Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 03:49
for those of you who have seen my posts @ RVHO and Racing Wheels, you know about the freakin' electric company that cut our power and and forced us to run on a generator. But now, as if no electricity isnt enough, THEY KNOCKED OUT THE INTERNET AT MY HOUSE. so im posting at the library right now. not good. so im asking just one little favor of someone - if anyone who RST has a little respect for could tell him about my situation, then please do so. Because no computer that is currently internet-enabled uses firefox, so i cant get on RRR and tell him myself. But don't worry - i'll still be making cars and an occasional track with the time i now have. 
(P.S. tell RST about this!)
(P.S.S. Hi!
(P.S.S.S. ok im done

(P.S. tell RST about this!)
(P.S.S. Hi!

(P.S.S.S. ok im done