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Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 05:33
whose side are you on in this intense debate?
read this:
APM and Manmountain Debate
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:06
You should have made this a poll.
I'm on my side, of course.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:08
I'm on the side of logic, reason, and good taste.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:11
polls are too confusing to me

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:11
Great! You're on my side! So we can stop quarreling like 7-year-olds!

I'm so glad that it's over, now we can get on with our drivel-ridden lives!

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:18
I'm sorry, I can't come down to your level (7 year olds), I like to discuss my debate like proper adults do.
Maybe when your old enough, you can present your appology in the proper manner, OK little girl ?

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:21
Manmountain @ Jan 24 2007, 06:48 PM wrote: I'm sorry, I can't come down to your level (7 year olds), I like to discuss my debate like proper adults do.
Maybe when your old enough, you can present your appology in the proper manner, OK little girl ?
LOL you contradict yourself so much right there! You actually made me laugh this time, instead of insulting me!
Or maybe calling a 12-year-old boy a 7-year-old girl is indeed debating maturely!

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:29
You are so imature that you don't even realise when your being extra insulted.
HA! HA! what a plonker you really are.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:32
OK, why did that comeback actually suck?

It didn't make me laugh, nor make me feel insulted.

Perhaps you should think about a decent comeback the next time you post something meant to degrade me.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:43
OK little girl, next time, he he

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:45
You can find the intelligence in you to make a good comeback! Try again! You'll get it eventually! I have total confidence in your ability!

Come on, everybody, cheer for ManMountain!

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:48


Go on dude!

Let him have it.... he's just asking for it.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:49
Iron Bob
This is getting old and tiring. Get over it, both of you.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 06:51
Manmountain @ Jan 24 2007, 07:18 PM wrote:

Go on dude!

Let him have it.... he's just asking for it.
If you're cheering for yourself to make a good comeback, why don't you
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:04
Iron Bob @ Jan 25 2007, 02:19 AM wrote:This is getting old and tiring. Get over it, both of you.
I'm over it.
APM @ Jan 25 2007, 02:21 AM wrote:If you're cheering for yourself to make a good comeback, why don't you MAKE YOUR GOOD COMEBACK ALREADY?!?!?!
I already did little girl.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:15
Manmountain @ Jan 24 2007, 07:34 PM wrote:Iron Bob @ Jan 25 2007, 02:19 AM wrote:This is getting old and tiring. Get over it, both of you.
I'm over it.

If you were over it, then you wouldn't be calling me a little girl.
Manmountain @ Jan 24 2007, 07:34 PM wrote:APM @ Jan 25 2007, 02:21 AM wrote:If you're cheering for yourself to make a good comeback, why don't you MAKE YOUR GOOD COMEBACK ALREADY?!?!?!
I already did little girl.
Here are just some of the many dictionary definitions of
1) Satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.
2) Of high quality; excellent.
3) Honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good name.
4) Educated and refined: She has a good background.
5) Sound or valid: good judgment; good reasons.
6) Not spoiled or tainted; edible; palatable: The meat was still good after three months in the freezer.
7) Sufficient or ample: a good supply
8) Advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing.
9) Competent or skillful; clever: a good manager; good at arithmetic.
10) Skillfully or expertly done: a really good job; a good play.
11) Comparatively new or of relatively fine quality: Don't play in the mud in your good clothes.
12) Fairly large or great: a good amount.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:23
Stop screwing around with my account, ManMountain.
What a misuse of administrative privaledges.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:28
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:45
There there now little girl, don't cry.
It'll be all over soon.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 08:03
ROFL! Seriously. The immature comments are getting out of hand. Both of you are acting almost the same here. Neither of you like an adult. APM, as we all know, has made quite a few provocative comments, and was banned for these actions. Although, I don't really appreciate the continuance of this little fued in the community forums. It is best kept among yourselves. PM eachother or something, don't waste board space. I do think that APM's new member group or whatever is funny, it shouldn't be posted everywhere on the forum. APM, I must side with ManMountain when you keep dragging everything out. Get over it. But I do believe ManMountain has been almost as immature since he won't end it either. However, I don't think he was abusing any of his privilages. Maybe you two can make your own subforum or something, and we can just watch it, instead of posting everywhere else. Those were my 2 cents. Later,
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 08:13
Sorry Zach, sorry to all.
This was just jovial banter on my side to prove how APM's posts can get totally off topic, I was willing to carry on all night, but it's obvious I must have upset the little girl. I'll buy her some candy to keep her sweet.
This Topic will be removed in the next day or so.
And if
Alexandra doesn't learn, so will she.

