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Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 05:14
Also please change kadc.
P2P no longer works and ip detect takes a few tries, isnt easier to just use builtin IP detection from centralized instead of relying on a external IP teller?
Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 06:14
Adding with Dolo's idea, if the room is all versions I think it should stay locked (greyed out as it was in the past) since it doesn't have late joining at all. For rooms hosted with v1.2 only mode, it should still have a way to disable late joining from the lobby launcher without removing the 1.2 mode and these rooms should stay open to new guests.
I'm not sure how you're planning to make a version detector for House. It would be wonderful but I thought you said it's really hard to implement it inside House since it doesn't have a way to analyze revolt.exe without launching it. Maybe this fix should also be implemented in Re-Volt to help people using other lobby launchers as GameRanger or the italians who play at Evolve and Tunngle.
So when Re-Volt is launched and tries to connect to the host, the accurate host's version is shared with the guests and the guests receive some kind of message when the versions are incompatible with each other. I think I've already written something about it when I realized that not knowing the host's version was the main annoyance preventing racing at gameranger but I'm not sure where.
Edit: Oh yes, I found it.
• Version detector when the host has a different version than yours. If you join a room where the host has "X" version and you have "Y" version, the game itself should tell you what version is being hosted, to extend the "Wrong version" pop message.
Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 09:24
Extra note: Remove the checkmark "Allow to join started races" and eliminate the need of having that checked and rather deciding automatically whatever the user can join or not.
Version detector could be made by checking executables CRC (and using quotes, unlike old crc checks that failed, but that was directplay anyway)
Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 23:40
RV House
0.94.0 is released. You should receive a notification to update along with the changelog the next time you start it.
Some things to note:
- The notification shown to Linux users also link to the Windows setup file, this will be fixed in future versions. For now, replace the rv_house_setup.exe part of the link with rv_house_linux.tar.gz.
- RV House builds are hosted from now on in the domain. However, if someone downloads v0.93.7 from the rvhouse website, they will still receive the notification prompt to update to the latest version.
- The recently posted french and spanish files make rvhouse's About dialog too wide, because they specify multiple names and emails. Ideally, the About page should display only: 1) the name of the language, 2) name and email of the last / most active person to provide the translation, and 3) version the translation is intended for. This will let users quickly view the version supported by the language and who to contact for future updates. To credit the previous contributors, their names can be moved to the end of the language def file.
On to more interesting things, I have added:
- support for displaying whether a certain room uses RVGL or previous re-volt versions.
- support for https:// links in chat messages. Other cases like '' were already working, this was the only case that needed to be added, and it's now added.
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 06:55
Huki @ 3 Nov 2015, 03:10 PM wrote: Other cases like '' were already working
Maybe my installation is messed up then. You say that typing or just www. doesn't clear the chat for you?
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 09:21
Phantom @ 4 Nov 2015, 06:55 AM wrote: Huki @ 3 Nov 2015, 03:10 PM wrote: Other cases like '' were already working
Maybe my installation is messed up then. You say that typing or just www. doesn't clear the chat for you?
Typing a www link doesn't clear the chat, clicking on it does. I only found that out today. That should be fixed for the next release.
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:59
Abc @ 2 Nov 2015, 12:44 AM wrote: Also please change kadc.
P2P no longer works and ip detect takes a few tries, isnt easier to just use builtin IP detection from centralized instead of relying on a external IP teller?
The main idea with P2P is that RV House will continue to work even if centralized server goes down or doesn't even exist anymore.
So using that for IP detection would defeat that purpose. Of course one could first try from the centralized server and then try external IP teller. But perhaps it'd be just better to change to some other IP teller if the current one has not been reliable.
Finally big thanks to Huki for making these improvements! This is exactly why I made RV House open source.
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 23:21
arto @ 4 Nov 2015, 03:29 AM wrote: Abc @ 2 Nov 2015, 12:44 AM wrote: Also please change kadc.
P2P no longer works and ip detect takes a few tries, isnt easier to just use builtin IP detection from centralized instead of relying on a external IP teller?
The main idea with P2P is that RV House will continue to work even if centralized server goes down or doesn't even exist anymore.
So using that for IP detection would defeat that purpose. Of course one could first try from the centralized server and then try external IP teller. But perhaps it'd be just better to change to some other IP teller if the current one has not been reliable.
Finally big thanks to Huki for making these improvements! This is exactly why I made RV House open source.
i meant: P2P itself knows the IP because its *public*.
the current one is reliable, just the program doesnt 100% follow certain guidelines
Posted: 19 Nov 2015, 01:11
Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 08:23
Kipy @ 18 Nov 2015, 04:41 PM wrote:
Fakers as always..?
Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 00:05
Abc @ 19 Nov 2015, 11:53 PM wrote: Fakers as always..?
Pointless pic, thanks
Why is that this guy hasn't been banned yet?
[Vaid]: Good question. He doesn't have enough warnings (he had quite many, but they always 'cool off'), so I can't really restrain him from posting yet. Although, any suspected, minor crap he posts will add a warning from now on, for example quote above. Enforcing Moderator Preview of his new posts would be useless. I should maybe mention that one warning cools off in 6 months for him, instead of 1. He can quite easily earn 'it' now. In short, he's being monitored, and rules, especially for him, are now more strict.[/HIDE]
Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 13:23
Now the ghost hates me to death, congratulations me
Apparently a random noob took that nick
im patient and honest, lovely warning description!
Congrats: you've also made your rooms glitchy on my gameranger

