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Posted: 15 May 2007, 12:40
Well the visitors to this forum has slowed down.
Has revolt finally lost interest in the community.
As very little new stuff is being done these days.
Very few people still talk about revolt.
Posted: 15 May 2007, 17:55
Well there isn't exactly much here to hold people's interest...
Once you get past downloading gobs of cars (after a while they all start to seem kind of the same...) and tracks (most of which, outside the well known few, aren't very fun to drive) there isn't really much left to do unless you want to build your own (for a community of ingrates who'll just complain about it).
Maybe somebody should put together some contests to give people something to do. But even then, most revolt know-how is complex and restricted to a limited few, and they're probably sick of it.

Posted: 16 May 2007, 20:01
There are many contests on RRR and many posts.
I myself am in a way sick of being injustly punished by the community.
If there is any reason for less posts on any of the Re-Volt forums that I'm registered at, it's probably me.
Posted: 19 May 2007, 07:09
Any one noticed how the new tracks have gone back to legos.
The new cars have gone back to repaints of the stock cars.
Seems to me revolt creation has gone a step backwards.
Posted: 19 May 2007, 09:51
Posted: 19 May 2007, 10:02
Lets do some simple math regarding track building.
Time to build:
Lego Extreme: Maybe a week. (7 days)
Pure Extreme: A month or more. We'll say a month. (30 days)
Resulting satisfaction:
Lego Extreme: Medium high, if you put some effort into it: (60 points)
Pure Extreme: Pretty high, and more so if people like it: (80 points)
Total score:
Lego Extreme: 60 points divided by 7 days (60 / 7 = 8.5)
Pure Extreme: 80 points divided by 30 days (80 / 30 = 2.7)
In the match up of the 8.5 point Lego Extreme vs. the 2.7 point Pure Extreme, we have an obvious winner. Lego Extremes are a more satisfying use of your time. You can work long and hard on a Pure Extreme and have people hate it. You can work equally long on four Lego Extremes and have people hate three of them. You're still better off making Lego Extremes. And besides, there's less chance that people will complain about bad flow.
That's my take on it anyways.
I haven't noticed too many of the new cars being repaints of the originals... actually I haven't noticed too many new cars period. But incidentally, I just submitted the 9 cars that I've been displaying as my avatars. They're repaints of NFS conversions, and while they're perhaps a little slower than typical (ridiculously fast) Re-Volt cars, I still think they're darn fun to drive!
Posted: 19 May 2007, 10:10
Yup he's right.
But still, I'm a bad influence.
I think that doing a full custom takes a bit too much time. I would rather take advantage of the Track Editor than shun it.
As for cars, idk wat's goin on...
Posted: 20 May 2007, 21:52
I agree with Burn - there are hardly any NEW cars appearing, they are nearly all repaints of existing cars. And many of the tracks are plain legos, maybe with a few objects or instances thrown in, together with new textures. Many don't even have the AI re-worked. And I doubt if any are play-tested before release! The sort of thing that could be put together in a few hours - certainly in a day.
Is it the time element? I don't think so - I think it is lack of knowledge. The vast encyclopedia of RV knowledge that was the forum at Racer's Point / RV Downloads is no longer available, and most of the RV 'Oldtimers' have departed or, like me, are no longer active, so that there is little advice being passed on now.
There are many RV'ers now who never knew the old forum and have no idea of the pearls of RV wisdom that were contained there.
Does anyone know who kept a copy of the old forum? Someone did, because it was going to be made available from the RV Archive site.
Posted: 20 May 2007, 22:24
Yes indeed!, the information that was exchanged, developed and stored at Racer's Point/Re-Volt Downloads was invaluable, and sadly missed.
DSL_Tile got all the original data from Wayne Lemonds, and scloink was claiming he would be starting a new site with all the relevent data from the old forum, but he seems to have disapeared again.
The closure of that forum was a definative turning point of the community, although many forums have tried to maintain a total RV presence, nothing has yet come close.
The problem with the dropping new creations is a total lack of respect and direct insults.
Everybody wants to see new creations (whether they be basic or advanced).
Some ne creations get submitted, then a select few either insult the creator directly or verbally pull the creations to pieces, a totl lack of appreciation witch is very disheartning.
Hilaire9, Ricky D, and Skitch2 have said within the last year something on the lines of they are fed up of not being apprecited and do not wish to create any more, although they are still creating.
But when the greats don't wont to create how can we expect new comers to offer their creations without fear of being ridiculed ?
Posted: 20 May 2007, 23:27
The problem with the dropping new creations is a total lack of respect and direct insults.
Everybody wants to see new creations (whether they be basic or advanced).
Some ne creations get submitted, then a select few either insult the creator directly or verbally pull the creations to pieces, a totl lack of appreciation witch is very disheartning.
Hilaire9, Ricky D, and Skitch2 have said within the last year something on the lines of they are fed up of not being apprecited and do not wish to create any more, although they are still creating.
But when the greats don't wont to create how can we expect new comers to offer their creations without fear of being ridiculed ?
Wise and sad words at the same time...
That's true,that's the main reason people are not creating anymore
For a personal example,I simply put my tracks on HOLD when the one I released was tore apart and spitted into a trash can
The same problem holds true though,for the racers
There is not renovation
The bests are around 8 years old in game already
The 2nd division(not so far from them) is either also 8 years or 2 years(like me and irck for example)
The new commers arent staying long enough to learn how to drive
that's sad
At any rate,I'm back to the track building scene,and with a symbiosis with Zach,we plan to release a total of 6 tracks in the time of 4 months
Stay tuned
Posted: 21 May 2007, 01:58
I don't release my tracks unless I like it myself.
If I can drive my track without flipping it off, I release it. lol
Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 09:31
re-volt hustler
sup people looooooooonnnnnnnnngggggg time no see. I dont really think its dying as much as its not really promoted enough to people for it to be growing.

