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Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 14:46
Is it the latest v1.2 alpha fault for more lag. I've noticed it's more intense than before, easily noticeable when you late join and spectating players. I've never seen like that with older builds.
Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 15:38
Call 911 Huki then.
I don't understand how it it can work so well on 1 patch and then get ruined so easily in the next one.
Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 23:12
It's true, my connection was particulary crapy all that day...
it was the only 1 time i had (big) lag with last build
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 00:16
Does anyone here have success logging in to Rvhouse?
I have been cut off from the online scene for about a month now
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 00:59
We all do...
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 01:05
Stingox @ Aug 28 2013, 07:46 PM wrote: Does anyone here have success logging in to Rvhouse?
I have been cut off from the online scene for about a month now
Have you registered in RVZ? Since the change from RVZT to RVZ, you need to create account to RVZ. And confirm it by e-mail. RV House nowadays uses RVZ's user database to do the authentication.
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 00:27
I had it installed and working until I think i made a reinstallation. Since then it is not working. I have the No More Tea edition, but cant enter
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 00:31
Stingox @ Aug 29 2013, 07:57 PM wrote: I had it installed and working until I think i made a reinstallation. Since then it is not working. I have the No More Tea edition, but cant enter
will be better
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 02:30
Hehhhe Stingox, you missed so many things

Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 13:12
I remember Urnemanden had a limited period to use Surftown's VPS service, and after that we are going to need another server or buy a new one for arto.
So in case the server reaches this limit what are we going to do?
I've been recommended Host1Free, it's probably the only one who offers a VPS for free. It is aimed for young developers and students who can't afford a commercial VPS. Maybe someone with more knowledges can check it out if it's worth to keep it as an alternative.
Posted: 04 Sep 2013, 22:23
Has anyone any idea, why everyone is marked wtih " r" (or rather, not an original r, but it's a bit downwards from the other letters) in the main chat? I mean where it says 'xy has entered' and these stuffs. The names are correct on the list on the right though. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but my RVHouse is set to German language.
EDIT: Also, the room names are marked in the main chat as ' r' too, whatever their actual names are. Again, it's correct on the upper side, on the room list.
Posted: 09 Sep 2013, 05:19
@Bálint: doesn't happen here. try reinstalling rv house.
revoltrace chat wrote:benvoliosaythat: is somebody can explain me about Rv House .. i would like make better the connexion .. i can host Rv House if necessary on my server .. before my server hosted .. i can host Rv House
House looks like a cementery without a server...
Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 21:24
Since I haven't heard from support in a few weeks I asked them for an update - they replied to me today that they were still working on the new solution and that they were sorry about the downtime. No estimations on when the new solution will be up and running again.
Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 09:21
RTT-Pigasque wrote:Hi all (again from a long time),
I made a mistake creating my new account on the new RVZ site

I entered "Pig@sque" as pseudo ...
But RV-house don't accept specials caracters in pseudo and I can't log to it
What can I do ???
Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 17:52
Use "Pigasque" instead?
Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 18:13
I can't connect to central server through RV House, is it still down? In Wireshark I can see that I'm connecting to which replies with RVH related stuff.
It seems, that it sends readme/changelog of RV House as HTTP reply.
Posted: 07 Oct 2013, 01:12
Phantom @ Sep 8 2013, 08:49 PM wrote: benvoliosaythat: is somebody can explain me about Rv House .. i would like make better the connexion .. i can host Rv House if necessary on my server .. before my server hosted .. i can host Rv House
House looks like a cementery without a server...
Or noboby cares about playing online anymore..
And people don't see each other..
Then nobody wants to connect...
And we get no answers here or there..
And people are looking for alternative lobby launchers..
And why don't we start looking for an alternative server..
Posted: 10 Oct 2013, 22:53
I only have success login once every week...
Posted: 14 Oct 2013, 09:04
Will RV House stay like this forever?????
Can't we start looking for a new server or everyone just accepted the fact that people don't see each other and that most players can't connect at all? It is so embarrasing! This looks like a dead community and dead program. Can't we do anything???
Posted: 17 Oct 2013, 18:08
What i need to do .. TO PUT :
- RVHOUSE on my own server
- RVZT pn my own server
What i need to do to put Things like before, tell me and i ll do it.
Thx for your FAST answer !
ps : i email arto .. 5 min after this
Posted: 17 Oct 2013, 18:31
Mail sent ..
Posted: 18 Oct 2013, 01:58
Why RVZ?
Posted: 18 Oct 2013, 04:51
Another report:
sticky_rabies: Well I can't log into RVHouse anymore. Apparently my router settings changed, but they have not. I might not play anymore...
Let's cross fingers and don't lose hope.
There may be a solution earlier than expected. Well done ben!!
Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 02:53
Good news, everyone (Professor Farnsworth impression)!
We have a new RV House server secured by urnemanden. Until a proper RV House release is available, please try it by doing this:
Open your RV House configuration file (default installation location C:\Program Files\RV House\conf\rvhouse.ini)
Modify inside section [net_centralized] to read
Let me know if it works or not... if it works alright I will make a new proper RV House release.
Thanks to urnemanden for securing the server and to benvoliosaythat who investigated a backup plan to secure us another server if this one won't work!
Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 04:30
I can't connect to it. I've modified the .ini correctly. I've opened every single necessary ports. I've disabled the firewall. My router isn't blocking it last time I checked.
Anyone got any ideas as to what the problem could be?
Edit: Uninstalling Hamachi solved the problem for me.
Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 15:04
I can connect to it with no problem.
Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 15:44
Just installed RV House again and decided to work a bit on an icon. So might as well share it in case some of you are looking for something else as well:

Posted: 02 Nov 2013, 11:17
Posted: 02 Nov 2013, 12:50
I like really nice RV House icon
Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 03:18
RV House has been packaged and updated! Next time you start RV House there should be notification to update.
Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 03:38
Nice job,fits well with windows vista.

Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 04:33
Thanks for the updated house Arto, and for the new icon set Phan.
(Also thanks to Urne for getting the server!)
Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 05:16
I'm really liking the new icon set, Phan. After over 6-ish (!) years of the old icons, I think a change can only be a good thing, no?
Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 23:17
Nice one! I have the feeling that I just downloaded a next-gen RVHouse

Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 04:16
The latest version crashes on a regular basis for everyone. Fix it as soon as you can.
Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 17:42
where can i get the proper version of RV house, and what should i do to connect to the best rv house server? (Europe, GMT+1)
Posted: 18 Dec 2013, 00:23
Hello Vabi,
The only place to get RV House nowadays is in this website:
If you're european, the best time to join is
7PM GMT approximately.
Don't expect many players. There are around 10-20 users connected every day of the week.
Remember this is a chat+play program, so some people come to play online, others only for chatting. Please don't expect everyone to be playing all the time because this is not the case.
Some new members usually complain about this.
Also, you will have to do 2 things to join multiplayer games:
1 - Open some ports in your Modem-Router. A sampe picture can be found
If you don't do this, your router will block the game when trying to join online games.
2 - Update the game to the newest version available. Patch 1.2 can be found here:
I hope to see you around. We'll be waiting for you.

Posted: 27 Dec 2013, 21:51
RV House has just been working at the background, and then...
Please fix it, Arto.

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 03:16
}!{enR @ Dec 27 2013, 05:21 PM wrote: RV House has just been working at the background, and then...
Please fix it, Arto.
That is KadC crash. This topic has plenty of references on that.
There's really nothing simple I can do, but if you want you can disable P2P connections and it won't happen anymore.
Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 14:50
arto @ Dec 27 2013, 06:46 PM wrote: There's really nothing simple I can do
Not even for 2015?
We can live with it, but a permanent fix would be nice for many people.
Posted: 19 Jan 2014, 22:52
Phantom @ Dec 28 2013, 10:20 AM wrote: arto @ Dec 27 2013, 06:46 PM wrote: There's really nothing simple I can do
Not even for 2015?
We can live with it, but a permanent fix would be nice for many people.
Nothing simple even in 2015, but who knows maybe I get motivated and have time for something complex. You never know.
Perhaps it's best to disable the P2P connection from rvhouse.conf. Then this problem won't happen. We seem to have pretty stable centralized server now.
Posted: 19 Jan 2014, 22:59
arto @ Jan 19 2014, 02:22 PM wrote: Perhaps it's best to disable the P2P connection from rvhouse.conf. Then this problem won't happen. We seem to have pretty stable centralized server now.
You mean disabling it completely by default? P2P is very helpful sometimes, and it's working fine now. The server works fine too, but there are
big shutdowns very often, and people tend to disconnect from it every few minutes and the only way to chat with them is when they are light blue, meaning P2P is the only way we can see some users.
The crashes aren't so big to require an obligatory turn off of the P2P network for everyone. Maybe the best is to wait until you have time and motivation to improve RVHouse.
Posted: 01 Feb 2014, 10:08
Centralized server is down since 31/01.
Who is hosting the central server nowadays? Is it Urne or Arto? or external company?
Thanks god P2P works.
Posted: 03 Feb 2014, 16:57
Phantom @ Feb 1 2014, 05:38 AM wrote: Centralized server is down since 31/01.
Who is hosting the central server nowadays? Is it Urne or Arto? or external company?
Thanks god P2P works.
It's Urne's account, and he has to each month "confirm it's in use" by an e-mail form. I wonder if it has been forgotten to be done?
I'll try to access the server...
Posted: 03 Feb 2014, 17:03
arto @ Feb 3 2014, 12:27 PM wrote: Phantom @ Feb 1 2014, 05:38 AM wrote: Centralized server is down since 31/01.
Who is hosting the central server nowadays? Is it Urne or Arto? or external company?
Thanks god P2P works.
It's Urne's account, and he has to each month "confirm it's in use" by an e-mail form. I wonder if it has been forgotten to be done?
I'll try to access the server...
The VM was for some reason stopped. I started it again, and now it seems to be running okay.
Posted: 15 Feb 2014, 03:25
For those constantly getting an
IP Detected: Failed error in the last week, you can fix it by changing the website that gives you the IP in the RV House Settings file.
Go to your RV House folder, open
conf, and then open
Find a line called
ip_site and change the default address ( by this one:
And you won't get the error anymore!

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 00:53
Arto, know that the server is just down.
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 00:53
Hey arto.
Today I tried join to RVHouse, but it taken a long time, because the server is down again. It's simply a report. Just said

Posted: 03 Mar 2014, 01:20
Thanks for the reports.
The host had been down for some days. Today I checked it, and it was functional again so I restarted RV House server. Should work now again.
Posted: 03 Mar 2014, 03:13
Correct. It works fine again, thank you very much!