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 08:19
There you go with the little girl thing again. Another simple solution would require an email from you to APM. Something simple like:
APM, This conversation is over and any further posts you make related to this topic in any way will result in an immediate banning from this forum.
Your end result probably shouldn't be as harsh this time, but if he does it again, it should be over. Just a little idea. Later,
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 08:34
You seem not to be getting it Zach.
I have been obviously imature in my responses, mainly as a joke, to give humor to all.
And, the easiest way to demean someones proud masculinity, is to call them a little girl, if you can add a little girl's name all the better.
If you feel that APM could use some forum guidance, that I shall put you in charge of his posts, that is, if you don't keep him in line then I shall ban you, how does that sound ? a good idea or not ?
I have given him chance after chance and even communicated personally the proper way to act and respond on the forum, but he still won't learn.
So now I will just have a bit of fun at his expense.
I can only assume he out stayed his welcome over at Runescape, that's why he's back here.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 08:52
Ok, Now I understand. If you have already warned him personally, then he should be banned again. I guess in the country where you live, calling someone a little girl would be offensive, but here in the US, it's a little more on the stupid side. There aren't really many people that take offense to it, people just move on. Anyways, I hope this problem is solved soon, it's getting annoying. Later,
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 10:58
Restricted Freedom 3
I will
try not to lose my cool. A
very hard thing to do. Please applaud me when I have finished.
I would like to bring
truth and
justice to APM's case, whether what we say is
inane drivel or a
barrel of monkey crap.
ManMountain has been
misusing his administrative privileges for his own
personal gain. It all started when Revolt Kid, a devoted follower of APM, mentioned about ManMountain's
banning APM. As a result, ManMountain became
agitated. He gave APM's rights back the next day so he could
use his behavior as a
justification for the banning. It was like setting a healed bird
free just to
shoot it down again.
However, the wise APM had
learned from the last incident that ManMountain could basically take
bird poop and turn it into a
jail cell. So he
did not say anything offensive that ManMountain could use.
failure in the plot caused ManMountain to become
very angry. He
had to be right, no matter what. So he
instigated a conflict. APM played along, forgetting to tolerate ManMountain's
insults. It all seemed fine until APM clearly
gained the upper hand in the conflict.
ManMountain was absolutely
infuriated. With
anger and
spite clouding his sense, he
misused his administrative privileges to continue the battle of wits, which hereby turned into a battle of the
better-equipped. ManMountain, having powers that APM did not,
insulted APM by changing his signature into
humiliating text, directly quoted from the Interests section which ManMountain had also
At this, APM used his wits to simply go and change everything back.
However, with his
administrative powers, ManMountain attempted to
smite APM's access to the interests and signature by blocking access to the control panel.
But, of course, APM's knowledge helped him overcome this limitation. He simply returned to the signature and interests page and bookmarked them.
Seeing that his tactic had not worked, ManMountain wizened up, or, rather,
intelligent-ed up, and directly restricted access to the interests page. However, from there, there seems to be trouble restricting the signature page. Finally, ManMountain attempted to make APM's signature as
humiliating as possible, and restricted the entire account. Unfortunately, APM was not quick enough to smite this last attempt and it is still in his signature:
I am a little girl and proud of it.
I like playing with Doll's and skipping.
Now leave me alone.
Although it is no longer under the control of ManMountain to change it back, his "title",
7 year old little GIRL!
, is
able to be changed.
deleted and
destroyed all evidence that he instigated anything through the
misuse of his administrative
privaledges. He also deleted the post about the bet about APM acting inappropriately.
Now poor Zackary is being decepted by ManMountain. He
did not warn APM about anything, as none of this was planned.
act now. Change the title back, or it is clear that
you do not want this to be stopped. In other words, your actions will remain
unjustified, clearly
acts of greed.
Peace out,
Restricted Freedom
PS I have enough humor to say that I would probably make a good lawyer, wouldn't I?
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 20:12
I believe truly that ManMountain is the best example of a british power hungry queer
I think APM is fun,I like reading his topics
And since I really dont like ManMountain Well,My support goes to APM
And Yet,Using Adminstration powers to change someone signature is just a sign of imature behavior
That's my point,I'm quite sure you cannot win me in a equal debate Ms. WoManMountain
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 20:50
This is a true battle of giants, I do not dare to choose a side! That means also, APM, that I can not join the top secret guerrilla group you are organizing from your underground bunker. I'm going into a hiding place until the revolution is over or the dissidents are hanging by their necks!
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 21:53
That's a tiny bit of an exageration, arto, but I get your point.

