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Posted: 08 Feb 2007, 02:55
I want a larger trak make so that I no longer the report: you do not have enough memory to this trak
remove some models and try again,
get and so that I more pickups in the trak can
set and is the possible more models in revolr trak editor to set?
ps. as there someone here is that dutch can then eager explanation in the dutch
I am not so good in engels
Posted: 08 Feb 2007, 03:14
Hi and welcome to Our Revolt Pub
Glad you finally joined us here
The only way to place more pickups than the editor will allow is to use the MAKEITGOOD name cheat and the Objects edit mode.
To add more track pieces than the track editor will allow, again use the MAKEITGOOD name cheat and the Instance edit mode.
For basic understanding and use of the MAKITGOOD edit modes go to :
Makeitgood Menu at RVA
Any assistance from Dutch speaking members would really help, thanks.

Posted: 10 Feb 2007, 21:26
ok that is no easy way
is look its well clear sites
I or look can work with 3d max
Posted: 21 Dec 2007, 21:39
but in max you cannot put pickups and is hard to edit tracks,use makeitgood,is the simple way,or use rv-glue,but with this you need capacity of commands,or training.
rv-glue allows to copy and paste the favorite parts of a track,ex:the freezer of supermarket,the double way of museum,and other.and paste in you custom track,
Download my track:Rv-Glue 2
This is a combination of lego,lego extreme,and extreme.
And hi to our revolt pub and RVZT

Posted: 24 Dec 2007, 00:36
dude, just go all out on the track, and then go into MAKEITGOOD and add the pickups.