Posted: 14 Dec 2015, 21:38
Server was down again and after 10 mins it connected.. strange
Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 19:27
I've released a minor update 0.94.1.
- www clearing the chat is fixed.
- Updated the menu links again based on Phantom's suggestions in the development thread.
Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 01:47
For no reason i'm receiving this:
Tried deleting kadc.ini and contact.dat, still happens. (happens faster with cached files)

Posted: 18 Mar 2016, 23:25
Slow connect to p2p
Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 18:44
Report: Server is down.

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 03:41
Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 21:31
Yeah. Log in and see the great nothing in rvh.
Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 18:07
RV House does not work for me neither now.
Modified: Now works, rvh. changed IP.
Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 20:48
You should wait and this will log in. It takes more time to connect when server is down. You'll see everyone in light-blue color.
Already messaged huki. All depends on him already.
Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 22:58
Hmm the server is not managed by me. Try contacting Arto or Zach, I'm not sure who has access to the server...
Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 23:10
Ok, will contact to arto then
Message sent

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 23:33
RV House finally works.
Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 01:17
Kipy @ 7 Apr 2016, 06:40 PM wrote: Ok, will contact to arto then
Message sent
Sorry guys, and thanks to Kipy for notifying me...
I forgot all about this. Unfrotunately the server changed its IP address, so you all need to modify rvhouse.ini and replace the centralized server ip to:
That should do it. Perhaps Huki can update RV House executable to have the new IP?
Let me know if there's still problems.
Keep on being Re-Volting!

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 01:40
Great, thanks.. I'll update the IP in the next release.
(oh, and the new IP is working for me)
Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 02:20
Thank you, arto !

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 13:01
Huki: when you can please convert RVHouse to Unicode (if its not converted) because i think thats the reason why typing non latin characters causes chat to show ????? (maybe server is ANSI only)
(sorry if wrong place to post)
Posted: 11 Apr 2016, 05:20
RV House has been updated to version
Download it below:
RV House for Windows
RV House for Linux
Changelog wrote:- New centralized server.
- Allow special symbols in user id and password when logging in.
- Show the proper download link for Linux in update dialog.
- Updated info in the about dialog.
Posted: 11 Apr 2016, 05:36
Thx for the Update.
Now can use the Secundary Nickname