Rebellion's off!!!

Anyways, I have a lawyer.

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 03:17
lol, an email from APM:
Please help me! ManMountain is misusing his administrative privaledges and
hacking into my account! All I know that he has changed is my Interests and
my signature, to girly stuff. Wouldn't you be humiliated if that happened to
You may be wondering why I could possibly be calling on you to help. What
could you possibly do? Please do the following things:
1) Forward this to as many other people as possible.
2) Give me TheMe&Me's e-mail if you have it. My e-mail is TheMe&Me is the only administrator besides
ManMountain, therefore he is the only person who can make a major difference
all by himself.
3) If possible, try to stir up a rebellion! Although we cannot overthrow
ManMountain, we can desert his forum. We will hide out in my website until
he comes to his senses or is overthrown by TheMe&Me. My website is
Don't be afraid, comrades! He may mock or disgrace you if you try to help
your friend in need, but who will laugh with him? If nobody is there at the
forum, nobody will laugh! And I don't know who would be mean enough to
laugh, anyways.
In advance, I'd like to thank you all for helping me out!
Long live Re-Volt!
Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 03:27
Aylown @ Jan 25 2007, 03:42 PM wrote:I believe truly that ManMountain is the best example of a british power hungry queer
I think APM is fun,I like reading his topicsĀ
And since I really dont like ManMountain Well,My support goes to APM
And Yet,Using Adminstration powers to change someone signature is just a sign of imature behavior
That's my point,I'm quite sure you cannot win me in a equal debate Ms. WoManMountain
HELLO ! where did that come from ?
Have I done some real evil deed to you ?
Power Hungry ? you confuse me with other Forum administrators maybe ?:wacko:
I already admitted I was being obviously imature, and nothing I said was malicious in anyway.
All my responses were to provoke APM in to biting back, and it worked, but it was all a harmless joke, as far as I was concerned.
I notice that Restricted Freedom made another appearance.
Some of you need to liten up, and some of you need to appreciate a bit of harmless fun.
As it stands at the moment, I am still in a good mood and I will rectify APM's member description, but I do not wish to see comments like those of Aylown, deffinately not called for.
This topic shall be removed Sunday. post comments and get it out of your system, OK ?
Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 08:56
So you admit that you were trying to provoke me? That's one step into truth.
But, still, you claim that it was all a joke. I seriously don't believe that, if it was indeed a joke, that we would have gotten to this point.

