13
Nah,I always ask to deactivate the GRADING system
Aeon on the other hand,is a bit worried about the bad comments,and thus want to deactivate the COMMENT system
But I stick to my idea,get a hoe and a beer for everyone,they will shut up
Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 23:45
even for the underaged? XD
Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 09:09
I am rather angry that somebody would ask to take away the right of online speech anywhere. And you know that I fight for freedom.
So, quite simply, shove it up your hoe's @$$, Aeon. There, I said it.
Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 23:43
Wow, that was rude and totally uncalled for. Now I understand why nobody likes you.
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 00:15
RAISE the topic
LOL,I laughed my bottom out when I saw this.
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 01:07
i like the comments u can post
i don't like the insulting
allot of new people here think that they can blow their mouth at people and get away w/ it
i think that is crap
so i think that if you blow you can't post for some time...
then if they continue to blow their mouth then the can't post for a REALY long time
and if they continue to post more crap then they are banned.
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 04:27
revoltkid @ Aug 6 2007, 08:37 PM wrote:so i think that if you blow you can't post for some time...
then if they continue to blow their mouth then the can't post for a REALY long time
and if they continue to post more crap then they are banned.
For the record, APM has gone through stages 1 & 2.
Whats next is up to him.

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 06:12
re-volt hustler
I guest im the only one here that doesnt hate APM's post
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 07:57
Aeon @ Aug 6 2007, 12:13 PM wrote: Now I understand why nobody likes you.
And you are asking to disable the comments system because of insults?
Nonetheless, sorry for making that rude and totally uncalled for comment at the end of my post. I just had to get it out. I wouldn't ask you to understand, as you clearly wouldn't.
Please, people, can't you get a more positive attitude? Rather than wanting restrictions, you should be fighting for freedom! That includes you, Aeon.
Anyways, if the whole world couldn't talk, how would we be able to express
positive ideas? Arto can simply strip someone of their right to post, you don't need to restrict every single person from saying anything.
Posted: 08 Aug 2007, 21:15
I fight for freedom for everybody BUT Apm
Because I believe all inteligent forms of life should have freedom of speech
Analizing that affirmation,you can guess why I'm against APM freedom of speech

Posted: 08 Aug 2007, 22:22
APM is ok, he is young and knows that he will get a bite by posting stuff here.
As long as he inputs to the game it is fine with me as we need all of the support that we can get.
As for the comments, i like them as it gives me a swell head when i get good reviews lol
I will just ignor the bad ones.
Peace to all and i hope that you enjoy my new track (released tomorrow woo hooo ).