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Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 20:46
So what,s up? I have again removed some cars and tracks and it not still launch. I have tryed to re-install and it says:An error occured in data process-117 and bla bla bla.
Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 16:05
Hey are here anyone?

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 18:33
re_volt @ Mar 26 2007, 11:35 AM wrote: Hey are here anyone?
Only me, and I'm baffled as a budgie by your error.
*insert a picture of baffled budgie here*
Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 18:53
You mite have a bug in your o.s.
Or it could be a virus or a worm.
Do a scan.
Hope you get it to work.
Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 17:08
Well my Anti-Virus did not detect anything.
So what i do?
Posted: 26 Apr 2007, 10:03
Are you sleeping there?!
And that,s why i Re-install Re-Volt because it CRASHES in loading

How long i have been waiting answer?! Count it!
Posted: 04 May 2007, 09:42
Looks like i,m talking to myself here. L-O-L
Well i can always install Re-Volt to another computer
but still help should be needed. A-N-Y-O-N-E H-E-L-P-?
Posted: 04 May 2007, 10:52
I usually avoid posts like this since I doubt I know much in the way of answers, but looking over your first post briefly it occurs to me that you may have had the same problem I had. Did you download a bunch of custom cars, drive some of them, then download some more, at which point Re-Volt started crashing on startup? So you were told that you had too many custom cars so you deleted them but it still crashes? So you reinstalled but it still crashes? Because that's what I did.
If that's the case with you, then here's your problem (which you could find elsewhere on this forum if you searched, but I couldn't tell you where):
Re-Volt saves your previous settings to the Registry. So when you load Re-volt and it has the same car selected that you were using previously, that information was saved to the Re-Volt Registry entry. Now, if you had 20 custom cars and you selected one of those custom cars to race with the last time Re-Volt worked, then you quit the game (saved which car you used last) and downloaded some more. When you started Re-Volt again, it crashed because you had too many custom cars. So you deleted all your custom cars and started again - at which point Re-Volt crashed for a different reason: because the car you used last no longer existed, and it didn't know what to do. So you reinstalled and the problem persists, because the last-used car data is in the Registry.
Solution: Download a Registry editing program (I used RegEditX) and find the Re-Volt entry, then modify the entry which determines which car you used last. Its been quite a while since I did that, so I can't really give you a more detailed explanation than that.
If that's not your problem, I can't help you.

Posted: 05 May 2007, 03:37
sure u heard of it
there is the RRR forum and people talk more there
Posted: 06 May 2007, 05:30
No, the absence of the custom car you used last makes you crash right after you type in your name, not when the game starts.
Having too many custom cars makes the game crash right before it starts loading a race.
The solution for this is to use the TheMe&Me Carfix Copter. The downside to this is that you are limited in what custom cars you can select (some cars become unavailable). The AI can choose those other cars, though.
Don't use the TMMCC if you are racing online, as you can race without it. You would not be able to choose some of your cars, and that would be a bummer if your favorite car happened to be unchoosable.
You can also race in practice mode and in the stunt arena without using the TMMCC.
I think the game crashes due to too many customs because the game has too many cars to choose from and thus crashes. It's like having to choose one of, say, ten hot chicks.

It's too hard of a choice for a certain person, just like it is too hard for Re-Volt to choose just a few of the many RC cars available to it. So, like the person breaks down because of the stress, Re-Volt crashes.
Posted: 14 May 2007, 10:32

But still,thanks
I will try to get it work. I could be so happy if i could even get it work.
Posted: 14 May 2007, 10:46
Hey..........! Let,s go back to start! Again, I tryed to Re-Install Re-Volt. Then during the install appears error message. Then i said "What a &%#/

And only some components where installed! I forgot to tell ya? Or what?
Add:I Cannot even install it to another computer!
Another add

:Can i modify registry directly from Re-Volt disc?
Another add

:Note that Re-Volt crashed when game loaded
frontend when i started game up. (NOT IN RACE LOADING)
Posted: 14 May 2007, 22:17
How exactly are you uninstalling Revolt before you re-install it?
Are you using a legal Revolt CD-ROM to install.
Have you installed other games from a CD-ROM lately that work?
Maybe you Revolt CD-ROM is damaged.
It might help if you give the exact error messages you get.
Posted: 19 May 2007, 13:27
No Re-Volt anymore?
Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I,m dying here.
I cant live without Re-Volt.
Oh well this is the error message:
An error occured during the move data process: -117
Component: Full/cars
File Group:
FIle: E:/revolt/cars/tc6/car.bmp
And.....You can guess the end.
Add:Error appears in 69%
While Installing. And now no components are installed

Posted: 19 May 2007, 21:47
This is what I found on this error:
Click Here
Posted: 20 May 2007, 08:06
re_volt @ May 19 2007, 08:57 AM wrote: ...........
No Re-Volt anymore?
Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I,m dying here.
I cant live without Re-Volt.
Oh well this is the error message:
An error occured during the move data process: -117
Component: Full/cars
File Group:
FIle: E:/revolt/cars/tc6/car.bmp
And.....You can guess the end.
Add:Error appears in 69%
While Installing. And now no components are installed
i bought an extra version of revolt
give me your mailing address in private
and i can mail it to u

Posted: 21 May 2007, 09:38
KK. Error may be that i have too much unnecessary files in same directory.
I have put every thing of junk in the Re-Volt directory.
But i try to fix problem i reply here if i dont get it fixed.

Posted: 22 May 2007, 21:13
I did not get it work but should i use CD in runnning water and then rub it to my shirt
or something? Just to clean it

Posted: 22 May 2007, 22:17
If you can read the disc and all the files on it then you need to follow these basic steps....
1) Remove any previous instalations, even the registry settings (be careful there)
2) Free up as much hard drive space by deleting/removing any old unrequired data/files, back it up on to removable media if your not sure.
3) Run SCANDISK to remove unseen hard drive errors and orphaned files.
4) Defregment your hard drive.
5) Limit the total number of open/running applications.
Then and only after those steps, try and install the game.
If it still ain't happening, then never mind running the disc under water, try your PC while it's still pluged in... But seriously

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 09:45
I have done everything i can
So my Re-Volt disk is damaged
My Re-Volt disc is already so old.
So i understand why he stopped working on me.
Can i get new version somewhere?
I have heard you guys talking about free full
version from Re-Volt. So where can i get it?

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 19:53
12.07 patch included.
Posted: 04 Jun 2007, 10:46
Thanks a lot!!!
Now i can continue living

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 03:10
lol... i dont think i could go long without playing a few races in revolt either
*goes to print out math project*