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 21:15
What point ? where would you like it to reach ?
Alex, you need to seriously grow up.
Yes, I was provoking you, to prove how far you would go with your inane drivel.
As soon as anyone challenges you or points out your input is wrong or not welcomed, you bring out the "EVERY BODY HATE'S ME" line, to bring attention and focus on yourself, to try and gain sympathy.
No one hate's you (YET), we, or at least I, would like you to be more mature in your posts and input, you sometimes post statements that are obvious which makes you look like and idiot, and you know your not.
Think before you post. There are no major rules or restrictions here (unlike some other forums), but you seem to push the limits of respectable behavour.
The main focus at the moment is the Community Project, trying to establish a reliable central place for everything that is Re-Volt for all current a future members. Do you see yourself as an active welcomed participant within this community or something else ?
I think I've given you enough attention from both ends of the repectful scale, please make a choice so I know where you stand and how I should deal with you, OK ?
Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 21:20
This is now the best topic i have ever read lol. Manmountain, you are just the coolest dood ever lol. Plese dont stop as I enjoy comming here to read this daily!
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 06:13
People act different when provoked or angered.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't start drooling all over the place.
But when someone drools on me, I drool back.
I this case, you were trying to provoke me by drooling on me.
It is not only how far I would take it, but how far you would take it.
Had you stopped earlier, I would have also stopped. And you probably would have stopped earlier had this been a joke. You wouldn't have been trying to get the upper hand. You wouldn't have been messing with my account.
Like Restricted Freedom said, you were unprepared for my behavior. So you had to provoke me, and now you're covering it all up with lies.
For the other members, those lies may make up a solid rock, but they're nothing but panes of glass in my eyes.
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 06:23
And why can I only reply in this forum, nowhere else?!?!?!
I'll just post what I want to say here.
RE: Rrr Forum Is Stupid, stupid site setup
Give me the Pub rules so I can scrutinize them! And don't you DARE change them just for me!
I know what you can do here at InvisionFree. Gimme the rules that you put in for each forum NOW.
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 06:37
Manmountain @ Jan 26 2007, 04:45 PM wrote: I think I've given you enough attention from both ends of the repectful scale, please make a choice so I know where you stand and how I should deal with you, OK ?
You are restricted to the Outside the pub forum because I personally don't see that you can offer any positive or respectful comments in the other sections. Please prove me wrong!
Why do you insist on quoting Restricted Freedom as though they were an independant person that has nothing to do with you ? You are Restricted Freedom.
Do you suffer from a mental ilness or psychological problem that makes you react with you knowing ? If so, I am really sorry and please forgive me for being so missunderstanding.
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 07:19
Just because he visits my house and uses the computer at my house, that doesn't mean that he is me!
Don't jump to conclusions!
And if you want me to prove you wrong, them gimme access to the other forums. Try it for a day, a week, or maybe even a month. You'll see that I can prove you wrong.
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 07:22
NO, you prove that any posts you make here are worthy of being read, and not just a load of inane drivel.
Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 10:35
Right back atcha, Mr. ManMountain.
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 01:47
Hey all, I just wanted to tell you that APM made his own
forum. No,
it's not an alternative forum to Our Re-Volt Pub. It's just another
meant to co-exist alongside this and other forums. I dunno his exact
for making another forum, but he said it was so that he could be the
Very greedy! Still, he does pledge to bring peace, justice,
etc., etc. to his new forum.
He's named his forum Re-Volt Hideout, or RVHO for short. Maybe, just
you should slip on over there and make your own account.
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 02:12
revoltkid @ Jan 27 2007, 09:17 PM wrote:Maybe, just
you should slip on over there and make your own account.
Yeah, maybe... then again, maybe not eh ?
To maintain continuity within the community we do not need more forums, especially ones that wont really have the best interests of Re-Volt in mind, but more of a basic bitching platform. Not really a good advert, is it ?
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 05:04
Thank you, revoltkid. You're a really great dude.
But you left out that the forum's best interests are in Re-Volt.
Perhaps you should work on your advertising skills.
*jumps off the Empire State building repeatedly without dieing*
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 08:04
a little harsh arn't you?
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 08:54
Sorry, it just absolutely KILLS me.
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 13:03
Well...I am going to add my 2 cents in here.
MM and everyone else...I know that in the past he may have posted some inane drivel as you like to say...but let me say this...he is 12 years old. Don't tell a 12 year old to grow takes years for them to do that not a post from the admin. Also keep in mind that this is a kids game that us old timers like to play...we are in his world...expect some immaturaty from a some of the members. I am sure in his mind the things he was saying were either funny or easy to understand...he didn't mean harm from it.
APM...don't stop being a kid but listen to what some of the people are saying here. You may want to take the time to look over your posts before you actually click the button. Try to think like your parents would or a friend and ask yourself...would this offend me if I wasn't the one posting it? Does it make sense for me to say this? etc...You seem like a very intelligent kid and you may think that some of your quips are funny but obviously they aren't always that way.
Anyway, I see some things going on here just what went on in RP forum years back...young racers sometimes making nonsense because they are kids. Old racers getting their feathers ruffled and running around squaking. This community is small and fragile and we should embrace all that are here including their differences. Applaud any input and effort made toward this game.
MM...don't delete this may close it so that none can reply but deleting it is like removing a serious debate from the archives of a community. We need this to stay to teach us all a lesson and allow us to move forward. If we continue to look back on what people have done wrong we will never move forward to a better place...MM, as admin of the site you hold in your power special abilities not to be abused. To you it was harmless fun...just like to APM what he did was harmless as well but you see that in the end neither of you were right. People in power have to maintain a certain tolerance level that ordinary people don't. Keep that in mind...
Ok now...I am off my soapbox.