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 11:25
For me the turning point was all the bitching and lack of positive actions towards good extreme trax. You guys got so used to us track makers making realy good extreme tracks that you just lost interest in the fun factor of them and started to get picky about race line and dificulty. I say syuff to your difficulty.. This game represents a fake toy world that has no baring on reality at all so out of scale, out of reality tracks is what makes this game what it is. the new arrivals to the community piddled me off so badly that i now only make and race my tracks for me and my family (yes i still make things for RV) I aint uploading stuff that takes me three months of pure dedication and hard bloody work for you guys to go " ohh its ok but that first corner aint tight enuff". Also for me this forum is much more user friendly. You all know what i think to the other one, you know the one that has an owner who wants to punish people for playing a game.
So there you have it .. It is this community that is ending the like of us, lets face it good track creators. So i will leave you now with all the lego outputters who knock theese tracks up in half an hour. "they need to start somewhere and legos are the best way" ???? I aint made a lego in my life!!!!! I never had Max when I made Hull Breach 1 And i managed it.
To all of you i consider mates, see ya soon and to RRR stuff off lol.
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 05:42
HI SKITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skitch2 @ Jun 21 2007, 06:55 AM wrote:I never had Max when I made Hull Breach 1 And i managed it.
YEs, all of the Hull Breach tracks were very good... they pwn!
Aeon @ May 19 2007, 05:32 AM wrote:Time to build:
Lego Extreme: Maybe a week. (7 days)
Pure Extreme: A month or more. We'll say a month. (30 days)
f**k no! that's all wrong! i made Space Race in a DAY! Desert City took two days, and Surreality took 5 days. Peanut World took a month, but then again, it was an on/off project. my Short track garden... i dont remember how long that took. it couldnt have been that long tho. a week tops.
Aeon (again) wrote:Resulting satisfaction:
Lego Extreme: Medium high, if you put some effort into it: (60 points)
Pure Extreme: Pretty high, and more so if people like it: (80 points)
people felt that my tracks were decent, so this point i cant really argue against. It varies among the track and the people bitching about it.
and the originals/conversions are starting to come back into... um... style (i guess). but the legos are still flodding in. the only extreme tracks in the new RVZT sumbissions are mine, hil's and G2. that's 7 legos and 3 extremes. Skitch, you should get back into the grind of track making. unless youre currently making a track.
as far as i care, the community is still alive and well. maybe a little less active, but eventually somebody will come around and make this place active again. in other words, i agree with re-volt hustler.
That's my take on it.
Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 22:44
Revolt to me is racing my friends at RV House
everyday, and my hobby of track making. I enjoy
online racing just as much as when I discovered
it at MSN's The Zone in 1999. I will stop making
tracks when I lose interest in the process.
So, as long as a carefully aimed rocket can win me
a race in the final few meters on Botanical
Garden I will be happy. Who knows, maybe Revolt
may make a comeback, you know, like disco dancing!
Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 00:25
hilaire9 @ Jun 30 2007, 06:14 PM wrote: Who knows, maybe Revolt
may make a comeback, you know, like disco dancing!
Why ? did Disco dancing go somewhere ?

Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 01:27
I don't know, Man. When I hit the dance floor down
at the local club they seem to be dancing new
dances to new music, and I feel a little out of
place in my white polyester suit. But nobody can
dance the Funky Chicken like I do!
Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 01:59
Yo Dude !!
My extra wide collared shirts always get me a second look, not always pleasent.
We should have a night out together, we'ed go down a treat.

Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 02:44
Lol you two
Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 21:23
What's 'Disco Dancing'?
Is it anything like the Charleston?
Posted: 02 Jul 2007, 14:20
i recently discovered tapdancing, its like the newest thing out there!
ontopic: for me, re-volt was a big part of my life for quite some years. but then newer things and more important things in real life came and took most of my time. thats how life works for me. if i ever see me being able to contribute something new and fresh, i will.
Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 00:53
that stinks! your cars were good too.
as for me, as long as i have my computer and the library, ill be contributing somehow.
So it's just in a slow time, not dying. Next thing ya know, this place will be buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!! (with activity)
Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 01:12
I predict German tap dancers will soon be the next big thing
in show business.
Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 02:01
tap dancers!
Posted: 18 Jul 2007, 05:24
Dying or down this place IS getting pretty darn slow.
Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 01:13
in a few weeks this place will be hoppin again.
but in the rare case it doesn't, we can all go to other forums.
like mine

click on my siggy for more info
Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 07:57