Posted: 11 Apr 2016, 22:24
Works fine, thank both of you
Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 02:46
I found a problem with p2p you can not connect properly with the p2p in some pc: example (64bits pc's).
Because copy my rvh files from a PC 32bit and pasted in my rvh folder in 64bits.
Reset rvh and p2p works again.
1. Download fix (Windows Only):
2. Extract in Rvh Folder
3. Reset RVH
4. Login and p2p Connect again
NOTE: Change the IP Site because it connects faster that page that of dyndns
Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 23:03
it solved the problem for me,thx Santi.
Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 23:44
arto, can you change the ipsite in the next version?
ip_site: I have low latency
Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 23:49
P2P down again, and already used Santiii's solution.
Posted: 01 May 2016, 00:37
Kipy @ 30 Apr 2016, 03:19 PM wrote: P2P down again, and already used Santiii's solution.
correct proper solution is change P2P library. Current one is flawed but nobody wants to code a new one or change it apparently.
[HIDE=This keeps happening once in a while still]

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 09:35
I am trying to resolve some non-fatal errors just so they quit filling my terminal full of garbage. Ubuntu MATE 16.04, MATE / GTK3, I was able to resolve error messages for gail, atk-adaptor and canberra but topmenu is eluding me.
Also I keep on receiving pixmap errors.
Is there any way to determine what programs the Linux version of the software was built with so i can debug things and resolve these non-fatals so when RV House starts up the program "Runs clean" ?
Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 22:25
Tried installing KDE maybe since its QT? might help

you can try GDB if the application has the debugging symbols built in.
Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 20:36
RV House has been updated to version
Download it below:
RV House for Windows
RV House for Linux
Changelog wrote:- Fixed a possible crash when someone closes a room.
- Disabled the KadC Assertion error and RV House closing unexpectedly.
I've decided to disabled the KadC assertion error (and some other debug log messages). The assertion is supposed to check for any memory leaks in the program, but it starts giving false positives when the number of allocations reach a certain limit. I've disabled the check for now, but do let me know if rvhouse memory gets really large for anyone.
Windows and Linux users can verify whether they see the correct download link for their platform when they receive the update notification.
Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 07:03
Am I the only one having RV House Connection issues at the moment?
Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 17:24
you're not the only one.
RVHouse server is not really stable.
Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 21:24
Works fine to me as usual
Posted: 17 Jul 2016, 17:05
Huki: it doesnt get really big in memory, so far with the app beginning in around 26mb now its 63mb after 1 day and two hours and a half.
apparently the allocations seem to depend on how heavy is the P2P load i think; i've had it happen on full house or after long(?) times. it's pretty random anyway, perhaps related to e2k load?
Posted: 21 Jul 2016, 09:48
Seems RVHouse is better, memory increasing is no biggie.
One noticeable thing is that P2P stops refreshing sometimes. which leads to "player placebo"
and please add timestamps to output.
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 08:32
Windows 10 latest version: "Fatal error ~ Failed to close a write handle" then "stopped working" shows up
perhaps turning off wifi to switch to ethernet caused it (which i did)
Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 14:15
For those people who want to use RVHouse without the game or with just RVGL without Directplay which is deprected. please make RVHouse no longer depend on DirectPlay and move the game not installed popup (directplay registry detection) to create room, so people can talk and they only get the message when they try to host without the game. And not every time but only the first and always leave a message in-room about it instead, maybe drop the dialog box altogether
Posted: 07 Aug 2016, 02:26
Abc @ 24 Jul 2016, 12:02 AM wrote: Windows 10 latest version: "Fatal error ~ Failed to close a write handle" then "stopped working" shows up
perhaps turning off wifi to switch to ethernet caused it (which i did)
It happened again but in complete normal operation this time.
Posted: 23 Nov 2016, 04:47
Lots of problems in rvhouse today. No one seems able to connect to the Central Server.
Posted: 23 Nov 2016, 14:10
Can't connect to the centralized server, so I guess server is down again.
PM'ed to arto.
Posted: 23 Nov 2016, 14:22
Sorry guys, the server where rvhouse is hosted went down due to some hardware malfunction.
There's nothing I can do to fix it. Hopefully the server will be back today. Ping me in few days if it's not up, because I can very well forget to restart rvhouse centralized server when the host starts working again.