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Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 03:59
re-volt hustler
We should make our own re-volt 2. I could buy a game engine give it to everyone who's gonna deal with it. This could be a good way of breathing fresh air into revolt.
comment if you want to be appart of this.
Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 04:10
re-volt hustler
And for the quality of the engine would yall be looking for a high end type like nfs: prostreet or midengine like midnight club 3 dub edition?

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 14:50
It could be great! But dont ask from me how do we make it

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 22:30
re-volt hustler
ME need feedback, so I know what do

Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 04:09
well the game-designer people obviously havent seen dis topic yet, but perhaps i could help with ideas, track design, etc.
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 05:03
re-volt hustler
Thank you, Im gonna try to start this in july with the GUI set up and so fort. I may use this engine
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 05:08
unigine? dunno it
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 07:40
re-volt hustler
did you click on the name to go to the site?
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 19:07
where i get rev 2? someone know?
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 22:30
rev 2 isn't made yet
and i will defenitly like to help w/ your game
and i am starting to think that the guys that want to make rev2 over at rvforum i think they are scammers
so idk
and i am at the library
first i was grounded
then i my ac to phone adapter broke
and they block rrr at library(idkwhy)
and i ot a new adapter
that broke
and now i am stuck
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 23:58
re-volt hustler
thks, seeing as yahoo has no storage limit now, I may upload it there then give the stugg that way.
More info in the coming weeks
Posted: 24 Jun 2007, 00:10
send me the program to my email
Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 13:55
No! Re-Volt 2 have been made but not for PC and it,s name has changed.
Posted: 25 Jun 2007, 23:43
re-volt hustler @ Jun 23 2007, 03:10 AM wrote: did you click on the name to go to the site?
not yet
revoltkid @ Jun 23 2007, 06:00 PM wrote:and they block rrr at library(idkwhy)
dont feel bad; they block it at my library too. not like i give a crap.
re_volt @ Jun 25 2007, 09:25 AM wrote:No! Re-Volt 2 have been made but not for PC and it,s name has changed.
do you have a link for it revolt?
Posted: 27 Jun 2007, 17:20
See the fifth raw (or what was it)
I wanna be designer or something in this becuz i rely dont know anything about
how to make games or something...... Lol! Great! We could do our own Re-Volt
Like Zelda fans maked their own Zelda movie. There is that link to Re-Volt 2 things:
:Link to things about RC Revenge Pro: (if link is dead write on Google:RC Revenge Pro and click the first link. It,s same as above) Lol i just put the first link

Let,s go! Woohoo!!!!!

Add:Ps:I cant believe RC Revenge Pro got 2.5 Points! (out of 10) Old Re-Volt pushed
8.8 Points Out of 10
Add:Pss:Srry but THERE HAVE NOT MADE RE-VOLT 2!!!!! I WAS WRONG!!!!! How i feel stupid now..... RC games from Acclaim: RC Revenge, RC Revenge Pro and Re-Volt.
Posted: 27 Jun 2007, 23:32
@revolt: i have that game! i never got it to work though
@revolt hustler: looks pretty cool!
Posted: 28 Jun 2007, 05:32
re-volt hustler
Well I see alot ppl here know to make levels, but about cars.
If your good at making cars please post.

Posted: 28 Jun 2007, 13:32
Get a credit card and buy that shizt
Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 00:51
re-volt hustler
WTF r talking about?!?!?

Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 15:11

Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 19:58
I can make cars and tracks, tracks better though. I'd be willing to help, even programming. I'll add a whole forum category on this project idea to ZAG - RV, if you want.
Posted: 02 Jul 2007, 07:58
re-volt hustler
hmmmmmmmm.......That would be nice. Im gonna try get everything started in the third week(Getting a new 5k computer next week).
Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 08:02
Dangit can't u people wait 5 years??? >=[
lol... I would keep the original RV Engine bcz it keeps the awesome roots.
Well, good luck, though I'm hoping that you won't make it within 5 or so years.
BTW I remember somebody said here that RV2 was already made by the company who bought RV? Ya, I'm gonna buy everythin back from them. Then comes RV3! DIE!!!
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 06:16
re-volt hustler
Well I aleady got my computer. Im getting the engine right now, and dought Ill wait 5 or so years to release it.

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 07:46
U took ma dream and crushed it into little tiny pieces even smaller than my brain!
Oh, well, good luck!