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Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 03:34
Someone gets this error running Re-volt under Vista:
DDERR-INVALIDPARAMS can't flip display buffers
Anyone know what this error means and how to fix it?
Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 22:10
Well error message seems speaking something about parameters but does he run it in
Compatibility mode for Windows 95 or 98? I know Vista has still got it.

Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 23:23
if you may know.,people talk about this: "revolt doesnt work in vista!!!"....ofcourse vista has just been released.,it may talk some time before it is made compatible with the old games(revolt aint no old game!lol)...i like MS and so i believe they revolt can work on vista and if it doesnt it will in another year...just patience(besides,right now it is a huge memory eater.,so better to wait an year,note the progree,and ofcourse then buy it

Posted: 25 Feb 2007, 09:53
lol there's tons of Vista ads at the bottom. Like get a free Vista pack free, except the offer ends today. And you don't even know when "today" was when the ad was made.
click here and knock yourself out if you want to.
Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 01:52
In Vista, use Windows 98 compatibility mode and add the command line parameter -sli (for example, revolt.exe -sli) to your shortcut. Works just fine for me.