Peace between all members. We need this community to stay intact with all members to keep this game alive.

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 15:19
Good to have ya back scloink! I still race down to the bottom of the slope in toyworl X and look apon your splatted remains on the wall with fond memories lol. Maybe I can add some new crash sites in my new upcomming tracks in your honour?
PS APM gets on my nerves also and can be hurtfull in his comments. I remember when i was 12 (yes.. I can!!!) and i was taught respect from my elders so I am sorry but I have no time for his kiddie behavour. This community has been inundated with some strange younger types lately who are more interested with spitting out negitive comments and critisism than getting on with creating content and enjoying the game, this i can't tollerate. Anyway Back to max for me.....
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 17:13
OK, point taken, I will not remove this topic but rather close it as suggested, this will happen last thing tonight : Sunday 28/01/07.
But please note, as a father of 5 children, my youngest being 15 years old, I know when a 12 year old is overstepping the mark becuase they think they can get away with it as they did when they were younger and obviously cuter.
Also, there has been several younger mebers here within the last few years, and only APM has sparked more than a little attention, and not just here.
It takes a wise man to see the good in all people, but it takes a bit of knowledge and experience in the child psyche to see when your being played.
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 23:02
Don't take me wrong, but see all of us as equal.
12, 21, 210, whatever age, we are all equal.
Admin, Member, Pain in the ...., regardless of respect and power, we're all equal.
Now you are prepared to hear my simple response to all of this.
I know I may be sounding like a 7 y.o., but look back through time.
Had you not been out to prove that I was an obnoxious parasite, none of this would have happened.
You mentioned that you were the father of 5. Would you be verbally attacking them because they made a bad choice a few weeks ago? I do not think so. Otherwise you are a very bad dad.
Well, keep that in mind. Quite simply that you started it.
Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 04:57
hahahahahaha I was kidding mr Mountain
I thought that APM would be ganged up so I wanted to flame this discussion up by siding with him
All kidding aside now,this is fun as hell
All Hail Restricted Freedom(Who the heck is this dude?)

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 05:32
APM @ Jan 28 2007, 06:32 PM wrote:Now you are prepared to hear my simple response to all of this.
Hmm ?? I don't think so.
But I can sure finish it.......