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Posted: 16 May 2007, 18:25
Just wondering if people still download cars that are converted from other games into revolt.
Or do you only download original creations?
Posted: 16 May 2007, 19:04
I myself download anycar that is created for Re-Volt, whether it's a basic repaint, a conversion, a new specifically designed 3D creation or a collection of random car parts.
I would really like to see a conversion of one of the new F1 bodies with the curved sidepods and split front & rear wings, although I appreciate some models have a high poly count and would really slow the game down.
Posted: 16 May 2007, 20:10
I usually download cars that look and sound decent, regardless of origin.
Well, actually, I haven't been downloading much lately because I was working like a dog on Chaos Dip, but I should be back to downloading in a while.
Posted: 16 May 2007, 20:20
I dld every car and track that I can find for RV.
Which is why I have so many that I haven't tried yet

Posted: 17 May 2007, 04:38
I only download cars that resemble cars which exist in real life.
Unless it looks really interesting...
Posted: 18 May 2007, 15:22
I think one of the problems are that most of the cars have been done.
It is hard to find a type of car that has not been done before.
Posted: 19 May 2007, 03:42
Most of what cars have been done? I hope you're not talking about real-life cars because I've still got a long list of real-life cars that Re-Volt doesn't have.
Posted: 20 May 2007, 07:57
i dl just about every single car i can find
and i love conversions
i love revolt

*kills all who hates revolt*

(or am i )
Posted: 22 May 2007, 04:28
any car i find interesting, i download.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 05:31
I download Aeon's sick repaints, The Me & Me's conversions, some of BurnRubr's cars,
some of Iron Bob's.
I prefer conversions, although I love well-done repaints.
Like APM, If it looks good and like I would like it, I try it out.