if someone can think of anything better for a prize and more here...
spread the word for whoever reads this
Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 10:54
How about something BESIDES Toyeca for a change?
Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 21:12
Yes, please not more Toyecas!
Pest Control, Panga TC and NY54 are 3 that look like cars, have the sides mapped separately and have not had too much attention recently.
Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 22:47
instead of toyeca
make it zipper
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 01:42
I am noticing that alot of the newcommers havnt seen many of the old great extreme tracks. Nova by scloink just had a comment over at RVZT along with My Felling yard.
So Is it about time that the top rated tracks of all time get a boost to the front of the main page?? Coz if there are people out there that havnt raced tracks like "Heavy Traffic" , "Re-Volt Temple", "Reville", (And All of Mine of course lol ), then they dont realy know what Re-Volt is capable of.
So I think a sort of re release idea is needed over at RVZT to put some of the greats back on the new (re-Release) Tracks list!!
I also love the "You Tube" idea and I think that that will gain interest if it is premoted properly.
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 05:23
That would be great. But Arto must be falling behind, because my last track, uploaded almost a week ago, still hasn't been posted...
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 06:00
Well If Arto goes then the RV Community Will Probably Die.
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 06:10
I hope he is just temporarily busy. If it's serious, we better start moving stuff around...
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 09:48
I don't know if it's temporary, but I am too busy right now to do much at all. But no worries, if I go away, I will leave RVZT etc. to someone for keeping. No RV dying sires.
I'm not sure if the newcomers haven't seen the old tracks. I'd think they find them through the menus. But who knows, I surely don't. So maybe... how about Featured Tracks of the Week section in the left menu? Or perhaps just Featured Tracks because no one would update it anyway. I have actually most of the code in RVZT for this kind of functionality. But someone would have to be "track selector" admin and keep that Featured Tracks list up-to-date.
Putting just the top-graded on the left menu might not be a good idea because the voting system is experiencing abuse once in a while even as it is. I fear it would just made people abuse it more to get some track in there.
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 09:50
Could a script be written to select a random track from the database on each page load?
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 10:28
zagames @ Aug 4 2007, 05:20 AM wrote: Could a script be written to select a random track from the database on each page load?
Random "track of the day". Every other day, the probability is chosen based on the track's ratings. The other days, its just plain random.
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 21:40
Why not have a 'My Top 20 Tracks' listed - selected every month by a different RV-er? Maybe try to get peeps like Antimorph, Spaceman, Scloink, etc to take part. Using these 'oldies' would ensure that a lot of older tracks get a mention.
You could invite say, an oldie, track maker, car maker, online racer, AI racer to choose in turn. That should mix the selection up a bit and provide a good variety.
Posted: 04 Aug 2007, 21:41
Any Step forward is a good step.
Arto I would like to thank you loads for your efforts and you would be sadly missed if you ever buggered off! Your Site has been my homepage for a bloody long time and i am glad it will continue to be in the future.
There are still some great artists around our community still and i think with a bit of premotion and effort we will keep Re-Volt going for yet another year.
Posted: 05 Aug 2007, 02:10
or maybe we can get someone who's raced a lot of the oldies, and is online at least once a week to pick maybe 10 tracks per week to get some exposure. I could do that.
Posted: 05 Aug 2007, 02:53
There could be something like:
Weekly Top 5
Maybe a menu on the left
with 4 Weekly Top 5
The first one could be of a great track maker
I can only think of Skitch2 or Hilaire9(From those who are active)
The Second one could be from a car maker*A.K.A. MM*
The Third one could be done from the other car admin(who doesnt do pooh) and is a seasoned online racer(That would be me,thank you)
The Fourth one should be done from a Random member of the community
This way,lots of old tracks could get their Prestige(Like Park,whom no one knew was extreme until I tested and told arto)
Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 08:47
Well, I have also ejected outta da community. If it's new you want, I will pop back in wit tons of tracks and cars for ya!
El Tigre wrote:This I swear!
WTF I am watching El Tigre on Nickelodeon??? MAN I NEED TO BECOME MORE ACTIVE!!!
Well, I will. Don't u worry! APM iz backz in town!
Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 00:06
Aylown we're doomed

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 04:21
APM @ Aug 6 2007, 04:17 AM wrote:Don't u worry! APM iz backz in town!
Lock all your doors and windows, man the hatches, prepare for the worst!

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 07:43
Don't worry, it will take a while to sharpen my sword and my dagger.

Posted: 08 Aug 2007, 21:18
I agree with Man Mountain
Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 03:56
I know what you mean though... I just got interested in this game too
(had it on dreamcast back in '99) Just started playing it on PC.
Well... I do some conversions at my
Aeon's current avatar is a car that I converted and that DOES make me proud that it was good enough for a repaint.
Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 16:20
hello smartarses

just let you know that im alive and thinking on turning the pc on again. theres a track in one of the drawers waiting to be completed. i dont think i have enough spare time in august but i try to do something in september. nobody is allowed to leave the community by then, right?
Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 23:16
I'm only 15 so their are a couple more years of this game in my life.

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 07:06
Ok, this board is officially dead.
There must not be anything to post about, but there seems to be a drought on all of the forums and guestbooks.