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Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 19:18
I was doing a basic search for wallpapers from Cars the movie when I noticed a familier site. Wallpapers from revolt. Some from me and some from the others around. Out of curiosity I clicked on one of the links and low and behold...RVA!!!! I started sifting through the still working links and was immediately transported back 6 or 7 years ago when RVA was starting out.
Anyway, to make a long story short I have been showing everyone I work with RVA and it's links. This site and all that I could get to. I indulged them with rivoting tales of epic races, long nights staring at MAX, and chatting it up with Skitch, Antimorph, SuperTard, The Me and Me, and the rest of the gang over mIRC. Those were some of the best times I can remember, we had a good family and to my amazement it seems that it still is here.
I still play Re-Volt and thouroughly enjoy racing on all the tracks with all the cars that people have poured a lot of sweat and booze (well me anyway...LOL) into . I hope that some of you will remember me and reply to this. Would love to hear from you guys.
Take care and keep the fire alive...
Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 22:11
Great to hear from you, and know that you still have an interest
I'm still thinking of that proposed track 'Something Completely Different'!
The Integra R2 and Solara are still among my regular drives. Remember my 'Test .bmp track', that you complained about? 'Disraeli' is the 'normal' version of it - it's available at RVZT, give it a try!
Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 22:20
Hi scloink, and all! Hope you remember me.
I'm feeling just like you do, scloink, cuz I was just surfing around to find out Re-Volt community still alive. It's wonderful, and I'm sorry not to have been there.
Well I'm currently having trouble with my PC, and re-installing things. That's why I'm searching for Re-Volt stuff again, but my PC still doesn't run Re-Volt well.., maybe I need a new graphic card...
When things are done, maybe I'll try to make a track again...
See you later!
Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 03:43
YO! Yo guys.
Welcome back to the RV community, your creations and input from ages gone by are topics of conversation, glad you found the time to drop in.
I would surely like to see some new creations from you both.
Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 12:21
Iron Bob
scloink, Damn nice to hear from you again. Hope you've been good(hehe, yea right). J/K Hope to see more of you around here.
Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:19
Good to see you again scloink and yamada!
Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 14:20
Ahh I knew you wouldnt stay away forever my ole chums!!!
Nice to hear from you both and yes we still are working with passion and all the added malarky so pop in from time to time and download all me tracks lol.
Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 17:48
Hehe...this is awesome. It is good to hear from you is funny how a little game can make such a difference in peoples lives. I can attribute my current job to the things I learned while playing around with this game even though I am in management now I started out using the skills I learned managing RVA, creating graphics and all that.
Throw that in with the friendships I have made, all be it over the net with all you guys. I have fond memories of sitting up late drinking Becks Dark and quoting Monty Python with Skitch and Antimorph...spewing beer sometimes on the monitor due to my inability to hold in my laughter. I also remember the very serious discussions with everyone on track editing, car creation, site content, and peronal beliefs. I can't begin to name all that I remember but I remember all of you...GWC, Yamada, Arto, Manmountain, Triple6s, Laserbeams, Spaceman, Ali, Gibbler, Cybinary, on and on and on and on...hehe...
Anyway, rest assured that now I have found you guys again I will be by here quite often. Is there still a chat room you guys frequent? I would like to pop in and see what is up with the crowd. Also I am itching to go at Max again...been a while...but I am already conjuring up images of tracks and cars that I need to get out...hehe. Maybe...time willing you will see something from me sometime in the future...
Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 22:45
Great scloink!
Happy to see you here!!
Posted: 21 Jan 2007, 11:32
duh.. stop in to #revolt-chat on austnet someday..
keep on keepin' on
and dont forget to BOOGIE!!!!! ^_~
Posted: 21 Jan 2007, 13:41
hi scloink
i am a noob but none of the guys here told you that we have a program called RV-house made by arto.
its a chat/play program and everyone is there everyday.
so go to , download and play !!
Posted: 21 Jan 2007, 15:06
Good to see ya still alive & kicking scloink :-)
and every one else too..
as SuPeRTaRD says we are still at #Revolt-chat austnet
and Skitch2 has his own site too >
Cheers & Beers
KiLRoY out (old alias DoNGaTRoN)
Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 19:17
dear lordy, it's the scloink!
how you doin ol chap?
as you might have noticed from the absence of posts from me in here lately, Ive been rather busy with real-life...
i hope youre good and enjoyed what came out of that The Keep mesh you sent me ages ago.
man, old times.
btw, it brought a tear to my eye to see our name mentioned in your initial post dude.