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Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 11:52
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 04:21
I fiddle with Re-Volt periodically, but since there's little chance in me stirring up any real interest in what I'm doing, what point is there for me to be posting about it?
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 05:03
Good answer. But what was making people come here at twice the rate just a year ago?
A 7 year old game ain't much older than an 8 year old game!
Half the Re-Volt stuff was discovered back 4-6 years ago (PetroVolt was made in '02), and nothing new was really discovered in the game since then, so what kept the game going strong 4-5 years after big discoveries?
Hilaire is still making tracks, human was a while ago, Skitch2 just recently gave up. It seems that there was a big crash, where somebody gave up and the whole community collapsed! What really sucks is that I became a member of this community only 8 months ago. And I didn't learn anything... for about 2 months after that.
I got screwed royally. I'm still releasing cars, nothing will change that, but I'm not going to release them at a ridiculous rate any more because the demand is insultingly low.
There are only like 8 members in this whole community that are truly active anymore, and about 5 of them are extremely recent members. Hell, half of my contemporaries in August were releasing cars and other stuff, and I felt this community had more time in it.
I have a feeling by summer, things will be back on track. Those contemporaries (including you, Aeon) have eventually gone on to do different things. I am one of the few people from early fall of last year that is still releasing stuff.
Hell, here is a list of people that I remember:
Aeon (you're always there if I say something)
revoltkid (he comments on cars, but that's it)
ZAGames (same with Aeon, posts if I mention them)
Crap, I know I'm missing about 30, but I can't remember when half of them haven't posted in months. My memory is crap when it comes to remembering names.
End of rant, hopefully, by May-June, a re-invigoration of Re-Volt.
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 07:07
you don't remember me?
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 07:10
robenue @ Feb 2 2008, 02:37 AM wrote: you don't remember me?
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 16:02
Killer Wheels
Hi all,
I just wants to give my opinion (sorry for language errors):
Adamodell, you're speaking for the whole community even if you do NOT know who are still interested. I'll learn to you something, some people DON'T speak english (or not as well as they should

), so what you're doing here is tell everybody that the WHOLE community is dying, but maybe what you was speaking about was the average number of posts on a forum where people don't want to post every time simply because :
they haven't got time to do so
they don't want to write something nobody will understand (what I'm probably doing right now, because of my poor english vocabulary

they don't understand everything because, as you said, they don't come here every days
If you want to make more cars, please do so and don't think because nobody post about them nobody will dl and play with.
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 18:15
just b/c people aren't posting in the forums- means revolt is, it doesn't. anywayz i rarely see you adamodell showing up at rvhouse to race revolt. which is what revolt is about RACING. not coming to a forum posting eversingle day and 15 new tracks/cars every month. you can keep making your cars though and keep getting upset a bit b/c none is commenting to them or saying pretty plz make me another car. and yes, we love the almighty toyeca. but of course you can make some fun races and say this is the car we will use-and post a dl link. and if none joins-just dont start ranting- b/c it's makes it worse.
at KW just a random note. i love the poor english. only person i know that's against it is my aggravating niece that reads over my shoulder. dont worry, she's just jealous that she's not into revolt lol!!! she's one of those snobbish people that tries and speak with perfect grammar
ah , i think that is all now. cya in rvhouse

Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 18:21
jase, did u turn into a guy? lol.. everyone JUST drop it.. who cares if its slowing down.. forums do that.. SO LIVE WITH IT ADAM! as long as there are people to race, then re-volt will be here!
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 18:47
People only seem to post when I'm sleeping.

Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 18:55
jaseaka @ Feb 2 2008, 01:45 PM wrote: just b/c people aren't posting in the forums- means revolt is, it doesn't. anywayz i rarely see you adamodell showing up at rvhouse to race revolt. which is what revolt is about RACING.
not coming to a forum posting eversingle day and 15 new tracks/cars every month. you can keep making your cars though and keep getting upset a bit b/c none is commenting to them or saying pretty plz make me another car. and yes, we love the almighty toyeca. but of course you can make some fun races and say this is the car we will use-and post a dl link. and if none joins-just dont start ranting- b/c it's makes it worse.
at KW just a random note. i love the poor english. only person i know that's against it is my aggravating niece that reads over my shoulder. dont worry, she's just jealous that she's not into revolt lol!!! she's one of those snobbish people that tries and speak with perfect grammar
ah , i think that is all now. cya in rvhouse
1. The only time I ever released that many cars in a month was I believe September.
2. I hate poor English.
3. You're right.
4. I don't race online enough.
5. I'm out.
Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 23:33
I hate it when people write with poor grammar, but more specifically when people write with poor grammar even though they CAN write with good grammar, and are simply too lazy to do so. Its insulting to those of us who've worked hard to make our grammar decent so other people can read what we write with ease.
That makes me "snobby" AND "a flamish n00b". Double score!
The online racing stuff doesn't work for me. I don't remember the details, but I imagine that other people are in a similar situation.
Posted: 03 Feb 2008, 16:15
I Aint given up! I am just too busy at the moment.
Posted: 03 Feb 2008, 19:08
^ You posting made me happier!
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 00:07
Killer Wheels
Hi again
It seems that some people here don't like the way I speak, well... I wish I can speak better too

I apologize...
Please be indulgent when people try to post even if they aren't as good as you wish.
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 01:04
This thread is really annoying , and makes you ask the question...
Perfect grammer is not a priority or a requirement here.
As long as the posts contain relevant questions or information in reasonably easy to understand English (don't even have to have correct spelling), and the postee is reasonably active within any part of the Revolt community, then that is OK with me.
And that is all we need to keep Revolt alive.
What we need is less younger members whinging & whining about how their offerings/creations are not receiving the same positive attention that lesser offerings/creations received years ago when Revolt was at it's peek, or because they have put hours of work into their offerings/creations compared to others.
As long as at least one person makes something and another person enjoy's/uses that something then the system still works and Revolt will live on. It's that simple.

Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 04:03
Killer Wheels @ Feb 3 2008, 07:37 PM wrote: Hi again
It seems that some people here don't like the way I speak, well... I wish I can speak better too

I apologize...
Please be indulgent when people try to post even if they aren't as good as you wish.
You don't count, as English isn't your first language.

Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 05:35
perfct gremer isnt recuired but wen u hav 2 read a bunh of peeps ho talk lik this allthen time thqn it starts 2 gett on ur nervz afdter a whil but most of time the no how 2 talk rite the juz dun wana or r la-z (or 2 much cell phon time)
Its common courtesy on most forums to make sure that your post is as readable and understandable as you know how to make it.
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 06:37
n e wayz I've never seen anyone who write like that. maybe a few wordz like im doing rite now...
this isn't most forums. this is Re-Volt! we're not one of those 6million user games. we're a close knit family-
we're all chilling together tonight in our sweats and drinking soda and beer from a can. now of course, when we go to work or school tomorrow we will be dressed to impress.
well guess I'll start getting rdy for bed. cya
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 06:38
Aeon @ Feb 4 2008, 01:05 AM wrote:Its common courtesy on most forums to make sure that your post is as readable and understandable as you know how to make it.
Maybe that's the point.
Some people are lazy and some people have learning difficulties, but if they do we shouldn't make a point of it.
As far as I am concerned this thread is redundant and is becoming a bit of a soapbox for indiscriminate ranting.
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 07:44
Its mostly just a response to jaseaka's post:
at KW just a random note. i love the poor english. only person i know that's against it is my aggravating niece that reads over my shoulder. dont worry, she's just jealous that she's not into revolt lol!!! she's one of those snobbish people that tries and speak with perfect grammar
1. There are people out there who are annoyed with poor english, but in my case more so with people who write lazily. Its not hard to tell the difference between someone who's first language is not English and someone who just has a lazy writing style.
2. I don't see how its snobbish to write with good grammar so that its easy for other people to read and understand you. At the risk of offending people, I'd say its selfish not to.
So I guess in the end, you're either lazy or a snob. That being the case, I suppose the people who just don't know English well are better off.
3. If you really want to bring people out, all you need is a good dispute. Most people don't really post unless they have an opinion that they want seen.
BTW, here's a sample of the kind of writing I have to put up with in other communities:
i need u to icon me a Water Dragon i have a pic but if u can't i will understand this is hardest icon it might take and u might need to be a advacne iconner to do it too
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 08:04
OK then I'll rephrase my description of her. she's not snobbish b/c she likes perfect grammar. it's more b/c she looks down on others that doesn't . so maybe the word is I need is chauvinistic
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 11:56
If you wanted to read a book on a particular topic of interest, and you had a choice between a well-written, grammatically correct book, or a poorly-written book with bad grammar, which would you read?
Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 14:31
Manmountain @ Feb 4 2008, 03:08 AM wrote: As far as I am concerned this thread is redundant and is becoming a bit of a soapbox for indiscriminate ranting.
just thought the same.
i find it funny to come back and check on the community every once in a while and find this thread still up and running...
everyone with the time to do so: more work, less talk.
and dont let negative feedback get you (anyone) down too much. YOU should be the first person that you create stuff for re-volt, if you like it, post it... if then no-one else likes it... pffft.... what do they know in the first place?!

