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Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 23:19
there is a need for a car admin in RVZT. If you'd be willing to do that thing then contact me.
What's into it? It is about approving or rejecting car submissions. It's a definite plus if you know something about creating cars, but not necessary.
If no one suitable wants to do it I will close down new car submissions in few days as I don't have the time to do it.
Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 23:49
Hey Arto
What happened to ManMountain?I thought he was the Car Admin
But since if no one contacts the car submissions will be close and I know how many racers like them,I'm willing to take my chances as a car admin
I know a few things about car making,Messed with the parameters a few times
I still believe that RVZT needs a admin with loads of free time for the track part,as some are un-updated and a few are still RHQ
But I'm contacting you for what we can do
Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 00:03
Thanks Ayl, you got the job.
I don't know what happened to MM but he hasn't been approving the cars for a month and doesn't answer e-mails.
EDIT: I had sent the e-mails to wrong address... whoops.
Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 00:26
I can't answer what I don't receive... ??
Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 19:20
Since MM is back,I'll abbidicate from my position
In all my humblety,I can see that he is much better qualiffied for the car job than me
I dont download custom cars much,so I was only there to fill his hole(because I thought he had left)
So I retract from my position
I can only fit for tracks,since I download all of them
Thanks arto and Hail MM long reign
Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 19:25
Well well,
I will retract this search for new car admins. If MM thinks more people is needed to cope with the submissions then more admins will be searched.
I'll post to this topic if the situation changes.
Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 23:42
cool mm is still car admin
well.......what if mm dies or something?
or what if he gets like in a coma or something?
what shall we do?
well.....i hope we don't need to face that fact of destination any time soon...but if so...i will like to help...if mm dies i sure don't want re-volt to die
and mm
plz don't kill yourself just to make me happy
i think mm is preaty cool

Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 04:00
Yes, please don't be a kind person ManMountain.
Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 22:52
Filipe Monteiro
In case of anyhing, u can contact me. I could be the _______ admin
Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 16:39