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Posted: 23 May 2007, 07:22
Who is a good FREE website provider?
Thinking of getting BRSREALM up again.
But I need some where that would let me host around 50 to 70 megs of data and around 250 to 300 files.
Posted: 23 May 2007, 10:06
Well Freewebs is one i know.....
Posted: 23 May 2007, 10:29
Sorry Freewebs is no good.
Does not allow mmore than 100 files.
Plus really not enough space.
thanks for your reply any way re_volt
Posted: 23 May 2007, 23:08
Free and pay hosting.
Awardspace: US$55/year--- (click here)
Posted: 23 May 2007, 23:17
The Free hosting has a file size limit, but I say if you
can't afford $5 a month you shouldn't be messing
with video games, you should be out working more!
Posted: 24 May 2007, 02:00
i was gonna say Freewebs until I saw BurnRubr's second post... Its the one I use for
my not-too-visually-appealing site.
Posted: 24 May 2007, 10:26
Lol i though you were looking good free sites

Posted: 25 May 2007, 05:17
revolt what i mean is that freewebs is a good hoster, just MY website is really cruddy cuz i don't know any HTML...
Posted: 25 May 2007, 08:48
I have no luck finding a free web provider that will let me host my files.
Most of the ones i found only let you host html pages only.
Posted: 26 May 2007, 02:54
whoawhoa what about the same hosting place that hilaire9 uses 4 his site? and what about the old BRSREALM?
Posted: 26 May 2007, 10:56
My home page is free from my ISP (total 80 megs),
but I can host 2 megs of .html pages and images
there if he wants, or any free host, with links to my
account for zip files or whatever, with a folder
he can access and use as his own. BurnRubr if you are
interested PM me with your email address, etc.
Posted: 26 May 2007, 12:15
I will check out for hosting of my files.
I will find some where just for the html pages.
Posted: 26 May 2007, 19:46
maybe use google to look for FREE web hosting engines
Posted: 26 May 2007, 21:25
Thanks hilaire9.
I set up a free account with
Got 200 megs of space.
Has a file size limit of 500kb.
Seems you can only upload pics and html
But that is okay as I am only putting up re-volts cars and my conversion tutorials.
I host the actual zip files for the cars at as I made a account there too.
Then I just link to the zips at from my html page.
Now it is just a matter of getting BRSREALM sorted out again.
Posted: 26 May 2007, 23:44
Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 05:05
Well you could host your website on
Freewebs and your pictures and videos on
Also host videos and pictures on
Don't forget to use YouTube for videos, as well!
It's just that Photobucket hosts videos the best, but it has an upload limit. Why do all the good things have limits?!?!?
Posted: 10 Jul 2007, 04:11
i know right!? good things should be unlimited sometimes.
but i really don't go to those limits... so doesnt bother me!