Posted: 05 Feb 2008, 03:35
TheMeandMe @ Feb 4 2008, 10:01 AM wrote: Manmountain @ Feb 4 2008, 03:08 AM wrote: As far as I am concerned this thread is redundant and is becoming a bit of a soapbox for indiscriminate ranting.
just thought the same.
i find it funny to come back and check on the community every once in a while and find this thread still up and running...
everyone with the time to do so: more work, less talk.
and dont let negative feedback get you (anyone) down too much. YOU should be the first person that you create stuff for re-volt, if you like it, post it... if then no-one else likes it... pffft.... what do they know in the first place?!
Ok, I overreacted.
Posted: 05 Feb 2008, 11:44
TheMeandMe @ Feb 4 2008, 01:01 AM wrote: and dont let negative feedback get you (anyone) down too much. YOU should be the first person that you create stuff for re-volt, if you like it, post it... if then no-one else likes it... pffft.... what do they know in the first place?!
The trouble is, some of us actually prefer to build things for other people. Its kind of a "more happiness in giving" sort of thing. Its like the difference between giving a gift to a friend and giving a gift to a tree. The tree really doesn't care, so it doesn't make you feel good. Likewise if no one cares about what we create, we don't really enjoy creating it as much.
For me, at least, if I don't feel that anyone really cares about what I'm doing, it saps most of my motivation to do it. Doing things for myself will only take me so far.
Posted: 05 Feb 2008, 13:42
Calm down people!
Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 00:17
Yeah, no need to get all frantic and start posting on this forum again!
Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 07:26
OK people... just... calm down. Wait, we are calmed down. OK, plan B. Breathe in. Breath out. Repeat. Even if you're ManMountain, listen to the "sick puppy", as your most recent attempt at an insult described me as. Look, guys, we all just need to stop stressing ourselves about conflicts. Take a moment to think. Why the hell do we have the conflicts anyways? Why the hell do we hate each other? Why the hell am I saying "Why the hell" so many times? Maybe if we had a friendlier community people would come. People new and old. I would come back. The mood around the community lately has just been too harsh, and, me being a teen and having hormones amplifying everything I hear and see, I have found it hard to stay with the community.
To keep playing a game, you really have to love the game. I love this game, Re-Volt. But the game is no longer itself anymore. The game is you guys. Alone, Re-Volt is an outdated RC car racing game and nothing more. You guys make it so much more. We are Re-Volt. So I don't love Re-Volt. It's so cold and harsh, full of misunderstandings and hunger for power. For the most part, it is devoid of respect and fun.
Multiplayer online games are our versions of life. Whether realistic or not, we must treat them as if they are our life. What we are in the game says alot about us in real life. Of course RC cars don't come alive in real life. But we aren't programs. ManMountain is a real person. Arto is a real person. Dave-O-Rama, Cam64DD, Aylown, Jase, must I go on? All real people who exist in our real world and affect it.
Most of us have a pretty small effect on the real world. However, this community is a pretty small part of the real world. Thus what one of us does spreads like a virus throughout the community.
Here's APM with one of his 13-year-old lectures again? As a matter of fact, yes. All that and more. Here's APM analyzing the situation and figuring out a solution to end everybody's pain here. Here's a 13-year-old acting and thinking as maturely and maybe even more mature than any adult. If a 13-year-old can do it, why can't 14-year-olds and 18-year-olds and 30-year-olds do it? Because they are ignorant. You say I am insulting you? You just admitted you are one of those ignorant people. Prove me wrong.
ManMountain, RST, and anybody else that I have negative ties with. I am willing to start over with all of you because I have forgotten upon what grounds our hatred is laid. Please be just as open and willing, let's let go of all our grudges against each other. Let's be acquaintances, peers, and perhaps even friends if you will.
To all those insulted, don't insult me back. Show me that you are not the vile, hatred-based community I am describing. Please prove me wrong.
Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 10:45
