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Posted: 28 May 2007, 19:32

it resembles dodgeball, in an arena tonshiden-like track
and you shoot rockets at eachother until only one person is in the arena
but the rockets are actually balls and you have to dodge the balls like in real dodgeball.
There's only one problem though...
you won't always get a rocket when you get a pick up, which means that the closest we could get to this idea is just an all-out battle...
Maybe we could try and tweak the game so this whole idea could work.
im going to start building the actual arena soon.
I hope we can get this to work! its a fun idea

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 06:05
No, it is possible!
Use... arg wat is it called?
MM u have it on your site.
I believe it is RV Trainer.
It's a program that will allow u 2 get only one pickup.
If the ball is a firework, everybody would have to change the model.
But, in some tracks, I have seen a picture inside water balloons.
I have seen it in Zombie, I believe, and in one of Hil's tracks... Hil's track had 2 do something with London...
I think water balloons best simulate throwing the ball, as balls do not turn in midair as the fireworks do.

Just using plain water balloons would be the best idea.
OR just use regular balls, of course! Duh!
Speedup objects or, if weapons are not affected by them, farce fields can be used to keep the teams on their sides without blocking the balloons. If normal balls are used, then speedup object must be used.
There could be a few stars in the edges of the court, but not too many otherwise the game would b too cheap. Either 1 star in the center of the back boarder of each side or a star at each corner of the entire court would be ideal in my opinion.
When a player is hit, he/she repositions and is placed in a losers' room. Where this room will be is up to you, but I have a good idea which I will not disclose here.
In short, use RV Trainer to use only one weapon if the ball will be a weapon, use a speedup/farce field to seperate the sides, and have a losers' room.
Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 00:39
somevery nice ideas APM, but then everyone would have to download RV Trainer and all that and its so much... but we'll try it.
Posted: 03 Jun 2007, 02:08
u can put rvtrainer i the level....and u can make a .bin file so that rvtrainer can install automatically

i am still working on rvbowling
Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 02:58
revoltkid @ Jun 2 2007, 09:38 PM wrote: u can put rvtrainer i the level....and u can make a .bin file so that rvtrainer can install automatically

i am still working on rvbowling
yea, im sure i could.
revoltkid @ Jun 2 2007, 09:38 PM wrote:and u can make a .bin file so that rvtrainer can install automatically
i can try to make a .bat file, but i dont know .bin files for crap... ;(
revoltkid @ Jun 2 2007, 09:38 PM wrote:i am still working on rvbowling
i didnt know you were working on such a project, nice to hear that

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 00:51
i started and almost finished the building of the track today, and its coming out rather nicely. I have to download RV Trainer on Monday to test it, and then maybe i can get some beta testers to help out.
Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 02:20
re-volt hustler
Id like to be a tester.
Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 03:00
thanks, but i still have to wait for my freaking internet to work again so i can download the darn RV Trainer program, make sure that works, and then we can test it.
Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 02:05
trust me, I havent forgetten about this, i just need to somehow get RV Trainer
Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 20:13
APM @ Jun 1 2007, 01:35 AM wrote: No, it is possible!
Use... arg wat is it called?
MM u have it on your site.
I believe it is RV Trainer.
It's a program that will allow u 2 get only one pickup.
If the ball is a firework, everybody would have to change the model.
But, in some tracks, I have seen a picture inside water balloons.
I have seen it in Zombie, I believe, and in one of Hil's tracks... Hil's track had 2 do something with London...
I think water balloons best simulate throwing the ball, as balls do not turn in midair as the fireworks do.

Just using plain water balloons would be the best idea.
OR just use regular balls, of course! Duh!
Speedup objects or, if weapons are not affected by them, farce fields can be used to keep the teams on their sides without blocking the balloons. If normal balls are used, then speedup object must be used.
There could be a few stars in the edges of the court, but not too many otherwise the game would b too cheap. Either 1 star in the center of the back boarder of each side or a star at each corner of the entire court would be ideal in my opinion.
When a player is hit, he/she repositions and is placed in a losers' room. Where this room will be is up to you, but I have a good idea which I will not disclose here.
In short, use RV Trainer to use only one weapon if the ball will be a weapon, use a speedup/farce field to seperate the sides, and have a losers' room.
basketballs do not show up in multiplayer, beach balls do however
Posted: 09 Jul 2007, 07:49
Does the Trainer work in WinXP?
Posted: 10 Jul 2007, 02:06
@dylan: im using the water balloons, not beachballs
@hil: im not sure if it works even on my computer! in other words, im taking a looooooooong shot at this.
Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 09:14
Very glad I could help you out!
I mean, I couldn't have ever gotten it done myself, lol.

PS I never noticed that basketballs didn't show up... thank you for telling us!
Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 21:17
toy soldier and X-mouse
i know how to play rv football,
go rv house and host a battle game and choose the nhood battle.
somewhere in the level u will find a small football field with a ball!
you're able to shoot it with water balloons.
try it and have fun
btw: i love the rv dodgeball idea!
Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 06:44
rv dodgeball sounds like a good idea.

............But it would be hard to make.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 07:14
All we need is a way to modify RV House to work like the Pickup Trainer. Just add an option on the room create window. Maybe if Arto has some free time soon...