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Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 21:20
Just wanted to put some feelers out about the need for a revised RVA. I have plans in place for a new revised RVA that would include everything you ever wanted on a "one stop shop".
Now with this I will need the commitment from several of the community members to assist me in bringing the site up and getting the content added. Once it is up there will an uploads section that registered users can upload their creations without having to submit them via email...etc.
What I plan on including in the site are the following:
Cars section
Tracks section
Tools section
Wallpapers section
Can you think of any additional content we may want or need?
As the new site develops I will include some specifics about each page.

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 21:31
We really need some kind of mutaul continuity here, as this is on the same lines as what ADX is trying to promote with his Community Project.
The Tools section, would that include a Tutorial's section or would that have it's own ?
How do you plan on hosting all the content and new uploads ? as the fileplanet process that is in current use at RVA is a bit annoying.
Otherwise, my bitching aside, I think it would be a good idea.

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 21:33
Any chance of an 'Archive' section; starting with the old Racers Point forum pages, or, at least, those that may be helpful for car/track makers?
Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 21:43
yes, the old Racer's Point forum topics on car and track making
should be placed online again. I believe DSL_tile has these
webpages backed-up, but has no time to edit them into a new form.
Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 21:44
Needs an individual section for Prms and kits. Maybe if you're feeling crazy, one for each.
Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 22:53
Actually after I posted I realized that I needed to add a tutorials section as will be stand alone.
As for kits/prms...etc that will be included under the tracks page or if related to cars then the cars page...
An archive section would work fine for me...would have to work on setting up a way for them to be dispayed properly.
As for hosting...I am looking into that now...I don't want sportplanet or anywhere you have to register...will look into stand alone servers so I can have freedom from adds and all that...gotta check pricing though...
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 00:22
scloink @ Jan 26 2007, 06:23 PM wrote:An archive section would work fine for me...would have to work on setting up a way for them to be dispayed properly.
As for hosting...I am looking into that now...I don't want sportplanet or anywhere you have to register...will look into stand alone servers so I can have freedom from adds and all that...gotta check pricing though...
If we as a community are serious about being a mutual collective (No! I won't assimilate you), maybe we could all, or at least several of us, offer a moderate contribution if the hosting deal is right.
I'm currently paying around $40.00/£23.00 per year for my site which includes add free and 200mb of storage space. Probably not the best deal around but thats my basic offering to the Re-Volt community.
How much would we be talking about ?
As to the Re-Volt Downloads/Racer's Point archives, DSL does still have them, about 1.5GB of data, he says it needs to be attached to it's domain name to be radable, I think, not sure on that.
But that is a lot of data to hold and/or transfer over. Would deffinately be great if we could at least browse through some of the creation and technical topics.
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 00:53
As for the hosting...I am not too concerned about the cost. I will take care of that as I will use some of it for personal use. I have found several solutions that provide what I need for around $60 a year.
I am sure that if someone whated to take the time to break down the pages DSL has and then reformat them we could incorporate them...unless we want to preserve the look of the originals. Maybe, if we could acquire the domain and all that we could set it up as a seperate site on the server I am getting but make it read only...I don't know...any ideas?
Also...does anyone know who the current owner of the RVA domain is? Is it still DSL? If so I would like to take it back over so I can manage it properly.
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 00:58
I believe it's still DSL, I know he gave certain admin rights to Skitch2 a year or so ago.
Have you not talked to DSL on mIRC yet ?
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 01:11
Not about this...I am at work right now and cannot access mIRC. I will talk to him when I get home about it all.
MM...I will also be looking for assistance in managing the site and getting content added...would you be interested? Once the site is up it won't require a lot of management on our end...the implementation will be the hardest part.
Just let me know...
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 05:48
What ever you need, just ask.
As long as that's OK with everyone else that is.

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 23:23
This looks really good
I just want to promote that.
Great if also RVA gets updated
I'm working now in the Community Project, but I think there are a lot of things to do here, so, will take me a long time. However, I'll get you all informed
Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 09:14
Partial to SMF forums myself... I'm an admin for the following two sites, and it's we use...
My personal site will be using it as well eventually...
I am spread pretty thin with the three sites right now, but I could help out once it awhile.
Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 02:38
Just an update here...hehe...I have not forgotten or trashed this idea. I am still working on the design but work has taken on a crazy persona and is keeping me from my fun and games. As soon as I get things back to normal here so I have time to play I will be back on this like white on rice...
Hang in there...

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 06:06
I'd like to help (schools starting soon though)

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 08:40
Hey, I already started a website like this. The main system is complete, yet I still need to add several key features. I am working out a system with RST now, as to allowing people to upload .exe track files. The website verifies these files, and if they are legit, the website posts them. No need for an admin. Please, take a look, and tell me what you think. Thanks,
ZackAttackGames - ReVolt
P.S. - Everything on that website (except for a part of the calendar) has been programmed by me, from scratch.
Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 18:22
Iron Bob
Nice site Zach
If you want, you have my permission to post any of my cars there. You can just get them from RVZT.
Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 19:54
The site is amazing dood. thats how i would have envisaged a Re-Volt Site, nice work. Just don't let rst have anything to do with it and it'll be ace.
Where has scloink gone????
Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 21:15
The Philippines, last time I talked to him.
Posted: 23 Aug 2007, 23:35
RST will have no control over the website. I just asked him to allow the site to verify his .exe files to automatically upload new tracks. His programs are nice, but he gets on my nerves.

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 02:21
without having the time to read all the posts, id suggest that whatever comes out of this (which would be good) may include this forum as their own and would then include a webmaster scloink as admin scloink.
cause a otherwise we'd have another forum, and i dont think more forums is what we need really.
i encourage you in everything you might do tho, scloink.
Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 20:03
Well, I sure hope that they have everything hosted on Fileplanet, because I don't trust all those classic files lasting forever. There is much stuff there that hasn't been put anywhere else.