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Posted: 11 Apr 2007, 00:20
I'm trying to import a blender model into zmodeler by exporting it as a 3ds file and importing it in. However, zmodeler keeps rejecting the model. The model is currently made of all triangles. I have no idea what is cuasing zmodeler to reject the model at this point, since as far as I know of there are no special effects or even UV mapping, just triangles. I also tried converting it into a raw file first to simplify the model but it was unchanged. Has anyone ever been able to figure this out?

Or how to fix the seemingy random normals my model seems to have? I'll send the blender file to anyone who wants to take a look.

Posted: 15 Apr 2007, 13:57
Why go from Blender to Zmodeler at all?

Use the ASE export script tool for blender along with the RVMod 7 ase to prm tool.

Ase tools for Blender can be found at the link below.