So why is it that every time someone here says something that someone else doesn't agree with, its assumed to be a heated dispute and treated as such?
Whatever the case, I think this community is silly. But that's okay with me because I don't spend enough time here to care anyway.
Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 21:40
Aeon @ Feb 5 2008, 08:14 AM wrote: TheMeandMe @ Feb 4 2008, 01:01 AM wrote: and dont let negative feedback get you (anyone) down too much. YOU should be the first person that you create stuff for re-volt, if you like it, post it... if then no-one else likes it... pffft.... what do they know in the first place?!
The trouble is, some of us actually prefer to build things for other people. Its kind of a "more happiness in giving" sort of thing. Its like the difference between giving a gift to a friend and giving a gift to a tree. The tree really doesn't care, so it doesn't make you feel good. Likewise if no one cares about what we create, we don't really enjoy creating it as much.
For me, at least, if I don't feel that anyone really cares about what I'm doing, it saps most of my motivation to do it. Doing things for myself will only take me so far.
maybe my limited english didnt really make my statement as clear as i had wanted it to be.
what i meant say was obviously feedback and positive feedback from other people is a good thing, but if you are not satisfied with what you create yourself in the first place, maybe you should reroute, rethink and redo before posting it online. if you are satisfied and noone likes it afterwards, then either were all just a bunch of ignorants blinded by true talent... or maybe what you created wasnt all that great from a point of view that you didnt use to look upon your work (independent look).
i can honestly say that i like every thing i ever released. for different reasons obviously but still. and i know that some or most of it wasnt exactly technical brilliance but honest work at least.
or somewhere along those lines, yeah.
Posted: 09 Feb 2008, 06:15
TheMeandMe @ Feb 8 2008, 05:10 PM wrote: Aeon @ Feb 5 2008, 08:14 AM wrote: TheMeandMe @ Feb 4 2008, 01:01 AM wrote: and dont let negative feedback get you (anyone) down too much. YOU should be the first person that you create stuff for re-volt, if you like it, post it... if then no-one else likes it... pffft.... what do they know in the first place?!
The trouble is, some of us actually prefer to build things for other people. Its kind of a "more happiness in giving" sort of thing. Its like the difference between giving a gift to a friend and giving a gift to a tree. The tree really doesn't care, so it doesn't make you feel good. Likewise if no one cares about what we create, we don't really enjoy creating it as much.
For me, at least, if I don't feel that anyone really cares about what I'm doing, it saps most of my motivation to do it. Doing things for myself will only take me so far.
maybe my limited english didnt really make my statement as clear as i had wanted it to be.
what i meant say was obviously feedback and positive feedback from other people is a good thing, but if you are not satisfied with what you create yourself in the first place, maybe you should reroute, rethink and redo before posting it online. if you are satisfied and noone likes it afterwards, then either were all just a bunch of ignorants blinded by true talent... or maybe what you created wasnt all that great from a point of view that you didnt use to look upon your work (independent look).
i can honestly say that i like every thing i ever released. for different reasons obviously but still. and i know that some or most of it wasnt exactly technical brilliance but honest work at least.
or somewhere along those lines, yeah.
Yeah, but you seemingly had an inhuman amount of patience with yourself and your creations. I mean, look, people go "Whoa!" when I say I have released 30 cars, but you've released like, say, 10 times that!?
I wish I had your level of patience and all-around good work, my conversions have suffered from my impatience and all-out race to just get the car finished. My last conversion, that GTA3 Sentinel, is my first "perfect" conversion. There is not 1! problem, misalignment, wrong texture, or odd color on the car. Of course, my best conversions are the ones that are fully 3d, but not above 3000 polies.
This is why (boredom with myself and others) I am going on a community hiatus. I will still post, but I'm not going to be releasing cars for a few weeks, unless I muster up enough motivation to convert another car. (Here's to hoping)